This plugin allow you to execute test using [VsTest]( command line tool. # Description This plugin allow you to execute test using [VsTest]( command line tool. VSTest are test classes for .NET framework which are integrated into Visual Studio. # Configuration ## System configuration ![](docs/images/image2018-7-5_9:45:0.png){height="250"} 1. Open the system configuration page "Manage Jenkins→Global Tool Configuration" 2. Enter the path to the VsTest command line client, that should be used by Jenkins. - The path location is as instance: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\IDE\\CommonExtensions\\Microsoft\\TestWindow\\vstest.console.exe. ## Job configuration ![](docs/images/vstestrunner-job-config.png) [TABLE] # Changelog ##### Version 1.0.5 (10/24/2017) - To be updated with description of changes and links to the resolved issues. ##### Version 1.0.4 (08/31/2014) - Make trx and coverage files paths available to further build steps in VSTestRunner plugin. ([JENKINS-22450]([Pull Requests \#2]( ##### Version 1.0.3 (10/21/2013) - Changed to extend BuildStepDescriptor. ([Pull Requests \#1]( ##### Version 1.0.2 (07/24/2013) - Supports Jenkins variable. I can be used in the following items. - Test Files - Settings File - Test Name - Test Case Filter - Command Line Arguments   - I Fixed a bug that was not used by the "Command Line Arguments". ##### Version 1.0.1 (03/09/2013) Mod default value. - Plaform Field: None - .NET Framework Version Field: None - Specify a logger for test results. Field: trx ##### Version 1.0.0 (01/29/2013) Initial release.