#!/usr/bin/python import MySQLdb import cgi import re import datetime import xmlrpclib #import random import cgitb #import config import Cookie import os import time import errno import hashlib from Cookie import SimpleCookie from cPickle import dump, load, HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, dumps, loads print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" #cgitb.enable() if not "HTTP_COOKIE" in os.environ: os.environ["HTTP_COOKIE"] = "" SESSION = None S_DIR = os.path.expanduser("~/.py_sessions") # expanduser for windows users S_EXT = ".ps" S_ID = "__sid__" TODAY = str(datetime.date.today()) DEBUG = [] # debug messages if not os.path.exists(S_DIR): os.makedirs(S_DIR) class NoCookiesError(Exception): pass class NotStarted(Exception): pass ################################################################################ ## ## Important stuff that should be easy to change ## ################################################################################ ############################################################################ ## Database Settings ############################################################################ mysqlhostname="" mysqlusername="" mysqlpassword="" mysqldbname="" ############################################################################ ## Path to this file for email ############################################################################ urltothisfile="" ############################################################################ ## Infusiont particular Settings ############################################################################ infusionsoftapp="" infusionsoftAPIKey="" tagID=395 #This is the tag that is associated with people who should recieve the emails for peer feedback fromAddress = "" ############################################################################ ## Time Thresholds ############################################################################ timeGreen = 90 timeYellow=240 PASSWORD="" ################################################################################ ## ## Classes ## ################################################################################ class Line(object): def __init__(self, lineNumber, whoSaidIt, whatWasSaid, timeItWasSaid="", timeSinceLastStatement=""): self.lineNumber=lineNumber self.whoSaidIt=whoSaidIt self.whatWasSaid=whatWasSaid self.timeItWasSaid=timeItWasSaid self.timeSinceLastStatement=timeSinceLastStatement self.allComplexFeedback=[] def setSimpleFeedBack(self, simpleA, simpleB): self.simpleA=simpleA self.simpleB=simpleB def addComplexFeedback(self, feedback): self.allComplexFeedback.append(feedback) class Chat(object): def __init__(self): self.Agent="" self.Agentfname="" self.Agentlinitial="" self.Customer="" self.chatID="" self.fullLog="" self.orderedLines={} self.lines=[] class ISServer: global infusionsoftapp global infusionsoftAPIKey global tagID global fromAddress def __init__(self): self.appurl = "https://" + infusionsoftapp+".infusionsoft.com:443/api/xmlrpc" self.connection = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.appurl) def sendEmail(self, emailBody): """ This method will take the body of an email and mail it to all contacts who have the tag "ChatSupport" and email addresses that end in @infusionsoft.com """ contactList = self.getContacts() toAddress='~Contact.Email~' ccAddress='' bccAddress='' contentType="HTML" subject="Please Provide Feedback" htmlBody=emailBody textBody='' self.connection.APIEmailService.sendEmail(infusionsoftAPIKey, contactList, fromAddress, toAddress, ccAddress, bccAddress, contentType, subject, htmlBody, textBody) def getContacts(self): desiredResults=[] listOfDicts = self.connection.DataService.query(infusionsoftAPIKey, "ContactGroupAssign", 1000,0,{'GroupId':395},['ContactId'],"ContactId", True ) for eachEntry in listOfDicts: desiredResults.append(eachEntry['ContactId']) return desiredResults def addContact(self, fname, email): newContact={} newContact["FirstName"]=fname #newContact["LastName"]=lname newContact["Email"]=email thiscontact = self.connection.ContactService.add(infusionsoftAPIKey, newContact) self.connection.ContactService.addToGroup(infusionsoftAPIKey, thiscontact, tagID) self.connection.APIEmailService.optIn(infusionsoftAPIKey, email, "This email was opted in to recieve notifications regarding peer feedback") ################################################################################ ## ## General "What to do now" logic ##`~ ################################################################################ def guidingWhereToGo(arguments): if (arguments.has_key("chat")): if (arguments.has_key("mode")): cumulativePage(arguments["chat"].value) else: votingPage(arguments["chat"].value) elif (arguments.has_key("feedbacksubmit")): updateDatabase(arguments) elif (arguments.has_key("singlesubmit")): individualAdd() elif (arguments.has_key("multisubmit")): multiAdd() elif (arguments.has_key("singleChatSubmitted")): mainSequence(arguments["chatlog"].value, arguments["chatid"].value) elif (arguments.has_key("emailRecent")): emailUpdates() elif (arguments.has_key("signup")): server=ISServer() server.addContact(arguments['Name'].value, arguments['Email'].value) generateIndexPage() elif (arguments.has_key("deleteData")): dropall() elif (arguments.has_key("emailsignup")): signuppage() else: generateIndexPage() ################################################################################ ## ## MySQLdb connection Generator ## ################################################################################ def databaseConnection(): global mysqlhostname global mysqlusername global mysqlpassword global mysqldbname return MySQLdb.connect(host=mysqlhostname, user=mysqlusername, passwd=mysqlpassword, db=mysqldbname ) ################################################################################ ## _____ _____ _ _ ## | __ \ / ____| | | (_) ## | |__) |_ _ __ _ ___ | | __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ ## | ___/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ | | |_ |/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ ## | | | (_| | (_| | __/ | |__| | __/ | | | __/ | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | ## |_| \__,_|\__, |\___| \_____|\___|_| |_|\___|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| ## __/ | ## |___/ ################################################################################ ############################################################################ ## ## Elements that will be used throughout the site ## ############################################################################ def mainnav(): navstr=""" """ return navstr def pagestart(pagetitle="InfusionSoft Chat PeerFeedback"): startstr=""" %s """ %(pagetitle) return startstr ############################################################################ ## ## These are the actual pages that are used in the site ## ############################################################################ ## _____ _ _____ ## |_ _| | | | __ \ /\ ## | | _ __ __| | ___ __ __ | |__) | / \ __ _ ___ ## | | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ \ \/ / | ___/ / /\ \ / _` | / _ \ ## _| |_ | | | | | (_| | | __/ > < | | / ____ \ | (_| | | __/ ## |_____| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| /_/\_\ |_| /_/ \_\ \__, | \___| ## __/ | ## |___/ def generateIndexPage(): """ This method is used for generally building and displaying a simple index page of all of the chats that have been submitted previously. """ db=databaseConnection() cur = db.cursor() myquery = "SELECT * FROM maintable" cur.execute(myquery) rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() db.close() pagehtml = pagestart() + mainnav() pagehtml = pagehtml + """""" for row in rows: pagehtml = pagehtml + """ """ %(row[0], row[1], urltothisfile + "?chat=" + row[0], urltothisfile + "?chat=" + row[0] + "&mode=view", row[3]) pagehtml = pagehtml + """
ChatID Date Uploaded Provide Feedback View feedback Times Submitted
%s %s Provide Feedback View Feedback
""" print pagehtml def signuppage(): pagehtml=pagestart() pagehtml = pagehtml + """
""" print pagehtml ######################################################################## ## This page collects feedback on chats ######################################################################## def votingPage(chatid): """ This page is used to collect feedback on a chat record. """ global timeGreen global timeYellow db=databaseConnection() cur=db.cursor() agentQuery = "SELECT agent FROM maintable WHERE chatid ='%s'" %(chatid) cur.execute(agentQuery) name=cur.fetchall() fullname=name[0][0] fname=fullname.split()[0] myquery = "SELECT * FROM interactions WHERE chatid ='%s' ORDER BY line" %(chatid) cur.execute(myquery) rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() db.close() totalLines=len(rows) htmlString= pagestart() + mainnav() htmlString = htmlString + """
""" %(chatid) htmlString = htmlString + """ """ %(chatid, totalLines) for row in rows: thistext = row[3].replace(fullname, "Agent") thistext = thistext.replace(fname, "Agent") if (row[4]=="0"): totalSeconds=0 else: hoursString, minutesString, secondsString = row[4][2:].split(':') hours=int(hoursString) minutes=int(minutesString) seconds=int(secondsString) totalSeconds = seconds+minutes*60+hours*3600 if (totalSeconds """ %(row[2], thistext, "simple"+row[1],"pos"+row[1], "pos"+row[1], "simple"+row[1],"neg"+row[1],"neg"+row[1], "text"+row[1]) elif (row[2] == "agent"): htmlString=htmlString + """ """ %(timeClass, row[4], row[2], thistext, "simple"+row[1],"pos"+row[1], "pos"+row[1], "simple"+row[1],"neg"+row[1],"neg"+row[1], "text"+row[1]) else: htmlString = htmlString+""" """ %(timeClass, row[4], row[2], thistext , "simple"+row[1], "important"+row[1], "important"+row[1], "text"+row[1]) htmlString=htmlString + """
