#!/bin/bash # Things to install: # - openssh -- To remotely access the server # - xorg and xf86-video-intel (which I need to run my xwindow session) # - lightdm and lightdm-gtk-greeter as lightdm default greeter # - Some other software I'll need to "rice" my i3wm # pacman -S xorg xorg-xinit xorg-xinput i3-gaps i3blocks i3status xf86-video-intel lightdm rofi feh dunst picom jq dmenu lightdm-gtk-greeter kitty firefox xterm openssh firefox kitty # Enable and start my ssh server systemctl enable openssh systemctl start openssh # Enable Blackarch repo cd /tmp curl -O https://blackarch.org/strap.sh chmod +x strap.sh ./strap.sh # Install AUR Helper -- yay, apru, etc would be ok git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git cd yay makepkg -si # After installing, lightdm could be enabled / started sudo systemctl enable lightdm # Set Keyboardlayout to spanish cat << EOT > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "system-keyboard" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XkbLayout" "es" EndSection EOT # Start lightdm sudo systemctl start lightdm