Q & A ------- #### 1. Camera preview black screen? **First**, check `targetSdk` version. If `targetSdk>=28`, you should grant the app `android.permission.CAMERA` permission and this solution will be resolved as usual. However, if it doesn't work, you have to set your targetSdk below 28 because it's custom system problem. **Otherwise**, issues to me and send me a email with your logs at location `Android/data/com.jiangdg.ausbc/files` if you have already get the uvc camera permission greanted dialog. #### 2. How to filter some device? If your uvc device can not be recognised, maybe you can try like this: **First**, create a flie named `default_device_filter.xml` in app xml directory(If not exist, please create it.). **then**, copying the default value into it and adding your uvc device information. ```xml ``` #### 3. There is a certain probability of being ANR when operatoring hot plug? Please update to `3.2.7`+ and this version has been optimized accordingly.