### Purpose/implementation Section #### What changes are being implemented in this Pull Request? #### What was your approach? #### What GitHub issue does your pull request address? ### Tell potential reviewers what kind of feedback you are soliciting. ### New Content Checklist - [ ] New content/chapter is in an Rmd file with [this kind of format and headers](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/blob/main/02-chapter_of_course.Rmd). - [ ] New content/chapter contains [Learning Objectives and are in the correct format](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics#learning-objectives-formatting). - [ ] [Bookdown successfully re-renders and any new content files have been added to the _bookdown.yml](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Publishing-with-Bookdown). - [ ] Spell check runs successfully in [Github actions style-n-check](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/How-to-set-up-and-customize-GitHub-actions-robots#spell-check)). - [ ] Any newly necessary packages that are needed have been added to the [Dockerfile and image](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Using-Docker#adding-packages-to-the-dockerfile). - [ ] Images are in the [correct format for rendering](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics#adding-images-and-graphics-in-text). - [ ] Every new image has [alt text and is in a Google Slide](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics#accessibility). - [ ] Each slide is described in the notes of the slide so learners relying on a screen reader can access the content. See https://lastcallmedia.com/blog/accessible-comics for more guidance on this. - [ ] The color palette choices of the slide are contrasted in a way that is friendly to those with color vision deficiencies. You can check this using [Color Oracle](https://colororacle.org/).