This plugin records screen of current build or other configured VNC session as Shock Wave Flash (swf) file during a build and stores it as an artifact. This plugin can be used in combination with [VncViewer]( and [Xvnc plugin]( After the build, the video file gets also published as a HTTP link in the "Console output" of the build. The generated HTML file embeds a video and makes it possible to navigate within a recorded video directly in browser. # Requirements - Linux on Jenkins master node - [vnc2swf]( on Jenkins master node # How you use the plugin in a job ![](docs/images/recordVncSession.png) ## Example for usage together with [Xvnc plugin]( ![](docs/images/Xvnc.png) # Result: video in your Browser ## Link in "Console output" ![](docs/images/vncrecorder3.png) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Store as build artifact ![](docs/images/vncrecorder4.png) The generated HTML file [MyTest\_2.html]( embeds video [MyTest\_2.swf]( and makes it possible to navigate within a video directly in browser. # Path of vnc2swf Path of used vnc2swf can be customized under "Jenkins System configuration / Global settings". Default is the vnc2swf found in the PATH variable. ![](docs/images/globalSettings.png) # JIRA issues type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error. [View these issues in Jira](,%20%22In%20Progress%22,%20%20%22Closed%22,%20%22Resolved%22,%20Reopened%29%20AND%20component%20=%20vncrecorder-plugin%20ORDER%20BY%20issuetype%20ASC,%20priority%20DESC,%20key%20ASC&tempMax=1000&src=confmacro)