envs: - name: MARIADB_DATABASE description: "Defines the database name to be used in the datasource’s `connection-url` property." required: true - name: MARIADB_PASSWORD description: "Defines the password for the datasource." required: true - name: MARIADB_URL description: "Defines the connection URL for the datasource. " - name: MARIADB_USER description: "Defines the username for the datasource." required: true - name: MARIADB_BACKGROUND_VALIDATION" description: "When set to true database connections are validated periodically in a background thread prior to use. Defaults to false, meaning the `validate-on-match` method is enabled by default instead." - name: "MARIADB_BACKGROUND_VALIDATION_MILLIS" description: "Specifies frequency of the validation, in milliseconds, when the `background-validation` database connection validation mechanism is enabled. Default Value: `10000`" - name: "MARIADB_CONNECTION_CHECKER" description: "Specifies a connection checker class that is used to validate connections. Valid value: `org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLValidConnectionChecker`." - name: "MARIADB_DATASOURCE" description: "Datasource name used in the `jndi-name`. Default Value: `MariaDBDS`" - name: "MARIADB_ENABLED" description: "Set to false to disable the datasource." - name: "MARIADB_EXCEPTION_SORTER" description: "Specifies the exception sorter class that is used to properly detect and clean up after fatal database connection exceptions. Valid value: `org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLExceptionSorter`." - name: "MARIADB_FLUSH_STRATEGY" description: "Specifies how the datasource should be flushed in case of an error. Default Value: `FailingConnectionOnly`" - name: "MARIADB_HOST" description: "Defines the database server’s host name or IP address to be used in the datasource’s `connection-url` property. Default Value: `localhost`" - name: "MARIADB_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MINUTES" description: "Specifies the maximum time, in minutes, a connection may be idle before being closed. Default Value:`30`" - name: "MARIADB_JNDI" description: "Defines the JNDI name for the datasource. Default Value: `java:jboss/datasources/${MARIADB_DATASOURCE}`" - name: "MARIADB_JTA" description: "Defines Java Transaction API (JTA) option for the non-XA datasource." - name: "MARIADB_MAX_POOL_SIZE" description: "Defines the maximum pool size option for the datasource. Default Value: `20`" - name: "MARIADB_MIN_POOL_SIZE" description: "Defines the minimum pool size option for the datasource. Default Value: `0`" - name: "MARIADB_PORT" description: "Defines the database server’s port to be used in the datasource’s `connection-url` property. Default Value: `3306`" - name: "MARIADB_STALE_CONNECTION_CHECKER" description: "Specifies a connection checker class that is used to check stale connections. Valid value: No checker provided by JBoss, only custom stale checker can be provided." - name: "MARIADB_TX_ISOLATION" description: "Defines the `java.sql.Connection` transaction isolation level for the datasource. Default Value: `TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED`" - name: "MARIADB_VALIDATE_ON_MATCH" description: "Indicates whether or not connection level validation should be done when a connection factory attempts to match a managed connection for a given set. This is typically exclusive to the use of background validation."