# [![](docs/images/sweaglelogo.png){height="200"}](https://sweagle.com/) # A quality gate for your configuration data. SWEAGLE is a SaaS or On-Premise platform for managing, consolidating & continuously validating all kinds of configuration data which is crucial to your CI/CD pipeline.  This plugin allows for uploading config data into SWEAGLE so it can be versioned, validated, and made consumable in many different formats.   More info about SWEAGLE can be found at .    For more information about the SWEAGLE API, register for an account at [https://support.sweagle.expert](https://support.sweagle.expert/). The SWEAGLE plugin for Jenkins supports Jenkins Pipeline.  See an example pipeline script here: ![](docs/images/image2019-7-16_13-32-56.png){width="450"}![](docs/images/image2019-7-16_13-35-1.png){width="450"} The plugin supports 4 types of Jenkins build steps for stages of a config data lifecycle.  ## Upload --\> Validate --\> Snapshot --\> Export Global Config ![](docs/images/globalConfigure.png){width="790"} | | | |--------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SWEAGLE API Key | API key from API type user with appropriate permissions required for automating SWEAGLE tasks | | SWEAGLE Tenant URL | SaaS or On-Premise URL of your SWEAGLE instance | All actions have an Action Name parameter and a Show API responses parameter that provide more context for the action in the Jenkins console log.   | | | |-----------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Action Name | Give each action a descriptive name to precede the job's output in the console.  | | Show API Responses in Console Log | If checked, SWEAGLE REST API responses will be displayed in the job console.  | ## Upload Build Step [![upload](https://github.com/jenkinsci/sweagle-plugin/raw/master/screenshots/upload.png){width="790"}](https://github.com/jenkinsci/sweagle-plugin/blob/master/screenshots/upload.png) [TABLE] ## Validate Build Step ![](docs/images/image2019-7-16_15-51-57.png){width="790"} [TABLE] ## Snapshot Build Step [![snapshot](https://github.com/jenkinsci/sweagle-plugin/raw/master/screenshots/snapshot.png){width="790"}](https://github.com/jenkinsci/sweagle-plugin/blob/master/screenshots/snapshot.png) | | | |------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MDS Name | Exact name of pending metadata set for which the snapshot should be taken | | Description | Description of the snapshot | | Tag | A single string as TAG for that snapshot - cannot contain spaces but can utilize Jenkins variable4s ex "release1.2.${BUILD\_ID}" | | Fail Build on Snapshot | If the snapshot should fail for any reason, fail the build. | ## Get Config Build Step ![](docs/images/image2019-7-16_10-51-15.png){width="790"} | | | |---------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MDS Name | The stored Metadata set to use for retrieving the config data. | | File Location | The location and filename in the Jenkins workspace to save the retrieved config data. | | Exporter | The SWEAGLE exporter to use when retrieving the config data. |