#! /bin/sh # ============================================================================ # shell script to restore a Raspberry Pi after a clean NOOBS install # Source: STEAM Clown - www.steamclown.org # GitHub: https://github.com/jimTheSTEAMClown/RaspberryPi # Hacker: Jim Burnham - STEAM Clown, Engineer, Maker, Propmaster & Adrenologist # This example code is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, GNU GPL and EUPL # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html # https://eupl.eu/ # Program/Design Name: RPiUpdate.sh # Description: shell script to restore a Raspberry Pi after a clean NOOBS install # Dependencies: # Revision: # Revision 0.02 - Updated 03/26/2019 for SVCTE Mechatronics Class # Revision 0.01 - Created 03/26/2019 # Additional Comments: # see https://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_make_a_yes_no_command_in_cmd to add more features # ============================================================================ pwd ls -l echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "Running Update" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " " sudo apt-get update -y echo " " echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "Done running update" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " " echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "Running Upgrade with -y" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " " sudo apt-get upgrade -y echo " " echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "Done running Upgrade" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " " echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "Installing wiringPi library" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " " echo "cloning the wiringPi Lib" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " " sudo git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi echo " " echo "cd to wiringPi Lib" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " " sudo cd wiringPi echo " " echo "building the wiringPi Lib" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " " sudo ./build echo " " sudo gpio readall echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "Done running Upgrade" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " "