Converts files, selection and clipboard content from HTML to JADE using **Aaron Powell**'s This is basically a copy of [pavelpachkovskij/sublime-html-to-haml]( ## Install ### With Package Control not yet ### With [Package Decontrol]( ~~~ jfromaniello/sublime-html-to-jade ~~~ ## Shortcuts * **Convert whole HTML file** `Shift+Alt+F` - creates new file in the same folder using the same name as the source ending with '.html.jade'. * **Convert selection** `Shift+Alt+S` - replaces selection of HTML with JADE content. * **Convert clipboard content** `Shift+Alt+V` - inserts JADE of converted clipboard HTML content. ### In Command Palette: * **HTML2Jade: Convert file** * **HTML2Jade: Convert selection** * **HTML2Jade: Convert clipboard content**