package; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * 16位数字卡号生成器 * 卡号固定为16位,53bit,格式如下(各字段位数可通过全参构造函数调整): * +======================================================================= * | 3bit卡类型 | 31bit时间戳 | 3bit机器编号 | 9bit序号 | 7bit卡号校验位 | * +======================================================================= *

* 3 bit 卡类型,支持8种卡类型。 * 31 bit 的秒时间戳支持68年 * 9 bit 序号支持512个序号 * 3 bit 机器编号支持8台负载 *

* 即卡号生成最大支持8台负载,每台负载每秒钟可以生成512个卡号。 * 时间戳、机器编号、序号和校验位的bit位数支持业务自定义,方便业务定制自己的生成器。 * * @author liuzhaoming * @date 2017/11/22 */ @Slf4j @SuppressWarnings("UnusedAssignment") public class CardIdGenerator implements CardIdGeneratorable { /** * 时间bit数,时间的单位为秒,31 bit位时间可以表示68年 */ private int timeBits = 31; /** * 机器编码bit数 */ private int machineBits = 3; /** * 每秒序列bit数 */ private int sequenceBits = 9; /** * 校验bit位数 */ private int validationBits = 7; /** * 上一次时间戳 */ private long lastStamp = -1L; /** * 系统编号,默认为1 */ private long defaultSystem = 1L; /** * 系统编号左移bit数 */ private int systemOffset = 0; /** * 序列 */ private long sequence = 0L; /** * 机器编号 */ private long machineId = 1L; /** * 时间左移bit数 */ private int timeOffset = 0; /** * 机器编码左移bit数 */ private int machineOffset = 0; /** * 序列左移bit数 */ private int sequenceOffset = 0; /** * 最大序列号 */ private long maxSequence = 0L; /** * 最大校验码 */ private int maxCode = 0; /** * 开始时间,默认为2019-01-01 */ private String startTimeString = "2019-01-01 00:00:00"; /** * 起始时间戳 */ private long startTimeStamp = 0L; /** * 最大ID */ private static final long MAX_ID = 9999999999999999L; /** * 最小ID */ private static final long MIN_ID = 1000000000000000L; public CardIdGenerator() { this(1, 1); } public CardIdGenerator(int machineId, int defaultSystem) { if (defaultSystem < 1 || defaultSystem > 7) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The default system must be in [1, 7]"); } int maxMachineId = ~(-1 << machineBits); if (machineId > maxMachineId) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Machine bits is " + machineBits + ", so the max machine id is " + maxMachineId); } this.machineId = machineId; this.defaultSystem = defaultSystem; init(); } /** * 全参构造函数,便于业务定制卡号生成器 * * @param timeBits 时间bit数 * @param machineBits 机器编码bit数 * @param sequenceBits 每秒序列bit数 * @param validationBits 校验bit位数 * @param machineId 机器编号 * @param startTimeString 开始时间 * @param defaultSystem 默认系统编号 */ public CardIdGenerator(int timeBits, int machineBits, int sequenceBits, int validationBits, int machineId, String startTimeString, int defaultSystem) { if (timeBits <= 0 || machineBits <= 0 || sequenceBits <= 0 || validationBits <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The bits should be larger than 0"); } if (timeBits + machineBits + sequenceBits + validationBits != 50) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The sum of timeBits and machineBits and sequenceBits " + "and validationBits should be 50"); } int maxMachineId = ~(-1 << machineBits); if (machineId > maxMachineId) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Machine bits is " + machineBits + ", so the max machine id is " + maxMachineId); } if (defaultSystem < 1 || defaultSystem > 7) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The default system must be in [1, 7]"); } this.defaultSystem = defaultSystem; this.timeBits = timeBits; this.machineBits = machineBits; this.sequenceBits = sequenceBits; this.validationBits = validationBits; this.machineId = machineId; if (null != startTimeString) { this.startTimeString = startTimeString; } init(); } /** * 生成16位卡号 * * @return 16位卡号 */ public long generate() { return generate(defaultSystem); } /** * 根据给定的系统编号生成卡号 * * @param system 系统编号 * @return 16位卡号 */ public synchronized long generate(long system) { if (system < 1 || system > 7) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The system must be in [1, 7]"); } long curStamp = getCurrentSecond(); if (curStamp < lastStamp) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Clock moved backwards. Refusing to generate id."); } if (curStamp == lastStamp) { sequence = (sequence + 1) & maxSequence; if (sequence == 0L) { curStamp = getNextSecond(); } } else { sequence = 0L; } lastStamp = curStamp; long originId = system << systemOffset | (curStamp - startTimeStamp) << timeOffset | machineId << machineOffset | sequence << sequenceOffset; int validationCode = IdUtils.getValidationCode(originId, maxCode); return originId + validationCode; } /** * 校验卡号是否合法 * * @param id 卡号 * @return boolean 合法返回true,反之false */ public boolean validate(long id) { if (id > MAX_ID || id < MIN_ID) { return false; } return validateCode(id, startTimeStamp, timeBits, timeOffset, validationBits, maxCode); } /** * 解析卡号 * * @param id 卡号 * @return 解析结果依次是系统编号(system)、时间戳、机器编码、序列号 */ public Long[] parse(long id) { if (!validate(id)) { return null; } String bitString = Long.toBinaryString(id); int bitLength = bitString.length(); long system = Long.parseLong(bitString.substring(0, bitLength - systemOffset), 2); long timestamp = Long.parseLong(bitString.substring(bitLength - timeOffset - timeBits, bitLength - timeOffset), 2); long machineId = Long.parseLong(bitString.substring(bitLength - machineOffset - machineBits, bitLength - machineOffset), 2); long sequence = Long.parseLong(bitString.substring(bitLength - sequenceOffset - sequenceBits, bitLength - sequenceOffset), 2); return new Long[]{system, (timestamp + startTimeStamp) * 1000, machineId, sequence}; } /** * 数据初始化 */ private void init() { sequenceOffset = validationBits; machineOffset = sequenceOffset + sequenceBits; timeOffset = machineOffset + machineBits; systemOffset = timeOffset + timeBits; maxSequence = ~(-1L << sequenceBits); startTimeStamp = IdUtils.getTimeStampSecond(startTimeString); maxCode = ~(-1 << validationBits); } /** * 获取当前时间戳 单位秒 * * @return 时间戳(秒) */ private long getCurrentSecond() { return System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; } /** * 获取下一秒钟 * * @return 时间戳(秒) */ private long getNextSecond() { long second = getCurrentSecond(); while (second <= lastStamp) { IdUtils.sleep(20); second = getCurrentSecond(); } return second; } }