The utplsql plugin is a tool to parse the output of [utplsql]( to have test reports in Jenkins. **This plugin is for utplsql v2 only. For v3 please use the xunit plugin.** ## Version history ##### Version 0.6.1 (Feb 15, 2014) - Simplified regular expression handling to be more robust (Fixed JENKINS-21657) - Fixed JENKINS-21752 ##### Version 0.5 (Jul 07, 2013) - Compatibility with newer jUnit test recorder was broken - Elapsed time is parsed as well, if present (Thanks to Christophe Deniaud) - Plugin moved to github ##### Version 0.4 (Feb 13, 2011) - Update link in help ##### Version 0.3 (Jun 12, 2010) - Some improvements in texts/unittests - Some smaller bugfixes - first public release ##### Version 0.2 - First version, working on slaves, never released to public ##### Version 0.1 - First working version, did not work on slaves, never released to public