plugins { id("") id("org.example.gradle.base.lifecycle") } // Configure which JDK and Java version to build with. The version is defined in // 'gradle/jdk-version.txt' so that GitHub actions can also pick it up from there. java { toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of( providers .fileContents(isolated.rootProject.projectDirectory.file("gradle/jdk-version.txt")) .asText .get() .trim() ) } // Configuration to make the build reproducible. This means we override settings that are, by // default, platform dependent (e.g. different default encoding on Windows and Unix systems). tasks.withType().configureEach { options.apply { isFork = true encoding = "UTF-8" compilerArgs.add("-implicit:none") compilerArgs.add("-Werror") compilerArgs.add("-Xlint:all,-serial") } } tasks.withType().configureEach { isPreserveFileTimestamps = false isReproducibleFileOrder = true filePermissions { unix("0664") } dirPermissions { unix("0775") } } // Tweak 'lifecycle tasks': These are the tasks in the 'build' group that are used in daily // development. Under normal circumstances, these should be all the tasks developers needs // in their daily work. tasks.named("qualityCheck") { dependsOn(tasks.withType()) } tasks.named("qualityGate") { dependsOn(tasks.withType()) } // Clear tasks group 'build' from clutter for a clean set of tasks to be used in daily work tasks.buildDependents { setGroup(null) } tasks.buildNeeded { setGroup(null) } tasks.jar { setGroup(null) } sourceSets.all { tasks.named(classesTaskName) { group = null } }