name: "GoogleNet" layer { name: 'input-data' type: 'Python' top: 'data' top: 'im_info' top: 'gt_boxes' python_param { module: 'roi_data_layer.layer' layer: 'RoIDataLayer' param_str: "'num_classes': 21" } } # Since cfg.PIXEL_MEANS [102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717] would be subtracted # by python code before the data is fed into the CNN, we don't need to # define mean values here. # Then we replace "pool4/3x3_s2" with the roi pooling layer. # Finally we set lr_mult of the first few layers to 0, so as to only do # fine-tuning on the last few layers. layer { name: "conv1/7x7_s2" type: "Convolution" bottom: "data" top: "conv1/7x7_s2" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 pad: 3 kernel_size: 7 stride: 2 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "conv1/relu_7x7" type: "ReLU" bottom: "conv1/7x7_s2" top: "conv1/7x7_s2" } layer { name: "pool1/3x3_s2" type: "Pooling" bottom: "conv1/7x7_s2" top: "pool1/3x3_s2" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 2 } } layer { name: "pool1/norm1" type: "LRN" bottom: "pool1/3x3_s2" top: "pool1/norm1" lrn_param { local_size: 5 alpha: 0.0001 beta: 0.75 } } layer { name: "conv2/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "pool1/norm1" top: "conv2/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "conv2/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "conv2/3x3_reduce" top: "conv2/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "conv2/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "conv2/3x3_reduce" top: "conv2/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 192 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "conv2/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "conv2/3x3" top: "conv2/3x3" } layer { name: "conv2/norm2" type: "LRN" bottom: "conv2/3x3" top: "conv2/norm2" lrn_param { local_size: 5 alpha: 0.0001 beta: 0.75 } } layer { name: "pool2/3x3_s2" type: "Pooling" bottom: "conv2/norm2" top: "pool2/3x3_s2" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 2 } } layer { name: "inception_3a/1x1" type: "Convolution" bottom: "pool2/3x3_s2" top: "inception_3a/1x1" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3a/relu_1x1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3a/1x1" top: "inception_3a/1x1" } layer { name: "inception_3a/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "pool2/3x3_s2" top: "inception_3a/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 96 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3a/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3a/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_3a/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_3a/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_3a/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_3a/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3a/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3a/3x3" top: "inception_3a/3x3" } layer { name: "inception_3a/5x5_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "pool2/3x3_s2" top: "inception_3a/5x5_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 16 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3a/relu_5x5_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3a/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_3a/5x5_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_3a/5x5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_3a/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_3a/5x5" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 32 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3a/relu_5x5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3a/5x5" top: "inception_3a/5x5" } layer { name: "inception_3a/pool" type: "Pooling" bottom: "pool2/3x3_s2" top: "inception_3a/pool" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 pad: 1 } } layer { name: "inception_3a/pool_proj" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_3a/pool" top: "inception_3a/pool_proj" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 32 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3a/relu_pool_proj" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3a/pool_proj" top: "inception_3a/pool_proj" } layer { name: "inception_3a/output" type: "Concat" bottom: "inception_3a/1x1" bottom: "inception_3a/3x3" bottom: "inception_3a/5x5" bottom: "inception_3a/pool_proj" top: "inception_3a/output" } layer { name: "inception_3b/1x1" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_3a/output" top: "inception_3b/1x1" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3b/relu_1x1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3b/1x1" top: "inception_3b/1x1" } layer { name: "inception_3b/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_3a/output" top: "inception_3b/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3b/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3b/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_3b/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_3b/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_3b/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_3b/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 192 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3b/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3b/3x3" top: "inception_3b/3x3" } layer { name: "inception_3b/5x5_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_3a/output" top: "inception_3b/5x5_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 32 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3b/relu_5x5_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3b/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_3b/5x5_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_3b/5x5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_3b/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_3b/5x5" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 96 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3b/relu_5x5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3b/5x5" top: "inception_3b/5x5" } layer { name: "inception_3b/pool" type: "Pooling" bottom: "inception_3a/output" top: "inception_3b/pool" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 pad: 1 } } layer { name: "inception_3b/pool_proj" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_3b/pool" top: "inception_3b/pool_proj" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_3b/relu_pool_proj" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_3b/pool_proj" top: "inception_3b/pool_proj" } layer { name: "inception_3b/output" type: "Concat" bottom: "inception_3b/1x1" bottom: "inception_3b/3x3" bottom: "inception_3b/5x5" bottom: "inception_3b/pool_proj" top: "inception_3b/output" } layer { name: "pool3/3x3_s2" type: "Pooling" bottom: "inception_3b/output" top: "pool3/3x3_s2" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 2 } } layer { name: "inception_4a/1x1" type: "Convolution" bottom: "pool3/3x3_s2" top: "inception_4a/1x1" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 192 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4a/relu_1x1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4a/1x1" top: "inception_4a/1x1" } layer { name: "inception_4a/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "pool3/3x3_s2" top: "inception_4a/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 96 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4a/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4a/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4a/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4a/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4a/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4a/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 208 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4a/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4a/3x3" top: "inception_4a/3x3" } layer { name: "inception_4a/5x5_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "pool3/3x3_s2" top: "inception_4a/5x5_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 16 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4a/relu_5x5_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4a/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4a/5x5_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4a/5x5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4a/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4a/5x5" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 48 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4a/relu_5x5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4a/5x5" top: "inception_4a/5x5" } layer { name: "inception_4a/pool" type: "Pooling" bottom: "pool3/3x3_s2" top: "inception_4a/pool" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 pad: 1 } } layer { name: "inception_4a/pool_proj" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4a/pool" top: "inception_4a/pool_proj" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4a/relu_pool_proj" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4a/pool_proj" top: "inception_4a/pool_proj" } layer { name: "inception_4a/output" type: "Concat" bottom: "inception_4a/1x1" bottom: "inception_4a/3x3" bottom: "inception_4a/5x5" bottom: "inception_4a/pool_proj" top: "inception_4a/output" } #layer { # name: "loss1/ave_pool" # type: "Pooling" # bottom: "inception_4a/output" # top: "loss1/ave_pool" # pooling_param { # pool: AVE # kernel_size: 5 # stride: 3 # } #} #layer { # name: "loss1/conv" # type: "Convolution" # bottom: "loss1/ave_pool" # top: "loss1/conv" # param { # lr_mult: 1 # decay_mult: 1 # } # param { # lr_mult: 2 # decay_mult: 0 # } # convolution_param { # num_output: 128 # kernel_size: 1 # weight_filler { # type: "xavier" # } # bias_filler { # type: "constant" # value: 0.2 # } # } #} #layer { # name: "loss1/relu_conv" # type: "ReLU" # bottom: "loss1/conv" # top: "loss1/conv" #} #layer { # name: "loss1/fc" # type: "InnerProduct" # bottom: "loss1/conv" # top: "loss1/fc" # param { # lr_mult: 1 # decay_mult: 1 # } # param { # lr_mult: 2 # decay_mult: 0 # } # inner_product_param { # num_output: 1024 # weight_filler { # type: "xavier" # } # bias_filler { # type: "constant" # value: 0.2 # } # } #} #layer { # name: "loss1/relu_fc" # type: "ReLU" # bottom: "loss1/fc" # top: "loss1/fc" #} #layer { # name: "loss1/drop_fc" # type: "Dropout" # bottom: "loss1/fc" # top: "loss1/fc" # dropout_param { # dropout_ratio: 0.7 # } #} #layer { # name: "loss1/classifier" # type: "InnerProduct" # bottom: "loss1/fc" # top: "loss1/classifier" # param { # lr_mult: 1 # decay_mult: 1 # } # param { # lr_mult: 2 # decay_mult: 0 # } # inner_product_param { # num_output: 1000 # weight_filler { # type: "xavier" # } # bias_filler { # type: "constant" # value: 0 # } # } #} #layer { # name: "loss1/loss" # type: "SoftmaxWithLoss" # bottom: "loss1/classifier" # bottom: "label" # top: "loss1/loss1" # loss_weight: 0.3 #} #layer { # name: "loss1/top-1" # type: "Accuracy" # bottom: "loss1/classifier" # bottom: "label" # top: "loss1/top-1" # include { # phase: TEST # } #} #layer { # name: "loss1/top-5" # type: "Accuracy" # bottom: "loss1/classifier" # bottom: "label" # top: "loss1/top-5" # include { # phase: TEST # } # accuracy_param { # top_k: 5 # } #} layer { name: "inception_4b/1x1" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4a/output" top: "inception_4b/1x1" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 160 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4b/relu_1x1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4b/1x1" top: "inception_4b/1x1" } layer { name: "inception_4b/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4a/output" top: "inception_4b/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 112 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4b/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4b/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4b/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4b/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4b/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4b/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 224 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4b/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4b/3x3" top: "inception_4b/3x3" } layer { name: "inception_4b/5x5_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4a/output" top: "inception_4b/5x5_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 24 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4b/relu_5x5_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4b/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4b/5x5_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4b/5x5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4b/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4b/5x5" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4b/relu_5x5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4b/5x5" top: "inception_4b/5x5" } layer { name: "inception_4b/pool" type: "Pooling" bottom: "inception_4a/output" top: "inception_4b/pool" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 pad: 1 } } layer { name: "inception_4b/pool_proj" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4b/pool" top: "inception_4b/pool_proj" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4b/relu_pool_proj" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4b/pool_proj" top: "inception_4b/pool_proj" } layer { name: "inception_4b/output" type: "Concat" bottom: "inception_4b/1x1" bottom: "inception_4b/3x3" bottom: "inception_4b/5x5" bottom: "inception_4b/pool_proj" top: "inception_4b/output" } layer { name: "inception_4c/1x1" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4b/output" top: "inception_4c/1x1" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4c/relu_1x1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4c/1x1" top: "inception_4c/1x1" } layer { name: "inception_4c/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4b/output" top: "inception_4c/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4c/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4c/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4c/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4c/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4c/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4c/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 256 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4c/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4c/3x3" top: "inception_4c/3x3" } layer { name: "inception_4c/5x5_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4b/output" top: "inception_4c/5x5_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 24 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4c/relu_5x5_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4c/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4c/5x5_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4c/5x5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4c/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4c/5x5" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4c/relu_5x5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4c/5x5" top: "inception_4c/5x5" } layer { name: "inception_4c/pool" type: "Pooling" bottom: "inception_4b/output" top: "inception_4c/pool" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 pad: 1 } } layer { name: "inception_4c/pool_proj" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4c/pool" top: "inception_4c/pool_proj" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4c/relu_pool_proj" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4c/pool_proj" top: "inception_4c/pool_proj" } layer { name: "inception_4c/output" type: "Concat" bottom: "inception_4c/1x1" bottom: "inception_4c/3x3" bottom: "inception_4c/5x5" bottom: "inception_4c/pool_proj" top: "inception_4c/output" } layer { name: "inception_4d/1x1" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4c/output" top: "inception_4d/1x1" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 112 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4d/relu_1x1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4d/1x1" top: "inception_4d/1x1" } layer { name: "inception_4d/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4c/output" top: "inception_4d/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 144 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4d/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4d/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4d/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4d/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4d/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4d/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 288 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4d/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4d/3x3" top: "inception_4d/3x3" } layer { name: "inception_4d/5x5_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4c/output" top: "inception_4d/5x5_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 32 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4d/relu_5x5_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4d/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4d/5x5_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4d/5x5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4d/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4d/5x5" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4d/relu_5x5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4d/5x5" top: "inception_4d/5x5" } layer { name: "inception_4d/pool" type: "Pooling" bottom: "inception_4c/output" top: "inception_4d/pool" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 pad: 1 } } layer { name: "inception_4d/pool_proj" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4d/pool" top: "inception_4d/pool_proj" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 64 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4d/relu_pool_proj" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4d/pool_proj" top: "inception_4d/pool_proj" } layer { name: "inception_4d/output" type: "Concat" bottom: "inception_4d/1x1" bottom: "inception_4d/3x3" bottom: "inception_4d/5x5" bottom: "inception_4d/pool_proj" top: "inception_4d/output" } #layer { # name: "loss2/ave_pool" # type: "Pooling" # bottom: "inception_4d/output" # top: "loss2/ave_pool" # pooling_param { # pool: AVE # kernel_size: 5 # stride: 3 # } #} #layer { # name: "loss2/conv" # type: "Convolution" # bottom: "loss2/ave_pool" # top: "loss2/conv" # param { # lr_mult: 1 # decay_mult: 1 # } # param { # lr_mult: 2 # decay_mult: 0 # } # convolution_param { # num_output: 128 # kernel_size: 1 # weight_filler { # type: "xavier" # } # bias_filler { # type: "constant" # value: 0.2 # } # } #} #layer { # name: "loss2/relu_conv" # type: "ReLU" # bottom: "loss2/conv" # top: "loss2/conv" #} #layer { # name: "loss2/fc" # type: "InnerProduct" # bottom: "loss2/conv" # top: "loss2/fc" # param { # lr_mult: 1 # decay_mult: 1 # } # param { # lr_mult: 2 # decay_mult: 0 # } # inner_product_param { # num_output: 1024 # weight_filler { # type: "xavier" # } # bias_filler { # type: "constant" # value: 0.2 # } # } #} #layer { # name: "loss2/relu_fc" # type: "ReLU" # bottom: "loss2/fc" # top: "loss2/fc" #} #layer { # name: "loss2/drop_fc" # type: "Dropout" # bottom: "loss2/fc" # top: "loss2/fc" # dropout_param { # dropout_ratio: 0.7 # } #} #layer { # name: "loss2/classifier" # type: "InnerProduct" # bottom: "loss2/fc" # top: "loss2/classifier" # param { # lr_mult: 1 # decay_mult: 1 # } # param { # lr_mult: 2 # decay_mult: 0 # } # inner_product_param { # num_output: 1000 # weight_filler { # type: "xavier" # } # bias_filler { # type: "constant" # value: 0 # } # } #} #layer { # name: "loss2/loss" # type: "SoftmaxWithLoss" # bottom: "loss2/classifier" # bottom: "label" # top: "loss2/loss2" # loss_weight: 0.3 #} #layer { # name: "loss2/top-1" # type: "Accuracy" # bottom: "loss2/classifier" # bottom: "label" # top: "loss2/top-1" # include { # phase: TEST # } #} #layer { # name: "loss2/top-5" # type: "Accuracy" # bottom: "loss2/classifier" # bottom: "label" # top: "loss2/top-5" # include { # phase: TEST # } # accuracy_param { # top_k: 5 # } #} layer { name: "inception_4e/1x1" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4d/output" top: "inception_4e/1x1" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 256 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4e/relu_1x1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4e/1x1" top: "inception_4e/1x1" } layer { name: "inception_4e/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4d/output" top: "inception_4e/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 160 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4e/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4e/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4e/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4e/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4e/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_4e/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 320 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4e/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4e/3x3" top: "inception_4e/3x3" } layer { name: "inception_4e/5x5_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4d/output" top: "inception_4e/5x5_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 32 