# AGC Assembly [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com) syntax-highlighting for [Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)][1] assembly [source code][2]. This syntax supports the following filetypes: - `agc` - AGC (Command Module and Lunar Module) assembly language source. - `ags` - AGS (Lunar Module Abort Guidance System) aseembly language source. - `binsource` - AGC/AGC core rope memory binary source files. ## Installation ### [Package Control][3] - Command Palette (OS X: `Cmd-Shift-P`, Linux/Windows: `Ctrl-Shift-P`) - Select `Package Control: Install Package`. - Select `AGC Assembly` Package Control will automatically keep `AGC Assembly` up to date. ### Manual Installation Locate the Sublime Text [packages directory][4] on your machine and use Git to clone the repostory from Github into that directory: ``` $ cd $ git clone https://github.com/jimlawton/AGC-Assembly ``` ## Suggested Settings Included are suggested settings files for the three supported filetypes. Current [VirtualAGC][1] project conventions are to use hard tabs every 8 columns when entering source. ``` { "tab_size": 8, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": false, "use_tab_stops": true, "detect_indentation": false, "auto_indent": true, "smart_indent": false, "indent_to_bracket": false, "trim_automatic_white_space": false, "tab_completion": false } ``` You can set the language-specific settings by opening an AGC/AGS source file and selecting `Sublime Text` > `Preferences` > `Settings - Syntax-Specific`. ## Contributing Pull requests are welcome. Please do *not* edit the `.tmLanguage` files directly. Instead, edit the `.YAML-tmLanguage` files and build the `.tmLanguage` file from it using [PackageDev](https://github.com/SublimeText/PackageDev). [1]:http://www.ibiblio.org/apollo/ [2]:https://github.com/rburkey2005/virtualagc [3]:https://packagecontrol.io/ [4]:http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/basic_concepts.html#the-packages-directory