## MaxPane
Easily maximize/unmaximize a pane without resetting your multi-pane setup.
Ever used a multi pane setup in Sublime Text and want to maximize a single pane for a bit, *and* be able to switch back to the multi pane layout again when done?
*Then MaxPane is for you.*
It also works great with [BetterTabCycling](https://github.com/ahuff44/sublime-better-tab-cycling), [Origami](https://github.com/SublimeText/Origami) and [Distraction Free Window](https://github.com/aziz/DistractionFreeWindow#changing-layout)!
So lets say you have this multi pane setup:
### Maximize Panes
Press ctrl + k, ctrl + f _(Linux/Windows)_ / super + k, super + f _(MacOS)_ to maximize the active (upper right) pane:
Press ctrl + k, ctrl + f _(Linux/Windows)_ / super + k, super + f _(MacOS)_ another time to return to the original state.
## Maximize Editor
Press ctrl + k, ctrl + m _(Linux/Windows)_ / super + k, super + m _(MacOS)_ to hide everything but the active pane.
Press ctrl + k, ctrl + m _(Linux/Windows)_ / super + k, super + m _(MacOS)_ another time to return to the original state.
### Installation
Install via [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control)