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4e/relu_5x5_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4e/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4e/5x5_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_4e/5x5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4e/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_4e/5x5" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4e/relu_5x5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4e/5x5" top: "inception_4e/5x5" } layer { name: "inception_4e/pool" type: "Pooling" bottom: "inception_4d/output" top: "inception_4e/pool" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 pad: 1 } } layer { name: "inception_4e/pool_proj" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_4e/pool" top: "inception_4e/pool_proj" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_4e/relu_pool_proj" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_4e/pool_proj" top: "inception_4e/pool_proj" } layer { name: "inception_4e/output" type: "Concat" bottom: "inception_4e/1x1" bottom: "inception_4e/3x3" bottom: "inception_4e/5x5" bottom: "inception_4e/pool_proj" top: "inception_4e/output" } #========= RPN ============ layer { name: "rpn_conv/3x3" type: "Convolution" #bottom: "conv5_3" bottom: "inception_4e/output" top: "rpn/output" param { lr_mult: 1.0 } param { lr_mult: 2.0 } convolution_param { num_output: 512 kernel_size: 3 pad: 1 stride: 1 weight_filler { type: "gaussian" std: 0.001 } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0 } } } layer { name: "rpn_relu/3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "rpn/output" top: "rpn/output" } layer { name: "rpn_cls_score" type: "Convolution" bottom: "rpn/output" top: "rpn_cls_score" param { lr_mult: 1.0 } param { lr_mult: 2.0 } convolution_param { num_output: 18 # 2(bg/fg) * 9(anchors) kernel_size: 1 pad: 0 stride: 1 weight_filler { type: "gaussian" std: 0.001 } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0 } } } layer { name: "rpn_bbox_pred" type: "Convolution" bottom: "rpn/output" top: "rpn_bbox_pred" param { lr_mult: 1.0 } param { lr_mult: 2.0 } convolution_param { num_output: 36 # 4 * 9(anchors) kernel_size: 1 pad: 0 stride: 1 weight_filler { type: "gaussian" std: 0.001 } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0 } } } layer { bottom: "rpn_cls_score" top: "rpn_cls_score_reshape" name: "rpn_cls_score_reshape" type: "Reshape" reshape_param { shape { dim: 0 dim: 2 dim: -1 dim: 0 } } } layer { name: 'rpn-data' type: 'Python' bottom: 'rpn_cls_score' bottom: 'gt_boxes' bottom: 'im_info' bottom: 'data' top: 'rpn_labels' top: 'rpn_bbox_targets' top: 'rpn_bbox_inside_weights' top: 'rpn_bbox_outside_weights' python_param { module: 'rpn.anchor_target_layer' layer: 'AnchorTargetLayer' param_str: "'feat_stride': 16" } } layer { name: "rpn_loss_cls" type: "SoftmaxWithLoss" bottom: "rpn_cls_score_reshape" bottom: "rpn_labels" propagate_down: 1 propagate_down: 0 top: "rpn_cls_loss" loss_weight: 1 loss_param { ignore_label: -1 normalize: true } } layer { name: "rpn_loss_bbox" type: "SmoothL1Loss" bottom: "rpn_bbox_pred" bottom: "rpn_bbox_targets" bottom: 'rpn_bbox_inside_weights' bottom: 'rpn_bbox_outside_weights' top: "rpn_loss_bbox" loss_weight: 1 smooth_l1_loss_param { sigma: 3.0 } } #========= RoI Proposal ============ layer { name: "rpn_cls_prob" type: "Softmax" bottom: "rpn_cls_score_reshape" top: "rpn_cls_prob" } layer { name: 'rpn_cls_prob_reshape' type: 'Reshape' bottom: 'rpn_cls_prob' top: 'rpn_cls_prob_reshape' reshape_param { shape { dim: 0 dim: 18 dim: -1 dim: 0 } } } layer { name: 'proposal' type: 'Python' bottom: 'rpn_cls_prob_reshape' bottom: 'rpn_bbox_pred' bottom: 'im_info' top: 'rpn_rois' #top: 'rpn_scores' python_param { module: 'rpn.proposal_layer' layer: 'ProposalLayer' param_str: "'feat_stride': 16" } } #layer { # name: 'debug-data' # type: 'Python' # bottom: 'data' # bottom: 'rpn_rois' # bottom: 'rpn_scores' # python_param { # module: 'rpn.debug_layer' # layer: 'RPNDebugLayer' # } #} layer { name: 'roi-data' type: 'Python' bottom: 'rpn_rois' bottom: 'gt_boxes' top: 'rois' top: 'labels' top: 'bbox_targets' top: 'bbox_inside_weights' top: 'bbox_outside_weights' python_param { module: 'rpn.proposal_target_layer' layer: 'ProposalTargetLayer' param_str: "'num_classes': 21" } } #========= RCNN ============ layer { name: "roi_pool4" type: "ROIPooling" #bottom: "conv5_3" bottom: "inception_4e/output" bottom: "rois" top: "roi_pool4" roi_pooling_param { pooled_w: 7 pooled_h: 7 spatial_scale: 0.0625 # 1/16 } } #layer { # name: "pool4/3x3_s2" # type: "Pooling" # bottom: "inception_4e/output" # top: "pool4/3x3_s2" # pooling_param { # pool: MAX # kernel_size: 3 # stride: 2 # } #} #layer { # name: "pool4/drop_7x7_s1" # type: "Dropout" # bottom: "roi_pool4" # top: "roi_pool4" # dropout_param { # dropout_ratio: 0.5 # } #} layer { name: "inception_5a/1x1" type: "Convolution" #bottom: "pool4/3x3_s2" bottom: "roi_pool4" top: "inception_5a/1x1" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 256 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5a/relu_1x1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5a/1x1" top: "inception_5a/1x1" } layer { name: "inception_5a/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" #bottom: "pool4/3x3_s2" bottom: "roi_pool4" top: "inception_5a/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 160 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5a/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5a/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_5a/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_5a/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_5a/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_5a/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 