Author: Suji Version: 1.03 Addon to show alliance DPS and damage in real time. Abbreviation: //sb This addon allows players to see their DPS live while fighting enemies. Party and alliance member DPS is also dispalyed. In addition to DPS, each player's total damage and their percent contribution is also displayed. Notable features: * Live DPS * You can still parse damage even if you enable chat filters. * Ability to filter only the mobs you want to see damage for. * 'Report' command for reporting damage back to where you like. DPS accumulation is active whenever anyone in your alliance is currently in battle. All in-game commands are prefixed with "//sb" or "//scoreboard", for example: "//sb help". Command list: * HELP Displays the help text * POS Positions the scoreboard to the given coordinates * RESET Resets all the data that's been tracked so far. * REPORT [] Reports the damage. With no argument, it will go to whatever you have your current chatmode set to. You may also pass the standard FFXI chat abbreviations as arguments. Support arguments are 's', 't', 'p', 'l'. If you pass 't' (for tell), you must also pass a player name to send the tell to. Examples: //sb report Reports to current chatmode //sb report l Reports to your linkshell //sb report t suji Reports in tell to Suji * REPORTSTAT [] [] RS [] [] Reports the given stat. Supported stats are: acc, racc, crit, rcrit, wsavg 'playerName' may be the name of a player if you wish to see only one player. For 'target', with no argument, it will go to whatever you have your current chatmode set to. You may also pass the standard FFXI chat abbreviations as arguments. Support arguments are 's', 't', 'p', 'l'. If you pass 't' (for tell), you must also pass a player name to send the tell to. Examples: //sb reportstat acc -- Sends acc report your default chatmode //sb rs crit -- Same as above //sb rs crit p -- Explicitly to party //sb rs acc tell suji -- Sends acc to Suji //sb rs acc t suji -- Same as above //sb rs acc tulia t suji -- Report accuracy for Tulia only and send it in tell to Suji * FILTER This takes one of three sub-commands. * FILTER SHOW Shows the current mob filters. * FILTER ADD ... Adds mob(s) to the filters. These can all be substrings. Legal Lua patterns are also allowed. * FILTER CLEAR Clears all mobs from the filter. * VISIBLE Toggles the visibility of the scoreboard. Data will continue to accumulate even while it is hidden. * STAT [] View specific parser stats. This will respect the current filter settings. Valid stats are: acc, racc, crit, rcrit Examples: //sb stat acc Shows accuracy for everyone //sb stat crit Flippant Only show crit rate for Flippant The settings file, located in addons/scoreboard/data/settings.xml, contains additional configuration options: * posX - x coordinate for position * posY - y coordinate for position * numPlayers - The maximum number of players to display damage for * bgTransparency - Transparency level for the background. 0-255 range * font - The font for the Scoreboard. This defaults to Courier but it it may be changed to one of the following fonts: Fixedsys, Lucida Console, Courier, Courier New, MS Mincho, Consolas, Dejavu Sans Mono. * fontsize - Size of Scoreboard's font * sbcolor - Color of scoreboard's chat log output * showallidps - Set to true to display the alliance DPS, false otherwise. * resetfilters - Set to true if you want filters reset when you "//sb reset", false otherwise. Caveats: * DPS is an approximation, although I tested it manually and found it to be very accurate. Because DPS accumulation is based on the game's notion of when you are in battle, if someone else engages before you, your DPS will suffer. Try to engage fast to get a better approximation. * The methods used in here cause some discrepancies with the data reported by KParser. In some cases, Scoreboard will report more damage, which generally indicates that KParser is not including something (ie, Scoreboard will be more accurate). However, there are cases where KParser is reporting damage that Scoreboard is not, and I'm currently focused on resolving this issue in particular. * This addon is still in development. Please report any issues or feedback to to me (Suji on Phoenix) on FFXIAH or Guildwork. Thanks to Flippant for all of the helpful feedback and comments and to Zumi for encouraging me to write this in the first place.