import wx import sys import time from queue import Queue from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from threading import Thread from pathlib import Path try: FileNotFoundError except NameError: # Py2 has no FileNotFoundError FileNotFoundError = IOError class OutputThread(Thread): """Thread class for collecting standard stream data.""" def __init__(self, proc): Thread.__init__(self) self.proc = proc self.queue = Queue() self.daemon = True self.exit = False def run(self): """Start the thread.""" running = self.doCheck() # block until process ends def doCheck(self): # will do the next line repeatedly until finds EOL # after checking each line check if we should quit try: for line in iter(self.proc.stdout.readline, b''): # this runs repeatedly self.queue.put(line) if not line: break except ValueError: return False # then check if the process ended # self.exit for line in self.proc.stderr.readlines(): self.queue.put(line) if not line: break return True def getBuffer(self): """Retrieve all lines currently in buffer.""" lines = '' while not self.queue.empty(): lines += self.queue.get_nowait() return lines class ScriptProcess(object): """Class to run script through subprocess.""" def __init__(self, app): = app self.scriptProcess = None self._stdoutThread = None self.Bind(wx.EVT_END_PROCESS, self.onProcessEnded) self.running = False def runFile(self, event=None, fileName=None): """Begin new process to run experiment.""" self.running = True fullPath = fileName.replace('.psyexp', '') wx.BeginBusyCursor() # provide a running... message"## Running: {} ##".format(fullPath)).center(80, "#")+"\n") = len( if sys.platform == 'win32': # the quotes allow file paths with spaces command = [sys.executable, '-u', fullPath] if hasattr(wx, "EXEC_NOHIDE"): _opts = wx.EXEC_ASYNC | wx.EXEC_NOHIDE # that hid console! else: _opts = wx.EXEC_ASYNC | wx.EXEC_SHOW_CONSOLE else: command = [sys.executable, '-u', fullPath] _opts = wx.EXEC_ASYNC | wx.EXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER fullPathDir = str(Path(fullPath).parent) # for cwd the file path - JK # the whileRunning method will check on stdout from the script self._processEndTime = None self.scriptProcess = Popen( args=command, bufsize=1, executable=None, stdin=None, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, preexec_fn=None, shell=False, cwd=fullPathDir, env=None, universal_newlines=True, # gives us back a string instead of bytes creationflags=0, ) # this part creates a non-blocking thread to check the stdout/err self._stdoutThread = OutputThread(self.scriptProcess) self._stdoutThread.start() self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.whileRunningFile) def stopFile(self, event=None): """Kill script processes""" if self.scriptProcess: self.scriptProcess.kill() self.onProcessEnded() def whileRunningFile(self, event=None): """ This is an Idle function while study is running. Check on process and handle stdout. """ newOutput = self._stdoutThread.getBuffer() if newOutput: sys.stdout.write(newOutput) if (self.scriptProcess is None or self.scriptProcess.poll() is not None): # no script or poll() sent a returncode (None means still running) self.onProcessEnded() else: time.sleep(0.1) # let's not check too often def onProcessEnded(self, event=None): """Perform when script has finished running.""" self.running = False try: wx.EndBusyCursor() except wx._core.wxAssertionError: pass self.scriptProcess = None self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, None) # handle stdout self._stdoutThread.exit = True time.sleep(0.1) # give time for the buffers to finish writing? buff = self._stdoutThread.getBuffer() print("##### Experiment ended. #####\n")