# [Getting Started](https://jhudatascience.org/ITCR_Documentation_and_Usability/creating-a-smooth-getting-started-section.html) _Checklist for this section:_ - Is easy to find: clearly visible on the main page. - Provides the user with the introductory concepts of the tool. - Has clear steps for installation. - Dependencies are made clear. - Directs the user to the How-to Examples section. ## Why {this tool}? This tool is really awesome and serves this purpose. ## Installation steps {from command line} ### Steps for {this Operating system} This tool requires this dependency to be installed first: [Some dependency](Link to info). We can install that using this command: ``` SOME BASH COMMAND TO INSTALL THE DEPENDENCY ``` Now that we have that dependency, we can install {this tool}. We'll need to run this command: ``` SOME BASH COMMAND ``` Run this command and see if it installed correctly. If it did you should see {such and such output -- screenshot might be nice here}. ``` SOME BASH COMMAND TO TEST IF IT INSTALLED ``` If you did not get {such and such} response you may need to {do this other thing}. [Screenshot of reassurance]() ### Steps for {some other Operating system} {Use altered steps from above}. ## Quick tutorial {This tool} is based on these concepts. We can run the simplest form of this analysis by using this example data that we obtained from {where the data are from and a description about what they are}. ``` A COMMAND TO GET EXAMPLE DATA ``` You can call this example {script/notebook} to run this example analysis. ``` SOME COMMAND THAT RUNS A SIMPLE ANALYSIS ``` Look at this really cool output result! You can get this for your own data too! [Some really cool output result](). ## Links to other How-to Examples Now that you have the basic concepts down here are more examples of how to run more analyses with {this tool}. - [How to example](how_to_examples.md)