# jerik.github.io snippset and things I want to capture / document ## todos - perhaps integrate gist, so that I can download the gist and save it in the jerik.github.io? Easy to integrate, but I do not have the gist-code in this git repo... - To get the markdown files automated. Try to read the \*.md files and shove them into the textarea field? I have access to files if I know the name e.g. readme.md. The textarea field will be replace by the div id="content", I have to inject the markdown syntax there somewhere - create a [custom domain]( https://help.github.com/articles/using-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/ ) - optional inform about jekyll: https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-as-a-static-site-generator-with-github-pages/ ## todos leanCanvas - !! make divs flexible, so that it can resize depeding on the content size. Ask on stackoverflow - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1709442/make-divs-height-expand-with-its-content - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/450903/how-to-make-div-not-larger-than-its-contents - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7023654/make-div-width-adapt-automatically-to-contents-within-it - # Project, for the projekt title and integrate it in the leanCanvas.html - make help-per-topic, which shows some example question with an onmouseover - make leanCanvas and BusinessCanvas - HTML 5 verwenden: header, footer, section, nav? ### done - read leanCanvas.md, with # Problem, # Solution etc as headings.