# PRIVACY POLICY `ShowsTrack` and its developer take your privacy very seriously. Beyond the information Apple provides to developers that you can decide to provide, It uses no third-party analytics or advertising frameworks. `ShowsTrack` logs no information on you and has no interest in doing such. `ShowsTrack` uses [Trakt](https://trakt.tv) and [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org) as shows data provider. Check [Trakt privacy policy](https://trakt.tv/privacy), [Trakt terms of use](https://trakt.tv/terms), [TMDB privacy policy](https://www.themoviedb.org/privacy-policy) and [TMDB terms of use](https://www.themoviedb.org/terms-of-use) for more information. `ShowsTrack` also uses [CloudKit](https://developer.apple.com/icloud/cloudkit/) to sync Favorites and Archived shows. **`ShowsTrack` does not collect, transmit, distribute or sell your data.**