320 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5a/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5a/3x3" top: "inception_5a/3x3" } layer { name: "inception_5a/5x5_reduce" type: "Convolution" #bottom: "pool4/3x3_s2" bottom: "roi_pool4" top: "inception_5a/5x5_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 32 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5a/relu_5x5_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5a/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_5a/5x5_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_5a/5x5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_5a/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_5a/5x5" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5a/relu_5x5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5a/5x5" top: "inception_5a/5x5" } layer { name: "inception_5a/pool" type: "Pooling" #bottom: "pool4/3x3_s2" bottom: "roi_pool4" top: "inception_5a/pool" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 pad: 1 } } layer { name: "inception_5a/pool_proj" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_5a/pool" top: "inception_5a/pool_proj" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5a/relu_pool_proj" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5a/pool_proj" top: "inception_5a/pool_proj" } layer { name: "inception_5a/output" type: "Concat" bottom: "inception_5a/1x1" bottom: "inception_5a/3x3" bottom: "inception_5a/5x5" bottom: "inception_5a/pool_proj" top: "inception_5a/output" } layer { name: "inception_5b/1x1" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_5a/output" top: "inception_5b/1x1" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 384 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5b/relu_1x1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5b/1x1" top: "inception_5b/1x1" } layer { name: "inception_5b/3x3_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_5a/output" top: "inception_5b/3x3_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 192 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5b/relu_3x3_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5b/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_5b/3x3_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_5b/3x3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_5b/3x3_reduce" top: "inception_5b/3x3" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 384 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5b/relu_3x3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5b/3x3" top: "inception_5b/3x3" } layer { name: "inception_5b/5x5_reduce" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_5a/output" top: "inception_5b/5x5_reduce" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 48 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5b/relu_5x5_reduce" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5b/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_5b/5x5_reduce" } layer { name: "inception_5b/5x5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_5b/5x5_reduce" top: "inception_5b/5x5" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5b/relu_5x5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5b/5x5" top: "inception_5b/5x5" } layer { name: "inception_5b/pool" type: "Pooling" bottom: "inception_5a/output" top: "inception_5b/pool" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 pad: 1 } } layer { name: "inception_5b/pool_proj" type: "Convolution" bottom: "inception_5b/pool" top: "inception_5b/pool_proj" param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 } convolution_param { num_output: 128 kernel_size: 1 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0.2 } } } layer { name: "inception_5b/relu_pool_proj" type: "ReLU" bottom: "inception_5b/pool_proj" top: "inception_5b/pool_proj" } layer { name: "inception_5b/output" type: "Concat" bottom: "inception_5b/1x1" bottom: "inception_5b/3x3" bottom: "inception_5b/5x5" bottom: "inception_5b/pool_proj" top: "inception_5b/output" } layer { name: "pool5/7x7_s1" type: "Pooling" bottom: "inception_5b/output" top: "pool5/7x7_s1" pooling_param { pool: AVE kernel_size: 7 stride: 1 } } #layer { # name: "pool5/drop_7x7_s1" # type: "Dropout" # bottom: "pool5/7x7_s1" # top: "pool5/7x7_s1" # dropout_param { # dropout_ratio: 0.4 # } #} layer { name: "cls_score" type: "InnerProduct" #bottom: "fc7" bottom: "pool5/7x7_s1" top: "cls_score" param { lr_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 } inner_product_param { num_output: 21 weight_filler { type: "gaussian" std: 0.001 } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0 } } } layer { name: "bbox_pred" type: "InnerProduct" #bottom: "fc7" bottom: "pool5/7x7_s1" top: "bbox_pred" param { lr_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 } inner_product_param { num_output: 84 weight_filler { type: "gaussian" std: 0.0001 } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0 } } } layer { name: "loss_cls" type: "SoftmaxWithLoss" bottom: "cls_score" bottom: "labels" propagate_down: 1 propagate_down: 0 top: "loss_cls" loss_weight: 1 } layer { name: "loss_bbox" type: "SmoothL1Loss" bottom: "bbox_pred" bottom: "bbox_targets" bottom: "bbox_inside_weights" bottom: "bbox_outside_weights" top: "loss_bbox" loss_weight: 1 }