log4j2-scan results This Analysis retrieves results from running a Logpresso / Log4jscan against BigFix endpoints.  See the related Task to execute a scan generating these results.






exists files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" Internal 2021-12-15 x-fixlet-modification-time Thu, 13 Jan 2022 20:33:06 +0000 BESC unique values of (it as trimmed string) of preceding texts of firsts "," of following texts of firsts "vulnerability in " of (if exists property "locked lines" then locked lines of it else lines of it) whose (it as lowercase does not contain " (mitigated)" as lowercase) of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" unique values of (it as trimmed string) of (if exists property "locked lines" then locked lines 1 of it else lines 1 of it) of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" modification times of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" unique values of (it as trimmed string as integer) of (preceding text of first " " of following text of first "Found " of it) of (if exists property "locked lines" then locked lines of it else lines of it) whose (it starts with "Found " and it ends with " vulnerable files" and it does not end with "potentially vulnerable files") of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" unique values of (it as trimmed string as integer) of (preceding text of first " " of following text of first "Found " of it) of (if exists property "locked lines" then locked lines of it else lines of it) whose (it starts with "Found " and it ends with "potentially vulnerable files") of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" unique values of (it as trimmed string as integer) of (preceding text of first " " of following text of first "Found " of it) of (if exists property "locked lines" then locked lines of it else lines of it) whose (it starts with "Found " and it ends with "mitigated files") of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" unique values of (it as trimmed string) of (if exists property "locked lines" then locked lines of it else lines of it) whose (it starts with "[") of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" (it as integer) of following texts of lasts " " of preceding texts of lasts " files" of (if exists property "locked lines" then locked lines of it else lines of it) whose (it starts with "Scanned " and it ends with " files") of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" following texts of firsts "Completed in " of (if exists property "locked lines" then locked lines of it else lines of it) whose (it starts with "Completed in ") of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" (following texts of lasts "," of it as trimmed string) of (if exists property "locked lines" then locked lines of it else lines of it) whose (it starts with "[") of files "results-log4j2-scan.txt" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" number of find files "log4j2_scan_backup_*.zip" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite" names of find files "log4j2_scan_backup_*.zip" of folders "BPS-Scans" of parent folders of parent folders of client folders of sites "actionsite"