# Getting Started A quick start guide to get Kepler up and running inside your container-based development cluster. ## I just want it built and run it on my cluster First, point the `Makefile` to the container registry of your choice: ```bash export IMAGE_REPO=index.docker.io/myrepo export IMAGE_TAG=mybuild ``` We assume that you have logged in your container registry Then point the `Makefile` to cluster provider to build the right manifests: ```bash export CLUSTER_PROVIDER=kubernetes ``` By default we use the IMAGE_TAG=`devel` and CLUSTER_PROVIDER=`kubernetes` After that, build the manifests and images: ```bash make build-manifest make _build_containerized make push-image ``` If successful, the manifests are at `_output/manifest/$CLUSTER_PROVIDER/` Finally, push the manifests to your cluster: ```bash make cluster-deploy ``` Or just simply build and deploy with: ```bash make cluster-sync ``` ## To run kepler externally to the cluster This quick tutorial is for developing and testing Kepler locally but with access to kubelet ### Install bcc-devel and kernel-devel Refer to the [builder Dockerfile](https://github.com/sustainable-computing-io/kepler/blob/main/build/Dockerfile.builder) ### Compile Go to the root of the repo and do the following: ```bash make _build_local ``` If successful, the binary is at `_output/bin/_/kepler` ### Test Create the k8s role and token, copy data files, this is only needed once. ```bash cd dev/ ./create_k8s_token.sh ./prepare_dev_env.sh ``` Then run the Kepler binary at `_output/bin/_/kepler`