install.packages("curl") library(curl) varanoid <- read.csv(curl("")) ##grabs the data from github row.names(varanoid)<-varanoid$Species ## sets the non-numerical values in the first column varanoid_truncated <- (varanoid[,2:14]) ## removes the first column of non-numerical values or it will interfere with math, but we saved those values for the columns already dist_measure<-dist(varanoid_truncated, method="euclidean") ## stores the euclidean calculations into a variable "dist_measure" dist_measure ## you can view the matrix of the calculations by calling the variable varanoid_cluster<-hclust(dist_measure) ## you can cluster the species together by calling the function hclust on your distances and storing them to variable "varanoid_cluster" pdf(file="/tmp/varanoid_tree.pdf") ## this opens the "graphics device" to store a pdf file in the "/tmp" directory plot(varanoid_cluster) ## this plots the cluster into the PDF ## closing the graphics device then saves the PDF file