var Hover = (function(){ var slice = [].slice, undefined; // remove item from array, returning a new array function removeFromArray(array, removeItem) { var newArray = [].concat(array); var index = newArray.indexOf(removeItem); if (index !== -1) { newArray.splice(index, 1); } return newArray; } function isFunction(fn) { return typeof fn === 'function'; } // return the Hover function // actions is an iterable of reducers // state is undefined by default, but initial state can be provided function Hover(actions, state) { // list of state listeners specific to this store instance var stateListeners = [], // this is the store that will be returned store = function (callback) { // passing a function here is a synonym for subscribe if (isFunction(callback)) { // add callback as listener to change event stateListeners.push(callback); // call callback right away callback(state); // return an unsubscribe function specific to this listener return function () { // only call removeListener once, then destroy the callback if (callback) { stateListeners = removeFromArray(stateListeners, callback); callback = undefined; } }; } // return state return state; }, notify = function () { // let all the subscribers know what just happened for (var i=0, listeners = stateListeners.slice(); i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i](state); } }, // create an action for the api that calls an action handler and changes the state createAction = function (reducer) { // return a function that'll be attached to the api return function () { // convert arguments to a normal array var args =, 0), isOriginalAction = !inAction, result; inAction = true; // reduce the state & args into the new state result = reducer.apply(null, [state].concat(args)); // if result is a function, it's for async purposes if (isFunction(result)) { // pass setState and getState to be used later result(function (result) { state = result; notify(); }, function () { return state; }); } else { state = result; // only notify if this is the original action if (isOriginalAction) { notify(); } } if (isOriginalAction) { // this is done, there is no longer an action running inAction = false; } // return resulting state return state; }; }, inAction = false, method; // DEPRECATED: expose store as explicit api on the store store.getState = function (callback) { if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.error === 'function') { console.error('Hover: store.getState() is deprecated. Use store() instead.'); } return store(callback); }; // create actions on the store api as well for (method in actions) { store[method] = createAction(actions[method]); } // return the store function as the exposed api return store; }; Hover.compose = function (definition) { var store = Hover({ s: function (state, newState) { for (var i=0; i < transforms.length; i++) { newState = transforms[i](newState); } return newState; } }), // we will use arguments once we're done initializing transforms =, 1), // in this case, we're exposing the raw setState, // so we'll need to use merge to make sure transforms get full state definitionIsFunction = isFunction(definition), // private setState method setState = store.s, initialized = false, key, subscribe = function (key) { var fn = store[key] = definition[key]; definition[key] = undefined; fn(function (state) { definition[key] = state; // pass to setState, but only after compose is done if (initialized) { setState(definition); } }); }, translateAction = function (key) { var action = definition[key]; return function () { action.apply(null, arguments); // return translated state return store(); }; }; delete store.s; if (definitionIsFunction) { definition(setState); for (key in definition) { if (isFunction(definition[key]) && definition[key] !== definition) { store[key] = translateAction(key); } } } else { if (definition) { // collect subscriptions without actually executing yet for (key in definition) { if (isFunction(definition[key])) { subscribe(key); } } } // call setState with final definition, so transforms can do their thing setState(definition); initialized = true; } return store; }; return Hover; })(); // execute immediately // export for CommonJS if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = Hover; }