Who What Was Said Simple Feedback Complex Feedback
%s %s
%s %s
%s %s
""" print htmlString ######################################################################## ## This page displays a chats cumulative feedback ######################################################################## def cumulativePage(chatid): """ This page is used to display the cumulative results of one particular chat record """ thischat = Chat() tables = ["complexfeedback", 'interactions', 'maintable', 'simplefeedback'] pageinformation={} for eachtable in tables: db=databaseConnection() cur=db.cursor() if (eachtable=="maintable"): thisquery = """SELECT * FROM %s WHERE chatid="%s" """ %(eachtable, chatid) else: thisquery = """SELECT * FROM %s WHERE chatid = "%s" ORDER BY line""" %(eachtable, chatid) cur.execute(thisquery) pageinformation[eachtable] = cur.fetchall() cur.close() db.close() fullname = pageinformation["maintable"][0][2] fname = fullname.split()[0] htmlString = pagestart() + mainnav() ####### ## setting up the top of the page ####### # headString = "
Agent: %sChatID: %s
" %(pageinformation['maintable'][0][2] , chatid) headString = "
ChatID : %s
" %(chatid) ########## ## Setting Up The Data (it is capitalized because it is important (>.<) ) ########## for eachline in pageinformation['interactions']: thistext = eachline[3].replace(fullname, "Agent") thistext = thistext.replace(fname, "Agent") thischat.orderedLines[eachline[1]] = Line(eachline[1], eachline[2], thistext) for eachline in pageinformation['simplefeedback']: thischat.orderedLines[eachline[1]].setSimpleFeedBack(eachline[2], eachline[3]) for eachline in pageinformation['complexfeedback']: thischat.orderedLines[eachline[1]].addComplexFeedback(eachline[2]) ########## ## Creating the table ########## tablestring=""" """ for eachline in range(len(thischat.orderedLines.keys())): el='%05d' %int(eachline) if (thischat.orderedLines[el].whoSaidIt == "agent"): thisrow=""" """ else: thisrow=""" """ tablestring = tablestring + thisrow tablestring = tablestring + "
Who What Simple In-Depth
%s %s
%s people think this was said well
%s people think this could be refined
""" %(thischat.orderedLines[el].whoSaidIt, thischat.orderedLines[el].whatWasSaid, str(thischat.orderedLines[el].simpleA), str(thischat.orderedLines[el].simpleB)) for eachFeedback in thischat.orderedLines[el].allComplexFeedback: thisrow = thisrow + """""" %(eachFeedback, ) thisrow=thisrow + """
%s %s %s people think that the customer made an important point here """ %(thischat.orderedLines[el].whoSaidIt, thischat.orderedLines[el].whatWasSaid, str(thischat.orderedLines[el].simpleA)) for eachFeedback in thischat.orderedLines[el].allComplexFeedback: thisrow = thisrow + """""" %(eachFeedback, ) thisrow=thisrow + """
" htmlString = htmlString + headString + tablestring + "" print htmlString ######################################################################## ## This page will eventually all a user to enter more than one chat at ## a time ######################################################################## def multiAdd(): generateIndexPage() ######################################################################## ## This page allows a user to enter a chat for feedback ######################################################################## def individualAdd(): htmlString=pagestart() + mainnav() htmlString=htmlString + """

""" print htmlString ################################################################################ ## ## Submission Processing ## ################################################################################ ############################################################################ ##The main logic behind the process ############################################################################ def mainSequence(txt, chatid): thischat = parseBlobIntoLines(txt) thischat.chatID=chatid db=databaseConnection() cursor = db.cursor() cmd = "INSERT INTO maintable (chatid, agent) VALUES (%s, %s)" cursor.execute(cmd, (chatid,thischat.Agent )) for each in thischat.lines: if ((each.whoSaidIt==thischat.Agent) or (each.whoSaidIt==thischat.Agentfname + " " + thischat.Agentlinitial)): whosaid="agent" else: whosaid="customer" cmd = """INSERT INTO interactions (chatid, line, whois, linetext, timefromlastline) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" vals = (chatid, '%05d' %int(each.lineNumber), whosaid, each.whatWasSaid, each.timeSinceLastStatement) cursor.execute(cmd, (chatid, '%05d' %int(each.lineNumber), whosaid, each.whatWasSaid, each.timeSinceLastStatement)) cmd2 = """INSERT INTO simplefeedback (chatid, line) VALUES (%s, %s)""" cursor.execute(cmd2, (chatid, '%05d' %int(each.lineNumber))) cursor.close() db.close() generateIndexPage() ######################################################################## ## Takes