qui { capture program drop table1_fena program define table1_fena qui { syntax [if] [, var(string) by(varname) title(string) excel(string) catt(int 15) missingness] // first detect varaible type if 1 { noi di "Detecting Variable Types" // in case only by variable was specified if (("`by'" != "") & ("`var'" == "")) { ds local var_helper = r(varlist) local var : di stritrim(subinstr("`var_helper'", "`by'", "", .)) } noi var_type, var(`var') catt(`catt') if (strupper("${terminator}") == "EXIT") { exit } if (strupper("${terminator}") != "EXIT") { noi missing_detect, v(${terminator}) } // double verify the variable types // ask for user input noi di "Please indicate variables to modify, separated by space (e.g.: aaa bbb ccc)" noi di "Press enter to skip modification", _request(var_change) if ("${var_change}" != "") { local bstring : di "${bin}" local castring : di "${cat}" local costring : di "${con}" foreach i in ${var_change} { noi di "Please enter the correct variable type for" " variable " "`i'" " (1-binary 2-categorical 3-continuous):", _request(vtype) local bstring : di subinstr("`bstring'", "`i'", "", 1) local castring : di subinstr("`castring'", "`i'", "", 1) local costring : di subinstr("`costring'", "`i'", "", 1) if (${vtype} == 1) { local bstring : di "`bstring'" " " "`i'" } else if (${vtype} == 2) { local castring : di "`castring'" " " "`i'" } else if (${vtype} == 3) { local costring : di "`costring'" " " "`i'" } local bstring : di stritrim(strtrim("`bstring'")) local castring : di stritrim(strtrim("`castring'")) local costring : di stritrim(strtrim("`costring'")) } global bin `bstring' global cat `castring' global con `costring' noi di "Current Variable Types: " noi di "Binary Variables:" noi di "${bin}" noi di "Categorical Variables: " noi di "${cat}" noi di "Continuous Variables: " noi di "${con}" } // call the table1 program generate table 1 noi di as error "Generating Table1" noi table1_creation `if', bin(${bin}) cat(${cat}) con(${con}) title(`title') excel(`excel') by(`by') `missingness' orders(`var') noi di "" noi di as error "Table 1 saved as `excel' to the following directory:" noi di in g "`c(pwd)'" } } end } qui { capture program drop var_type program define var_type qui { // determine the type of each variable being taken in // should take list of variables // default should be everything // end product: // three global macro to for binary, categorical, continuous variables syntax [, var(string) catt(int 15)] // sets up proper variable list for action if ("`var'" != "") { local vlist `var' } else if ("`var'" == "") { ds local vlist `r(varlist)' } // determine if any of the variable specified is not in the dataset noi missing_detect, v(`vlist') if (strupper("${terminator}") == "EXIT") { noi di as error "WARNING: User Requested To Terminate The Program" exit } else { local vlist ${terminator} } // create returning global macros global bin global cat global con global tran // start to detect foreach i in `vlist' { /* levelsof `i', local(l1) s("!*!") local l2 : di subinstr(`"`l1'"', "!*!", "", .) local ln1 = strlen(`"`l1'"') local ln2 = strlen(`"`l2'"') local ln_diff = (`ln1' - `ln2') / 3 */ local ln_diff = -1 levelsof `i', local(l1) foreach var_val in `l1' { local ln_diff = `ln_diff' + 1 } if (`ln_diff' == 1 | `ln_diff' < 1) { global bin : di "${bin}" " " "`i'" } else if (`ln_diff' > 1 & `ln_diff' < `catt') { global cat : di "${cat}" " " "`i'" } else if (inrange(`ln_diff', (`catt' - 1), (`catt' - 1 + 15))) { global tran : di "${tran}" " " "`i'" global cat : di "${cat}" " " "`i'" } else { global con : di "${con}" " " "`i'" } } // display results noi di "Detected binary variables: " noi di "${bin}" noi di "Detected categorical variables: " noi di "${cat}" noi di "Detected continuous variables: " noi di "${con}" if ("${tran}" != "") { noi di as error "WARNING: Variables Require User Attention" noi di in g "${tran}" } } end capture program drop missing_detect program define missing_detect qui { syntax, v(string) ds local testing `r(varlist)' local