This plugin send jenkins logs to syslog. # Description The Jenkins Syslog Logger Plugin send the Jenkins logs to a Syslog Server. Features: - Network protocol:  - UDP is currently the only supported network protocol.  - TCP ([RFC 6587: Transmission of Syslog Messages over TCP]( - Message delimitation is done with "\\r\\n" (aka "3.4.2. Non-Transparent-Framing"). Delimitation indicating the message size (aka "3.4.1. Octet Counting") is not implemented for the moment. - TCP + SSL ([RFC 5425: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Mapping for Syslog]( - The certificate of the Syslog server must be trusted by the JVM, no mechanism has been implemented for the moment to provide a specific trust store and/or to disable certificate validation. - Client Authentication is not supported for the moment. - Message format: both [RFC 3164: The BSD syslog Protocol]( and [RFC 5424: The Syslog Protocol]( are supported . # Configuration The Jenkins Syslog Logger Plugin can be configured in the "Configure System" screen. ## Basic Configuration ![](docs/images/jenkins-syslog-logger-basic-configuration.png) ## Advanced Configuration ![](docs/images/jenkins-syslog-logger-advanced-configuration.png) # Changelog ### Version 1.0.5 (Nov 10, 2015) - Fix [JENKINS-31189]( Add setters on configuration for Groovy scripting ### Version 1.0.4 (Apr 16, 2015) - Fix [JENKINS-27959]( - define UDP as the default transport ### Version 1.0.3 (Feb 25, 2015) - Upgrade [syslog-java-client]( to version [1.0.5]( for bug fixes ### Version 1.0.2 (Sept 28, 2014) - Add support for new Syslog transports: TCP and TCP + SSL ### Version 1.0.1 (Apr 15, 2014) - Fix "Infinite loop in java.util.logging when logging is enabled on UdpSyslogMessageSender" ### Version 1.0.0 (Apr 7, 2014) - Initial version