an entire chat interaction and returns a series of Lines ######################################################################## def parseBlobIntoLines(txt): """ This method is intended to take a full text blob and parse it into individual lines That said, there are three lines that need special treatment and two additional line types that will need consideration The lines that need special treatment are the zeroth, the first, and the last line. The line types that will need special treatment are file upload lines, agent transfer lines, and "Absent" lines. """ #the zeroth line is the line that starts the blob and ends immediatly before the #first instance of [HH:MM:SS [AP]M] thischat=Chat() zerothLine=re.match(r'(.*)(?=\[[0-9])*',txt,re.M|re.I).group(1) txt=txt.replace(zerothLine,"") while True: if (txt[0]=='\n'): txt=txt.replace('\n','',1) else: break ## ## What may happen is that the attachment may bugger things up, so this should deal with that if not (re.match(r'^\[',txt,re.M|re.I)): nextbracket = txt.find('[') txt=txt[nextbracket:] firstlineTimestamp = re.match(r'.*(\[[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [AP]M\]).*',txt,re.M|re.I).group(1) ## I am keeping these re expressions because I don't understand RE and they ## may be helpful to figure another solution ## a=re.match(r'.*([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]) ([AP]M\]).*',t1,re.M|re.I) ## ## a=re.match(r'.*(\[[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [AP]M\]).*',t1,re.M|re.I).group(1) txt=txt.replace(firstlineTimestamp,'',1) nextTimeStamp=txt.find('\n[') firstline = txt[:nextTimeStamp] txt=txt.replace(firstline, '', 1) thischat.lines.append(convertZerothLine(zerothLine,thischat)) thischat.Agent=thischat.lines[0].whoSaidIt thischat.lines.append(convertFirstLine(thischat, txt[:14],firstline)) while(len(txt)>0): (messageTimeStamp, thisMessage, txt) = getNextLine(txt) convertNormalLine(messageTimeStamp, thisMessage, thischat) return thischat ######################################################################## ## This method breaks off the next interaction and returns two peices ######################################################################## def getNextLine(txt): """ This method will take a large block of text figure out where the next full submission ends, and return the next submission and the block of text without the next submission """ if (txt[0]=='\n'): txt=txt.replace('\n','',1) nextLinesTimeStamp=re.match(r'.*(\[[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [AP]M\])',txt,re.M|re.I).group(1) txt=txt.replace(nextLinesTimeStamp,'',1) nextBracket = txt.find('[') if (nextBracket==-1): return (nextLinesTimeStamp, txt,'') if (re.match(r'(\[[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [AP]M\])',txt[nextBracket:nextBracket+13],re.M|re.I)): return (nextLinesTimeStamp, txt[:nextBracket], txt[nextBracket:]) while True: nextBracket = txt.find('[',nextBracket) if (re.match(r'(\[[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [AP]M\])',txt[nextBracket:nextBracket+13],re.M|re.I)): return (nextLinesTimeStamp, txt[:nextBracket], txt[nextBracket:]) ######################################################################## ## This converts the very first line of text into the table ######################################################################## def convertZerothLine(zline, thischat): chatStartTime=re.match( r'.*([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]) ([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]) ([AP]M)(.*) (.*),.*', zline, re.M|re.I) startTime={} startTime["month"] = int(chatStartTime.group(1)) startTime["day"] = int(chatStartTime.group(2)) startTime["year"] = int(chatStartTime.group(3)) startTime["hour"] = int(chatStartTime.group(4)) startTime["minute"] = int(chatStartTime.group(5)) if (chatStartTime.group(6)=="PM"): startTime["hour"] = startTime["hour"] + 12 agentsName=chatStartTime.group(7) + " " + chatStartTime.group(8) thischat.Agentfname = chatStartTime.group(7) thischat.Agentlinitial = chatStartTime.group(8)[0] #zline = zline.replace(agentsName, "Agent") startTimeAsObject = datetime.datetime(startTime["year"],startTime["month"],startTime["day"],startTime["hour"],startTime["minute"]) zerothAsLine=Line(0,agentsName,zline,startTimeAsObject,0) return zerothAsLine ######################################################################## ## Since the second line that is recorded is also different from the ## rest of the chat, this method deals with that line ######################################################################## def convertFirstLine(thischat, firstlineTimestamp,firstline): firstlineTimestamp=firstlineTimestamp.replace('\n','') messageSentTime=re.match(r'.*([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]) ([AP]M)', firstlineTimestamp, re.M|re.I) messageTime={} messageTime["hour"] = int(messageSentTime.group(1)) messageTime["minute"] = int(messageSentTime.group(2)) messageTime["second"] = int(messageSentTime.group(3)) if (messageSentTime.group(4)=="PM"): messageTime["hour"] = messageTime["hour"] + 12 stime = thischat.lines[0].timeItWasSaid messageTimeAsObject = datetime.datetime(stime.year, stime.month, stime.day, messageTime["hour"], messageTime["minute"], messageTime["second"]) timeDifference = messageTimeAsObject - stime return Line(1,thischat.Agent,firstline,messageTimeAsObject,timeDifference) #thischat.lines.append(Line(1,thischat.Agent,firstline,messageTimeAsObject,timeDifference)) ######################################################################## ## Most of the rest of the lines are about the same, this method deals ## with them ######################################################################## def convertNormalLine(chattimeStamp, txt, thischat): lineNumber = len(thischat.lines) messageSentTime=re.match(r'.*([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]) ([AP]M)', chattimeStamp, re.M|re.I) messageTime={} messageTime["hour"] = int(messageSentTime.group(1)) messageTime["minute"] = int(messageSentTime.group(2)) messageTime["second"] = int(messageSentTime.group(3)) if (messageSentTime.group(4)=="PM"): messageTime["hour"] = messageTime["hour"] + 12 prevTime=thischat.lines[lineNumber-1].timeItWasSaid messageTimeAsObject = datetime.datetime(prevTime.year, prevTime.month, prevTime.day, messageTime["hour"], messageTime["minute"], messageTime["second"]) timeDifference = messageTimeAsObject - prevTime txt=txt.strip() if(txt.startswith(thischat.Agentfname + " " + thischat.Agentlinitial)): whoSaidIt = thischat.Agent else: whoSaidIt = txt[:txt.find(':')] thischat.lines.append(Line(lineNumber,whoSaidIt,txt[txt.find(':'):],messageTimeAsObject,timeDifference)) ######################################################################## ## This method parses feedback and sends each feedback to the ## appropriate place for it to get updated ######################################################################## def updateDatabase(arguments): chatid = arguments["thischatid"].value totalLines = arguments["linesOfChat"].value stmt="""UPDATE maintable SET feedbackssubmitted = feedbackssubmitted + 1 where chatid="%s" """ %(chatid) db=databaseConnection() cur=db.cursor() cur.execute(stmt) cur.close() db.close() for x in range(int(totalLines)): if arguments.has_key("simple"+str("%05d" %x)): incrementSimple(chatid, str("%05d" %x), arguments["simple"+str("%05d" %x)].value) if arguments.has_key("text"+str("%05d" %x)): updateComplex(chatid, str("%05d" %x),arguments["text"+str("%05d" %x)].value) cumulativePage(chatid) ######################################################################## ## This method increments the simple feedback mechanism ######################################################################## def incrementSimple(chatid, linesOfChat, value): db=databaseConnection() cur = db.cursor() if (value=="pos" or value=="important"): stmt="""UPDATE simplefeedback SET counta = counta + 1 WHERE chatid="%s" AND line = "%s" """ %(chatid, linesOfChat) else: stmt = """UPDATE simplefeedback SET countb = countb + 1 WHERE chatid ="%s" AND line = "%s" """ %(chatid, linesOfChat) cur.execute(stmt) cur.close() db.close() ######################################################################## ## This method updates the written feedback section ######################################################################## def updateComplex(chatid, linesOfChat, feedback): db=databaseConnection() cur = db.cursor() stmt="""INSERT INTO complexfeedback (chatid, line, complexfeedback) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""" cur.execute(stmt, (chatid, linesOfChat, feedback)) cur.close() db.close() ############################################################################ ## ## This function clears the tables data ## ############################################################################ def dropall(): tables = ["complexfeedback", 'interactions', 'maintable', 'simplefeedback', 'emailed'] db = databaseConnection() cur = db.cursor() for eachtable in tables: stmt="""TRUNCATE TABLE %s;""" %(eachtable) cur.execute(stmt) cur.close() db.close() print "all dropped" generateIndexPage() ################################################################################ ## ## The email script ## ################################################################################ def emailUpdates(): global urltothisfile db=databaseConnection() firstQuery = """SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emailed WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 23 HOUR) <= sent""" thiscur=db.cursor() thiscur.execute(firstQuery) if (thiscur.fetchall()[0][0]>0): print pagestart()+mainnav()+"""

I am sorry, an email as been sent in the last 23 hours and you cannot send one now.

