const secret = require("./_secret"); module.exports = { // theme: require.resolve("../../"), base: "/", title: "耀 の 部落阁 | Mark's BLOG", description: "耀, Mark, jinyaoMa, 部落阁, 博客, Blog, Mustom, VuePress, 耀の个人网站, 耀的个人网站, Mark の Personal Website, Mark's Personal Website", themeConfig: { domain: "", // for sitemap generate translate: secret.translate, // baidu translation comment: secret.comment, // vssue setting // clustrmaps setting clustrmaps: { id: "clustrmaps", // clstr_globe / clustrmaps src: "//" }, author: "jinyaoMa", year: 2019, // year of site started maximizeLaunch: false, // full size image for launch noEmpty: false, // hide empty component recentPostOffset: 5, // number of recent posts each time click on 'more post' searchMaxSuggestions: 19, // max number of search results display images: { // for image replacment; no base needed; first layer key points to component name ad: "", avatar: "/assets/img/avatar.png", brand: "/assets/img/brand.png", hitokoto: { left: "/assets/img/hitokoto.left.png", right: "/assets/img/hitokoto.right.png" }, empty: "/assets/img/empty.png", records: "/assets/img/records.png", background: "/assets/img/background.png" }, dateFormatter: (time) => { // for sitemap dateFormatter used const regexAM = /├\w\d\d: AM┤/; const regexPM = /├\w\d\d: PM┤/; return new Date( time.replace(regexAM, "AM").replace(regexPM, "PM") ).toISOString(); }, customBackgrounds: [ //'/assets/img/background.png', //'', //'' ], socialShare: { // networks: [ "qq", "weibo", "douban", "email", "whatsapp", "facebook", "reddit", "telegram", "line" ], email: "", fallbackImage: "/assets/img/avatar.png", noGlobalSocialShare: true }, // startup notification; priority => index 0 = highest // type: 'default', 'warning', 'error' notification: [ { // welcome msg type: "default", msg: [ "欢迎来到我的个人网站!技术交流请加 QQ 群:595614161,也可以加本人QQ:907881445", // zh "Welcome to my personal website! " // en ] }, { type: "warning", msg: [ '我的旧 Hexo 版网站已经搬迁至', // zh 'If you are looking for the Hexo version of my site, click here' // en ] } ], qrcodes: [ { // qrcode for contact and friending tooltip: [ "扫码加我QQ", // zh "Scan QR code to friend me via QQ" // en ], locale: [ "QQ", // zh "QQ" // en ], path: "/assets/img/qq.png" // no base needed }, { tooltip: [ "扫码加我微信", // zh "Scan QR code to friend me via WeChat" // en ], locale: [ "微信", // zh "WeChat" // en ], path: "/assets/img/wechat.png" // no base needed } ], header: { sitename: [ "耀 の部落阁", // zh "Mark'sBLOG" // en ] }, brand: { signatures: [ "问题, 方法, 程序, 标准, 解决", // zh "issue, func, flow, std, solve" // en ], contacts: [ { icon: '', text: "jinyaoMa", link: "" }, { icon: '', text: "", link: "mailto://" }, { icon: '', text: "907881445", link: "tencent://Message/?uin=907881445" } ] }, menus: [ { caption: [ "菜单", // zh "MENU" // en ], icon: '', items: [ { icon: '', text: [ "首页", // zh "Home" // en ], link: "/" }, { icon: '', text: [ "归档", // zh "Archive" // en ], link: "/archive/" }, { icon: '', text: [ "代码库", // zh "Code Library" // en ], link: "/codes/" }, { icon: '', text: [ "图标字体库", // zh "Icon Font Library" // en ], link: "/icons/" }, { icon: '', text: [ "记录", // zh "Records" // en ], link: "/records/" }, { icon: '', text: [ "图库", // zh "Gallery" // en ], link: "/gallery/" }, { icon: '', text: [ "关于", // zh "About" // en ], link: "/about/" } ] } ], meting: { server: "netease", // netease, tencent, kugou, xiami, baidu type: "playlist", // song, playlist, album, search, artist id: "4989572738", // song id / playlist id / album id / search keyword theme: "var(--link)", // e.g. #ff3300 height: "297px" // playlist height, 297px ==> 9 lines }, // external links; use for the component that displays after clicking on the left-top button of header portals: [ { name: "My Site", desc: "耀 の 个人网站 | Mark の Personal Website", icon: "/assets/img/avatar.png", link: "/" }, { name: "Palette", desc: "想知道图片主题色?", icon: "", link: "" }, { name: "MPlayer", desc: "APlayer 个人模仿练习版", icon: "", link: "" }, { name: "求职信仓库", desc: "Cover Letter Library", icon: "", link: "" }, { name: "Resume", desc: "Resume Template", icon: "", link: "" }, { name: "简历", desc: "简历模板", icon: "", link: "" } ], hitokoto: { customs: [ /*{ // format; if customs exist, API will be ignored, and customs will be in use word: '', from: '一言开发者中心' }*/ ], type: "i" //请求参数 }, gallery: [ /*{ format; these gallery items will be appended to /gallery/ page name: 'test image from baidu', url: '' }*/ ], pwa: { // serviceWorker: true, popupComponent: "CustomSWUpdatePopup", updatePopup: { message: [ "检测到可用的新内容。", // zh "New content is available." // en ], buttonText: [ "更新缓存", // zh "Refresh" // en ] } } }, head: [ // Include pwa settings, [ "link", { rel: "icon", href: "/favicon.ico", type: "image/x-icon" } ], [ "link", { rel: "manifest", href: "/manifest.json" } ], [ "meta", { name: "theme-color", content: "#ffffff" } ], [ "meta", { name: "apple-mobile-web-app-capable", content: "yes" } ], [ "meta", { name: "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style", content: "#ffffff" } ], [ "link", { rel: "apple-touch-icon", href: "/assets/img/apple-touch-icon.png" } ], // Search engine verify [ "meta", { name: "google-site-verification", content: "DR-3xvCA7YBP7TIeg7__j5lxaniGh2pzocrfywyn8o0" } ], [ "meta", { name: "baidu-site-verification", content: "zQef3H7nga" } ] ], // markdown: { lineNumbers: false, extractHeaders: ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"] }, evergreen: true, // using old browser ? configureWebpack: () => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { return { output: { publicPath: "" } }; } } };