Provides a build step to create or update text file with specified content. Common use cases: Create readme, build details, batch files or any scripts which can be executed later. ## Features: - Create a new text file or overwrite existing file - Update existing files ## How to use? ![](docs/images/Capture.PNG) File Path: Path to create text file (variables can be used here). Create at Workspace: Enable this to create the file at workspace directory else full path must be specified. Text File Content: The content of the file (variables can be used here). File Options: You may overwrite, append to end or insert at start of a file. To create a new file use Overwrite option. ## Version History: ### V1.3.2 (April 08, 2016): - Fixed [JENKINS-32694]( & [JENKINS-33899]( : Exception during logging. ### V1.3.1 (March 26, 2016): - Fixed [JENKINS-32694]( : Directory or path separator fixed for \*nix systems. ### V1.3.0 (March 20, 2016): - Fixed [JENKINS-32694]( : Introduced "Create at Workspace" checkbox, if enabled thenĀ  the file will be created at workspace directory. - Fixed [JENKINS-33221]( : Added logging - Fixed issue with adding multiple end of lines when appending to end of file or insert at start. ### V1.2.1 (December 23, 2015): - First release of plugin