""" else: iserver=ISServer() secondQuery = """SELECT * FROM maintable WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR) <= uploaded""" thiscur.execute(secondQuery) allRows = thiscur.fetchall() htmlList=""" """ for each in allRows: htmlList=htmlList+"""""" %(each[0], each[2], urltothisfile, each[0], urltothisfile, each[0]) htmlList=htmlList+"""
%s %s Provide Feedback View Feedback
""" finalQuery = """INSERT INTO emailed (datesent) VALUES (NOW())""" emailbody = emailTop() + htmlList + emailbottom() iserver.sendEmail(emailbody) generateIndexPage() def emailTop(): htmlString="""

Hello ~Contact.FirstName~!

If you get a chance please help your peers by providing them feedback on some of these chats?

""" return htmlString def emailbottom(): htmlString="" return htmlString ################################################################################ ## ## Various if name is main processes ## ################################################################################ #if __name__ == '__main__': # start=random.randint(0,5000) # for chat in examples.examples: # db=MySQLdb.connect(host=config.MySQLConnection.hostname,user=config.MySQLConnection.username, passwd=config.MySQLConnection.password, db=config.MySQLConnection.dbname) # mainSequence(db,chat,start) # start+=1 def loginpage(): htmlString=pagestart() htmlString = htmlString + """
""" print htmlString ################################################################################ ## ## Session Management ## ################################################################################ class Session(object): def __init__(self): self.data = {} self.form = cgi.FieldStorage() self.started = False self._flock = None self.expires = 0 # delete right away self.__sid = sid = self.__getsid() self.path = os.path.join(S_DIR, sid+S_EXT) def isset(self, name): """Is the variable set in the session?""" if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") return name in self def unset(self, name): """Unset the name from the session""" if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") del self[name] @staticmethod def __newsid(): """Create a new session ID""" h = hashlib.new("ripemd160") h.update(str(time.time()/time.clock()**-1)+str(os.getpid())) return h.hexdigest() def __getsid(self): """Get the current session ID or return a new one""" # first, try to load the sid from the GET or POST forms form = self.form if form.has_key(S_ID): sid = form[S_ID].value return sid # then try to load the sid from the HTTP cookie self.cookie = SimpleCookie() if os.environ.has_key('HTTP_COOKIE'): self.cookie.load(os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE']) if S_ID in self.cookie: sid = self.cookie[S_ID].value return sid else: raise NoCookiesError("Could not find any cookies") # if all else fails, return a new sid return self.__newsid() def getFormInfo(self): return self.form def getsid(self): """ Return the name and value that the sid needs to have in a GET or POST request """ if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") return (S_ID, self.__sid) def start(self): """Start the session""" if self.started: return True # session cannot be started more than once per script self._flock = FileLock(self.path) self._flock.acquire() # load the session if it exists if os.path.exists(self.path): with open(self.path, "rb") as f: self.data = dict(load(f)) self.data["__date_loaded__"] = TODAY else: # create a session with open(self.path, "wb") as f: self.data = {"__date_loaded__":TODAY} # the session is officially started! self.started = True # store the sid in the cookie self.cookie[S_ID] = self.__sid self.cookie[S_ID]["expires"] = str(self.expires) self.cookie[S_ID]["version"] = "1" def commit(self): """Commit the changes to the session""" if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") with open(self.path, "wb") as f: dump(self.data, f, HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def destroy(self): """Destroy the session""" if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") os.remove(self.path) if self._flock: self._flock.release() self.started = False def output(self): """Commit changes and send headers.""" if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") self.commit() return self.cookie.output() def setdefault(self, item, default=None): if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") if not self.isset(item): self[item] = default return self[item] def set_expires(self, days): """Sets the expiration of the cookie""" date = datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=days) self.expires = date.strftime("%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S PST") self.cookie[S_ID]["expires"] = str(self.expires) def __getitem__(self, item): """Get the item from the session""" if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") return self.data.