capture log close log using lecture8.log, replace //.do file for Lecture 8 of Stata programming class //comments //miscellaneous useful commands //cool stuff that's new in Stata 15: * transparency in graphs * putdocx: make Word docs //importing from the Internet local COVID import delimited `COVID', clear use transplants, clear //levelsof levelsof race disp r(levels) local rlevel = r(levels) foreach r in `rlevel' { sum age if race==`r' } if c(version) >= 17 { disp "You are running Stata 17" } else { disp "You are running an earlier version of Stata" } //transparent graph colors use transplants, clear if c(version) >= 15 { tw scatter rec_wgt_kg rec_hgt_cm if age>18, mcolor(%20) tw scatter rec_wgt_kg rec_hgt_cm if age>18, mcolor(red%20) } //FRAMES (version 16) if c(version) >= 16 { do lecture8_frames_2021 } if c(version) >= 15 { do lecture8_putdocx_2021 } //PROGRAMS FOR WRITING OUT STATA TABLES capture program drop v14_setup program define v14_setup syntax, filename(string) putexcel set `filename', modify putexcel B1= ("aOR") putexcel C1= ("p") end capture program drop v14_writerow program define v14_writerow syntax, row(int) label(string) parameter(string) //"int" = row we're writing to //"label" = label of first column //"parameter" = parameter to do in this row lincom `parameter' //obtain estimate, 95% CI, p value //NOTE: v13/14 lincom gives only estimate and se // return list // assert 0 local lb: disp %2.1f r(lb) local ub: disp %2.1f r(ub) local p = r(p) local est: disp %2.1f r(estimate) local pdisp: disp %2.1f `p' if `p' < 0.15 { local pdisp: disp %3.2f `p' } if inrange(`p', 0.045, 0.055) { local pdisp: disp %4.3f `p' } if `p' < 0.01 { local pdisp = "<0.01" } if `p' < 0.001 { local pdisp = "<0.001" } putexcel A`row'=("`label'") putexcel B`row' = ("`est' (`lb'-`ub')") putexcel C`row' = ("`pdisp'") end capture program drop v15_docsetup program define v15_docsetup putdocx clear putdocx begin end capture program drop v15_tablesetup program define v15_tablesetup syntax, caption(string) table(string) putdocx paragraph, font(Calibri,11, black) putdocx text ("`caption'"), bold //create a custom-formatted table putdocx table `table' = (6,3), /// 6 rows, 3 columns halign(center) /// center the table border(insideH,, white) /// interior horiz borders are white border(insideV,, white) /// interior vert borders are white border(start,, white) /// left border is white border(end,, white) /// right border is white border(top,, black) /// top border is black border(bottom,, black) /// bottom border is black width(70%) // make the table 70% as wide as the page //make the top row (header) have a black bottom border //NOTE: must have *no space* between table name and parenthesis //because Stata is soooo fussy about spaces putdocx table `table'(1,.), border(bottom,,black) //write header text //NOTE: produces an error if there's a space between the "e" and the "(" //because of course it does putdocx table `table'(1,2) = ("aOR"), halign(center) putdocx table `table'(1,3) = ("p"), halign(center) end capture program drop v15_writerow program define v15_writerow syntax, table(string) row(int) label(string) parameter(string) //"table" = name of the table we're writing to //"int" = row we're writing to //"label" = label of first column //"parameter" = parameter to do in this row //put the label for the table row (first column) //remember: no space between table name and parenthesis putdocx table `table'(`row', 1)=("`label'") //calculate OR for parameter //use lincom so that we can pass, say, 10*age lincom `parameter' local lb: disp %2.1f r(lb) local ub: disp %2.1f r(ub) local p = r(p) local est: disp %2.1f r(estimate) if r(p)<0.05 { local b = "bold" } //p value local pdisp: disp %2.1f `p' if `p' < 0.15 { local pdisp: disp %3.2f `p' } if inrange(`p', 0.045, 0.055) { local pdisp: disp %4.3f `p' } if `p' < 0.01 { local pdisp = "<0.01" } if `p' < 0.001 { local pdisp = "<0.001" } //whew! Now actually put the stuff in the table putdocx table `table'(`row', 2) = ("`lb'"), `b' halign(center) script(sub) putdocx table `table'(`row', 2) = (" `est' "), `b' append putdocx table `table'(`row', 2) = ("`ub'"), `b' script(sub) append putdocx table `table'(`row', 3) = ("`pdisp'"), halign(center) end //a bit of prep work use transplants, clear //new functional form of race/ethnicity based on prior regression gen byte race_aa = race==2 //African-American gen byte race_na = race==5 //Native American/indigenous logistic don_ecd age race_aa race_na gender bmi //this code requires Stata 15.1 or later to work assert c(stata_version)>=15.1 //Stata 13/14 if c(stata_version)<15 { v14_setup, filename("table_v14.xlsx") v14_writerow, row(2) label("Age (per 10y)") parameter(10*age) v14_writerow, row(3) label("African-American") parameter(race_aa) v14_writerow, row(4) label("Native American") parameter(race_na) v14_writerow, row(5) label("Female") parameter(gender) v14_writerow, row(6) label("BMI (per 5 units)") parameter(5*bmi) } else { //Stata 15 version putdocx begin v15_tablesetup, table(t1) /// caption("Table 1. Characteristics associated with receiving an ECD kidney.") v15_writerow, table(t1) row(2) label("Age (per 10y)") parameter(10*age) v15_writerow, table(t1) row(3) label("African-American") parameter(race_aa) v15_writerow, table(t1) row(4) label("Native American") parameter(race_na) v15_writerow, table(t1) row(5) label("Female") parameter(gender) v15_writerow, table(t1) row(6) label("BMI (per 5 units)") parameter(5*bmi) putdocx save doc4.docx, replace } log close