##################################################### ### VESPo complete example ### Copyright(c) 2023 Jean-Guillaume Dumas ##################################################### ##################################################### ### Requirements: we suppose an existing environment, ### with git, cmake, c++, OpenMP, GMP, etc. ### For instance via a virtual machine, ### e.g., using vagrant with libvirt, and debian: # > vagrant init debian/bullseye64 # > vagrant up --provider=libvirt # > vagrant ssh ##################################################### ### Install & run benchmarks, within the environment: sudo apt install wget git g++ cmake libgmp-dev wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jgdumas/vespo/main/libvespo-auto-install.sh chmod +x libvespo-auto-install.sh ./libvespo-auto-install.sh cd libvespo/vespo ./vespo_bench 123 2048 3 ./Linear-FDT.sh 4 12 ./parse_bench.sh bench_*