__getitem__(item) def __setitem__(self, item, value): """set the item into the session""" if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") self.data.__setitem__(item, value) def __delitem__(self, item): if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") self.data.__delitem__(item) def __contains__(self, item): """Return if item in the session""" if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") return self.data.__contains__(item) def __iter__(self): """Go through the names of all the session variables""" if not self.started: raise NotStarted("Session must be started") return self.data.__iter__() def start(): global PASSWORD global SESSION SESSION = Session() return SESSION.start() def destroy(): global SESSION if SESSION: SESSION.destroy() def get_session(): global SESSION if not SESSION: SESSION = Session() return SESSION ### The following is a (little) modified version of this: # http://www.evanfosmark.com/2009/01/cross-platform-file-locking-support-in- # python/ class FileLockException(Exception): pass class FileLock(object): """ A file locking mechanism that has context-manager support so you can use it in a with statement. This should be relatively cross compatible as it doesn't rely on msvcrt or fcntl for the locking. """ def __init__(self, file_name, timeout=10, delay=.05): """ Prepare the file locker. Specify the file to lock and optionally the maximum timeout and the delay between each attempt to lock. """ self.is_locked = False self.lockfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "%s.lock" % file_name) self.file_name = file_name self.timeout = timeout self.delay = delay def acquire(self): """ Acquire the lock, if possible. If the lock is in use, it check again every `wait` seconds. It does this until it either gets the lock or exceeds `timeout` number of seconds, in which case it throws an exception. """ if self.is_locked: return start_time = time.time() while True: try: self.fd = os.open(self.lockfile, os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL|os.O_RDWR) break; except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise if (time.time() - start_time) >= self.timeout: raise FileLockException("Timeout occured.") time.sleep(self.delay) self.is_locked = True def release(self): """ Get rid of the lock by deleting the lockfile. When working in a `with` statement, this gets automatically called at the end. """ if self.is_locked: os.close(self.fd) os.unlink(self.lockfile) self.is_locked = False def __enter__(self): """ Activated when used in the with statement. Should automatically acquire a lock to be used in the with block. """ if not self.is_locked: self.acquire() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """ Activated at the end of the with statement. It automatically releases the lock if it isn't locked. """ if self.is_locked: self.release() def __del__(self): """ Make sure that the FileLock instance doesn't leave a lockfile lying around. """ self.release() def print_session(session): """ Prints info from the current session. WARNING: ONLY FOR DEBUGGING. MAJOR SECURITY RISK! """ print "

Session Data

" print "
" for name in session: print "
%s %s
"%(name, type(session[name])) print "
"%repr(session[name]) print "
" if __name__ == '__main__': # arguments = cgi.FieldStorage() start() arguments = SESSION.getFormInfo() # if (arguments.has_key("singlesubmit")): # print "Single Submit Detected" if SESSION.isset("passwd"): if (SESSION['passwd'] == PASSWORD): guidingWhereToGo(arguments) else: destroy() print "Password incorrect, please login again" loginpage() elif (arguments.has_key('login')): if (arguments['password'].value==PASSWORD): SESSION['passwd']=arguments['password'].value SESSION.set_expires(7) SESSION.output() guidingWhereToGo(arguments) else: destroy() print "Password incorrect, please login again" loginpage() else: loginpage() # arguments = cgi.FieldStorage() # guidingWhereToGo(arguments)