Version ------- #### 2020.01.15 version 2.3.2 1. Support adding time overlay(attention: overlay only support armeabi-v7a & arm64-v8a); 2. Support recording device mic; 3. Update to androidx and update commonLibVersion from 2.14.2 to 4.1.1; 4. Fix saving files failed. #### 2020.04.14 version 2.3.4 1. Fix pull version 2.3.2 failed. 2. Fix android 9.0 sometimes can not preview. 3. Fix pull out crash 1. 4. Update to all so files to new. #### 2021.03.16 version 2.3.5 1. Fix stop preview crash. 2. Open UVCCamera NDK Library project [UVCCameraLib]( #### 2021.04.08 version 2.3.6 1. Fix pull out crash 2. #### 2021.11.17 version 2.3.7 1. Fix download common library failed, and use aar instead. #### 2022.01.28 version 2.3.8 1. Detect multiple cameras. #### 2022.07.01 version 3.0 1. Refactor the project with kotlin; 2. Support effects with OpenGL ES 2.0; 3. Support capture photo、viedo and audio; 4. Support rotate camera view; 5. Support show camera offscreen; 6. Support versionTarget>=29; 7. Fix call StopPreview() crash (may have others, please tell me); 8. Fix open some device failed, resolution or not uvc device as usual; 9. Fix acquire common library failed, see `libuvc/libusbcommon_v4.1.1.aar`; 10. Merge NDK project into main project, see `libuvc` module. #### 2022.07.12 version 3.1.2 1. Import usb common library instead of aar; 2. Fix “pthread_mutex_lock called on a destroyed mutex” when call stop preview 3. Fix build error; #### 2022.07.13 version 3.1.7 1. Cancel supporting x86 & x86_64, If you need it, please downloading the project and build it; 2. Release version 3.1.7 and support depend on it directly; #### 2022.07.15 version 3.1.8 1. fix a native memory leak when repeat open close camera; #### 2022.07.25 version 3.2.0 1. fix part equipment recording image flower; 2. Support opening multi-road camera; #### 2022.08.25 version 3.2.7 1. fix some device open failed or anr when close-open camera or hot plug; 2. fix multi-road camera update resolution failed; 3. support camera configures, like zoom/sharpness etc. 4. fix Android S+ crash;