# This compose file defines a Public Fullnode docker compose wrapper around aptos-node. # # In order to use, place a copy of the proper genesis.blob and waypoint.txt in this directory. # # Developer testnet genesis blob and waypoint can be found at: # `curl https://devnet.aptoslabs.com/waypoint.txt --output waypoint.txt` # `curl https://devnet.aptoslabs.com/genesis.blob --output genesis.blob` # # Note this compose comes with a pre-configured node.config for fullnodes, see # public_full_node.yaml. The config is pretty well documented and aligns with instructions herein. # It is intended for use with testnet but can be easily modified for other systems. # # To start the docker compose: # `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d` # # Additional information: # * If you use this compose for different Aptos Networks, you will need remove the db volume first. # * Aptos's testnet produces approximately 3 GB worth of chain data per day, so be patient while # starting for the first time. As a sanity check, enter the container and check the increasing size # of the db: # * `docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash` # * `du -csm /opt/aptos/data`` # # Monitoring: # If you want to install the monitoring components for your fullnode # you can symlink the ../monitoring folder into this directory. # Note that you will need to rename the monitoring docker-compose.yaml file to avoid duplication. # e.g. rename it to docker-compose.mon.yaml and run: # `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.mon.yaml up -d` # Dashboard can be accessed locally by loading localhost:3000 on your browser version: "3.8" services: fullnode: image: aptoslab/validator:devnet volumes: - type: volume source: db target: /opt/aptos/data - type: bind source: ./genesis.blob target: /opt/aptos/etc/genesis.blob read_only: true - type: bind source: ./public_full_node.yaml target: /opt/aptos/etc/node.yaml read_only: true - type: bind source: ./waypoint.txt target: /opt/aptos/etc/waypoint.txt read_only: true command: ["/opt/aptos/bin/aptos-node", "-f", "/opt/aptos/etc/node.yaml"] ports: - "6180:6180" - "8080:8080" - "9101:9101" volumes: db: