ArangoExec ========= A Plugin for running Aql Queries commands in Sublime Text. # Usage: -------- ``` { "keys": ["ctrl+e", "ctrl+enter"], "command": "arango_exec" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+y", "ctrl+enter"], "command": "arango_explain" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+y"], "command": "arango_list_connection" } ``` ## How to Install ### Package Control *(Recommended)* 1. Package Control: **Install Package** `ArangoExec` 2. **Restart** Sublime Text ### Git 1. **Clone** to your packages folder `git clone` 2. **Restart** Sublime Text # Configuration --------------- Settings -------- 'Preferences' -> 'Package Settings' -> 'ArangoExec' ```json { "connections": { "someConnection" : { "host" : "", "port" : 8529, "username": "user", "password": "password", "database": "super_graphs" }, "TestStress" : { "host" : "", "port" : 8529, "username": "user", "password": "password", "database": "test_stress" } } } ``` # TODO -------- * Use credentials * ~~Function Intellisense (autocompletion)~~ * ~~Collections, Edges intellisense~~ * I know there are more things, but I'm not really sure right now what else :) Inspired and Based on [SQLExec]( & [SublimeHttpRequester](