.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/jgirardet/sublime-poetry.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/jgirardet/sublime-poetry .. image:: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/ffd44ndqx713yuhd/branch/master?svg=true :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/jgirardet/sublime-poetry =============================== sublime-poetry =============================== `Poetry`_ integration for SublimeText .. image:: poetry.gif * License : GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+) * Source: https://github.com/jgirardet/sublime-poetry WARNING : THIS IS STILL AN ALPHA RELEASE ----------------------------------------- Installation ------------- #. Install `Poetry`_ (if you haven't already): #. In PackageControl just find ``poetry``, and that's it ! #. or install manually by navigating to Sublime's `Packages` folder and cloning this repository under the name `poetry`:: git clone https://github.com/jgirardet/sublack.git poetry Usage -------- Use `Ctrl-Shift-P` (Mac: `Cmd-Shift-P`). A pyproject.toml file with a poetry section should exists at root folder to make the commands enabled. * Poetry: Set python interpreter: Change `python_interpreter` in your project_settings to make your project match your virtualenv. * Poetry: Install: Run `poetry install` on current project. * Poetry: Install --no-dev: Run `poetry install --no-dev` on current project. * Poetry: Install in Selected Venv: Find Available python interpreters on system and create .venv with selected python version then Run `poetry install` on current project. * Poetry: Update: Run `poetry update` on current project. * Poetry: Add a package: Run `poetry add {package_name}` on current project. * Poetry: Add dev package: Run `poetry add -D {package_name}` on current project. * Poetry: Remove package: Run `poetry remove {package_name}` on current project. If it's a dev-dependencie `-D` is added to the command line. * Poetry: Build: Run `poetry build` on current project. * Poetry: Publish: Run `poetry build` on current project. * Poetry: Bump Version: Show current version and run `poetry version` on current project and let you choose between : patch minor major prepatch preminor premajor prerelease. * Poetry: Init: run `poetry init -n`, to create new pyproject.toml file. *Poetry: Config: Manage poetry configuration and repositories Settings --------- Poetry will always look for settings in the following order: - First in project file : first with poetry prefix then in a subsetting (see Project settings). - Then in Users global settings - finally in poetry's default settings Global settings ***************** Preferences -> Package Settings -> poetry -> settings : * poetry_log: Show non error messages in console. Default = info. Project settings ******************* Just add poetry as prefix (recommended): .. code-block:: json { "settings":{ "poetry.poetry_log": "debug" } } A poetry subsettings is still possible: .. code-block:: json { "settings":{ "poetry":{ "poetry_log": "debug" } } } Issues --------- If there is something wrong with this plugin, `add an issue `_ on GitHub and I'll try to address it. Changelog ----------- see `install.txt `_ Contributing -------------- * remove poetry via Package Control. * fork sublime-poetry * clone your poetry fork to your Packages folder (Preferences --> Browse Packages...). folder has to be named `poetry` and not `sublime-poetry`:: git clone https://github.com/you/sublime-poetry.git poetry * Package Control: Satisfy Dependencies. * install UnitTesting in Package Control * adding a test for new features or bugfix is really nice if you can. * add your name to Authors in readme. Authors --------- Laboriously coded by Jimmy Girardet contributions by: .. _Poetry : https://github.com/sdispater/poetry