missing foreach i in `v'{ if (strpos("`testing'", "`i'") == 0) { local missing : di "`missing'" " " "`i'" } } if ("`missing'" == "") { noi di in g "Variable check cleared" global terminator `v' } else if ("`missing'" != "") { noi di "" noi di in g "Variables below not found in current dataset: " noi di "`missing'" noi di "Please re-enter variable list for the program" noi di "(Enter exit to terminate the program)", _request(terminator) if (strupper("${terminator}") == "EXIT") { exit } if (strupper("${terminator}") != "EXIT") { noi missing_detect, v(${terminator}) } } } end } qui { capture program drop ind_translator program define ind_translator syntax, row(int) col(int) // tokenize the alphabet local alphabet "`c(ALPHA)'" tokenize `alphabet' // now translate col local col_helper = `col' while (`col_helper' > 0) { local temp_helper2 = (`col_helper' - 1) local temp_helper = mod(`temp_helper2', 26) + 1 local col_name : di "``temp_helper''" "`col_name'" local col_helper = (`col_helper' - `temp_helper') / 26 } // generate a global macro that can be used in main program global ul_cell "`col_name'`row'" end } qui { capture program drop table1_creation program define table1_creation syntax [if] [, title(string) bin(string) cat(string) con(string) foot(string) by(varname) excel(string) missingness orders(string)] qui { preserve // check if if ("`if'" != "") { keep `if' } // grant default value to excel and title if 2 { if ("`title'" == "") { local title : di "Table 1: Demographics" } if ("`excel'" == "") { local excel : di "Table 1 Outputs" } if ("`orders'" == "") { ds local orders `r(varlist)' } } // generate excel file if 3 { putexcel set "`excel'", replace } // prepare excel row/col if 4 { local erc = 1 local ecc = 1 global ind : di "ind_translator, row(" "`" "erc" "'" ") col(" "`" "ecc" "'" ")" } // prepare indentation if 5 { local col1: di "_col(40)" local col2: di "_col(50)" local cfac = 20 local csep = 60 } // run byvar checker if 7 { local dual_screener = 0 local var_screener `con' `bin' `cat' foreach var in `var_screener' { if ("`by'" == "`var'") { local dual_screener = 1 } } if (`dual_screener' == 1) { noi di as error "ERROR: The stratifying variable should not be inputted as table 1 variable" noi di in g " " exit } } // get title line and total N if 6 { noi di in g "`title'" ind_translator, row(`erc') col(`ecc') putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`title'" noi di "N=" "`c(N)'" local erc = `erc' + 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "N=`c(N)'" } // deal with byvar local by01 = 1 if ("`by'" == "") { // capture drop byvar_helper gen byvar_helper = 1 local by byvar_helper local by01 = 0 } // run through byvar if 8 { levelsof `by' local b_vals = r(levels) /* for now: if no byvar - b_vals = 1 if byvar - b_vals = r(levels) */ // gather label information to print out byvar line local by_l : value label `by' // print out by line local cheader = 0 // detect byvar type local bstringvar = 1 local b_if : di ("`" + "by" + "'" + " == " + `"""' +"`" + "k" + "'" + `"""') qui capture confirm string var `by' if _rc { local bstringvar = 0 local b_if : di ("`" + "by" + "'" + " == " + "`" + "k" + "'") } if ("`by'" != "byvar_helper") { local erc = `erc' + 1 foreach i in `b_vals' { local cheader = `cheader' + 1 local ctemp = `csep' + `cfac' * (`cheader' - 1) local col_s : di "_col(`ctemp')" local ecc = `ecc' + 1 // detect if value label exist // if yes, label value i // if no, keep i if ("`by_l'" == "") { local val_lab : di "`i'" } else if ("`by_l'" != "") { local val_lab : label `by_l' `i' } if (`bstringvar' == 1) { count if `by' == "`i'" } else { count if `by' == `i' } local total = r(N) noi di `col_s' "`val_lab'" " " "(n=`total')", _continue ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`val_lab' (n=`total')" } noi di "" } local ecc = 1 local cheader = 0 // get some constant for byvar foreach i in `b_vals' { if (`bstringvar' == 1) { count if `by' == "`i'" } else { count if `by' == `i' } local cnt`i' = r(N) } } // run through continuous