/* * GTA TLAD LiveSplit Autosplitter * Originally created by possessedwarrior, adapted by Rave, updated to work with the Complete Edition by hoxi. * https://github.com/jfoster/LiveSplit.ASL/tree/dev/GTAIV */ // isLoading before 0 if loading, 4 in normal gameplay, sometimes seemingly random values in fade ins/outs // isLoading in/after 0 if loading, random values if not loading // isFirstMission: 30000 when Clean and Serene... appears on screen // current Complete Edition state("GTAIV", "") { uint isLoading : 0xD747A4; uint isFirstMission : 0xD8DFD0; uint episodeID : 0xD73240; } // Complete Edition until 9/02/2023 state("GTAIV", "") { uint isLoading : 0xD747A4; uint isFirstMission : 0xD8DFD0; uint episodeID : 0xD73240; } // old Complete Edition state("GTAIV", "") { uint isLoading : 0xDD5F60; uint isFirstMission : 0xD8E050; uint episodeID : 0xDD7040; } // Patch 3 state("EFLC", "") { uint isLoading : 0x16EB80, 0x10; uint isFirstMission : 0xD6A7E0; uint episodeID : 0xD43DB4; } // Patch 2 state("EFLC", "") { uint isLoading : 0x99F90, 0x10; uint isFirstMission : 0xD0D8B8; uint episodeID : 0xC4D7C4; // could also use 0xC619D8 } startup { vars.offsets = new Dictionary { // newest first {"", 0x112118}, {"", 0x112118}, {"", 0x112188}, {"", -0xC020}, {"", 0x0}, }; vars.stats = new Dictionary { {"fGameTime", 0xDA53B0}, {"fSeagullsCE", 0xDA56D4}, {"fSeagulls", 0xDA553C}, {"fGangWars", 0xDA55C4}, {"iMissionsPassed", 0xDA58B0}, {"iMissionsFailed", 0xDA58B4}, {"iMissionsAttempted", 0xDA58B8}, {"iRandomEncounters", 0xDA5934}, }; refreshRate = 60; vars.prevPhase = null; // keeps track of previous timer phase vars.splits = new HashSet(); // keeps track of splitted splits Action addSetting = (parent, id, label, tooltip, defaultVal) => { settings.Add(id, defaultVal, label, parent); settings.SetToolTip(id, tooltip); }; addSetting(null, "iMissionsPassed", "Story Missions (Any%)", "Split upon completion of a main story mission", true); addSetting("iMissionsPassed", "splitOnStart", "Split on Mission Start (Experimental)", "Delay splitting until next mission start", false); addSetting(null, "fSeagulls", "Seagulls", "Split upon seagull being exterminated", false); addSetting(null, "gameTime", "In-Game Time (Experimental)", "Game Timer shows IGT rather than loadless time", false); addSetting(null, "debug", "Debug", "Print debug messages to the windows error console", false); } init { vars.enabled = false; vars.doResetStart = false; vars.queueSplit = false; vars.correctEpisode = false; // Create new empty MemoryWatcherList vars.memoryWatchers = new MemoryWatcherList(); // print() wrapper Action DbgInfo = (obj) => { if (settings["debug"]) { print("[LiveSplit.GTATLAD.asl] " + obj.ToString()); } }; vars.debugInfo = DbgInfo; // Get exe version var fvi = modules.First().FileVersionInfo; // Don't use FileVersionInfo.FileVersion as it produces string with commas and spaces. version = string.Join(".", fvi.FileMajorPart, fvi.FileMinorPart, fvi.FileBuildPart, fvi.FilePrivatePart); vars.version = new Version(version); vars.debugInfo("EFLC.exe " + version); vars.isCE = vars.version.Major == 1 && vars.version.Minor >= 2; // GTAIV 1.2.x.x int voffset = 0x0; bool versionCheck = vars.offsets.TryGetValue(version, out voffset); // true if version exists within version dictionary vars.voffset = voffset; bool xlivelessCheck; // Get xlive.dll ModuleMemorySize - not needed for CE if (vars.isCE) // GTAIV 1.2.x.x { xlivelessCheck = true; } else { // Get xlive.dll ModuleMemorySize int mms = modules.Where(m => m.ModuleName == "xlive.dll").First().ModuleMemorySize; vars.debugInfo("xlive.dll ModuleMemorySize: " + mms.ToString()); // listener's xliveless should be within this range xlivelessCheck = mms > 50000 && mms < 200000; } if (xlivelessCheck && versionCheck) { vars.debugInfo("enabling splitter"); vars.enabled = true; } // MemoryWatcher wrapper Action mw = (name, address, aoffset, poffset) => { var dp = new DeepPointer(address+aoffset); if (poffset != 0x0) { dp = new DeepPointer(address+aoffset, poffset); } var type = name.Substring(0,1); if (type == "f") { vars.memoryWatchers.Add(new MemoryWatcher(dp) { Name = name }); } else if (type == "i") { vars.memoryWatchers.Add(new MemoryWatcher(dp){ Name = name }); } }; // Add memory watcher for each address foreach (var a in vars.stats) { if (vars.isCE) { mw(a.Key, a.Value, vars.voffset, 0x0); } else { mw(a.Key, a.Value, vars.voffset, 0x10); } } // fix stuff located at different addresses in CE // this is a bit of a hack and should be changed. if (vars.isCE) { var gulls = vars.memoryWatchers["fSeagulls"]; var gullsce = vars.memoryWatchers["fSeagullsCE"]; vars.memoryWatchers.Remove(gulls); vars.memoryWatchers.Remove(gullsce); gullsce.Name = gulls.Name; vars.memoryWatchers.Add(gullsce); } } update { if (!vars.enabled) return; vars.correctEpisode = current.episodeID == 1; if (!vars.correctEpisode) return; vars.memoryWatchers.UpdateAll(game); // if doResetStart was set to true on previous update, reset it to false vars.doResetStart = false; // Triggers when "I Luv LC..." is visible on-screen. bool startCheck = old.isFirstMission != 30000 && current.isFirstMission == 30000 && current.isLoading == 0; // Check if the timer is not running or has been running for more than 1 seconds. double ts = timer.CurrentTime.RealTime.GetValueOrDefault().TotalSeconds; bool timerCheck = timer.CurrentPhase == TimerPhase.NotRunning || ts >= 1.0; // check if missions attempted is set to 0. bool missionCheck = vars.memoryWatchers["iMissionsAttempted"].Current == 0; if (startCheck && timerCheck && missionCheck && vars.correctEpisode) { vars.doResetStart = true; vars.splits.Clear(); } // If timer state changes. if (timer.CurrentPhase != vars.prevPhase) { // Cleanup when the timer is stopped. if (timer.CurrentPhase == TimerPhase.NotRunning) { vars.splits.Clear(); } // Stores the current phase the timer is in, so we can use the old one on the next frame. vars.prevPhase = timer.CurrentPhase; } } split { if (!vars.enabled) return false; if (!vars.correctEpisode) return false; if (vars.queueSplit) { var mw = vars.memoryWatchers["iMissionsAttempted"]; if (mw.Current == mw.Old + 1) { return true; } } // loop through memory watchers and if it matches an enabled setting then check if it's increased foreach (var mw in vars.memoryWatchers) { var key = mw.Name; // if there's a settings enabled with the same key if (settings.ContainsKey(key) && settings[key]) { // if the value increases and it hasn't already been splitted for if (mw.Current == mw.Old + 1 && !vars.splits.Contains(key+mw.Current)) { vars.splits.Add(key+mw.Current); vars.debugInfo(string.Format("Split reason: {0} - current: {1} old: {2}", key, mw.Current, mw.Old)); // delay splitting for mission passed if splitOnStart is enabled if (key == "iMissionsPassed" && settings["splitOnStart"]) { vars.queueSplit = true; } else { return true; } } } } return false; } reset { if (!vars.enabled) return false; if (!vars.correctEpisode) return false; return vars.doResetStart; } start { if (!vars.enabled) return false; if (!vars.correctEpisode) return false; return vars.doResetStart; } isLoading { if (!vars.enabled) return false; if (!vars.correctEpisode) return false; // this needs to be true to enable gameTime if (settings["gameTime"]) return true; return current.isLoading == 0; } gameTime { if (!vars.enabled) return null; if (!vars.correctEpisode) return null; if (!settings["gameTime"]) return null; var gt = vars.memoryWatchers["fGameTime"]; return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(gt.Current); }