#### Developed By [https://www.esailors.de/en/](http://web.archive.org/web/20160312065402/http://www.esailors.de/en/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This plugin adds historical information about the stability of tests - i.e. the percentage how often they failed. ## Version 2.x The plugin now implements newer APIs which allow it to work with Pipeline builds. The version has been bumped to 2.x because the test-stability plugin now requires Jenkins Core 1.596 (instead of 1.480) and no longer supports the old *Additional test report features (fixed)* workaround. ## Configuration ### Global Configure the maximal history length (default is 30) ![](docs/images/test-stability-global-config.PNG) ### Per-Job Enable the *Additional test report features*. ###### **For Jenkins \< 1.530 only!** *(Plugin version 1.0 only)* Note that for maven jobs you must use the *Additional test report features (fixed)* as the built-in Jenkins one is broken up until Jenkins 1.529. ![](docs/images/test-stability-maven-config.PNG) ## Pipeline usage *(Plugin version 2.x or later)* Instead of using this in your Jenkinsfile to collect test results: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre junit '**/*.xml' ``` you should use this: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre junit testResults: '**/*.xml', testDataPublishers: [[$class: 'StabilityTestDataPublisher']] ``` ## Test health Example test result: ![](docs/images/test-stability-example1.PNG)