variable local bincat `bin' `cat' foreach var in `orders' { if (strpos("`con'", "`var'") != 0) { // print out the variable // first detect if variable label exist local var_l : variable label `var' if ("`var_l'" == "") { local var_lab : di "`var'" } else if ("`var_l'" != "") { local var_lab : di "`var_l'" } // no need to detect value label since it is continuous noi di "`var_lab'" ", median[IQR]", _continue local erc = `erc' + 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`var_lab', median[IQR]" // detect if string var accidentally got into cont vars local stringvar = 1 qui capture confirm string var `var' if _rc { local stringvar = 0 } if (`stringvar' == 1) { local ctemp = `csep' local col_s : di "_col(`ctemp')" noi di as error `col_s' "`var' is in string format and not valid as continuous variables", _continue local ecc = `ecc' + 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`var' is in string format and not valid as continuous variables" } else { local cheader = 0 // loop through byvar is enough foreach k in `b_vals' { local cheader = `cheader' + 1 sum `var' if `b_if', detail local med = r(p50) local lq = r(p25) local hq = r(p75) local m_iqr : di %2.1f `med' "[" %2.1f `lq' ", " %2.1f `hq' "]" local ctemp = `csep' + `cfac' * (`cheader' - 1) local col_s : di "_col(`ctemp')" noi di `col_s' "`m_iqr'", _continue local ecc = `ecc' + 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`m_iqr'" } } noi di in g "" local ecc = 1 } else if (strpos("`bincat'", "`var'") != 0) { // run through binary and categorical variable // print out the variable // first detect if variable label exist // detect if this var is string or not local stringvar = 1 qui capture confirm string var `var' if _rc { local stringvar = 0 } local var_l : variable label `var' if ("`var_l'" == "") { local var_lab : di "`var'" } else if ("`var_l'" != "") { local var_lab : di "`var_l'" } // then detect if value label exist local val_l01 = 0 local val_l : value label `var' if ("`val_l'" != "") { local val_l01 = 1 } else if ("`val_l'" == "") { local val_l01 = 0 } noi di "`var_lab'" ", n(%)" local erc = `erc' + 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`var_lab', n(%)" // print out each value line levelsof `var' local var_levels = r(levels) foreach j in `var_levels' { // zero out column counter to ensure columns align appropriately local cheader = 0 if (`val_l01' == 1) { local val_lab : label `val_l' `j' } else if (`val_l01' == 0) { local val_lab : di "`j'" } // print j value noi di _col(4) "`val_lab'", _continue local erc = `erc' + 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = " `val_lab'" // count and percentage foreach k in `b_vals' { if `stringvar' == 1 { count if `var' == "`j'" & `b_if' } else { count if `var' == `j' & `b_if' } local cnt = r(N) local per = `cnt' / `cnt`k'' * 100 // assemble count and per local cp : di "`cnt'(" %2.1f `per' ")" // print out cnt and per local cheader = `cheader' + 1 local ctemp = `csep' + `cfac' * (`cheader' - 1) local col_s : di "_col(`ctemp')" noi di `col_s' "`cp'", _continue local ecc = `ecc' + 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`cp'" } noi di "" local ecc = 1 } } } // missingness if ("`missingness'" == "missingness") { noi di "" local erc = `erc' + 1 noi di in g "Missingness Information: " local erc = `erc' + 1 local ecc = 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "Missingness Information: " local mis_var `bin' `cat' `con' foreach var in `mis_var' { // display variable name local var_l : variable label `var' if ("`var_l'" == "") { local var_lab : di "`var'" } else if ("`var_l'" != "") { local var_lab : di "`var_l'" } noi di "`var_lab'", _continue local erc = `erc' + 1 local ecc = 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`var_lab'" // display missingness count if missing(`var') local mis = r(N) local mis_per = `mis' / `c(N)' * 100 local mis_per : di %3.2f `mis_per' "% missing" noi di _col(`csep') "`mis_per'" local ecc = `ecc' + 1 ${ind} putexcel ${ul_cell} = "`mis_per'" } } capture restore } end }