# [How-to Examples/Vignettes](https://jhudatascience.org/ITCR_Documentation_and_Usability/creating-helpful-how-to-examples.html) _Checklist for this section:_ - Is easy to find: clearly visible on the main page. - Demonstrates examples that are the most common use case(s). - Prerequisite knowledge needed is described. - Links to helpful background knowledge resources are included. - Paste-able or directly runnable code is given and can be run as-is. - Demonstrates a _reproducible_ example. - An example dataset needed is provided and introduced. - No additional packages and software are required beyond what is installed in the `Getting Started`. ## Specific Examples If your tool's destination is Bioconductor or Galaxy, see our specific guidance on those repositories' examples: - [Bioconductor vignette example](./bioconductor_guides/bioconductor_vignette_template.Rmd) - [Galaxy vignette example](https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/contributing/tutorials/create-new-tutorial/tutorial.html)