function widget:GetInfo() return { name = "Chili Share menu v1.24", desc = "FPS style (whole screen, hold to show) player list with comsharing UI", author = "Commshare by Shaman, Playerlist by DeinFreund", date = "12-3-2016", license = "PD", layer = 2000, enabled = true, } end local unitCategoryDefs = VFS.Include("LuaRules/Configs/unit_category.lua") VFS.Include("LuaRules/Configs/constants.lua") VFS.Include("LuaUI/Utilities/json.lua"); local MIN_STORAGE = 0.5 local automergeid = -1 local subjects = {} local needsremerging = false local invites = {} local givemebuttons = {} local givemepanel = {} local givemesubjects = {} local buildframe = -2 local built = false local sharemode = false local deadinvites = {} local playerlist, chili, window, screen0,updateme local showing = false local playerfontsize = {} local mycurrentteamid = 0 local myoldteam = {} local PlayerNameY = -1 local mySubjectID = -1 local fontSize = 18 local badgeWidth = 59*0.6 local badgeHeight = 24*0.6 local color2incolor = nil local teamZeroPlayers = {} local playerInfo = {} local images = { inviteplayer = 'LuaUI/Images/Commshare.png', accept = 'LuaUI/Images/epicmenu/check.png', decline = 'LuaUI/Images/advplayerslist/cross.png', pending = 'LuaUI/Images/epicmenu/questionmark.png', leave = 'LuaUI/Images/epicmenu/exit.png', kick = 'LuaUI/Images/advplayerslist/cross.png', -- REPLACE ME report = 'LuaUI/Images/Crystal_Clear_app_error.png', -- REPLACE ME merge = 'LuaUI/Images/Commshare_Merge.png', give = 'LuaUI/Images/gift2.png', giftmetal = 'LuaUI/Images/ibeam.png', giftenergy = 'LuaUI/Images/energy.png', } local defaultamount = 100 local UpdateListFunction local wantRebuild = false local KICK_USER = "StartKickPoll_" local pingCpuColors = { '\255\0\255\0', '\255\178\255\0', '\255\255\255\0', '\255\255\153\0', '\255\255\0\0', '\255\255\255\255', } local rankColors = { ["7"] = {1,0,1,1}, ["6"] = {0,.6,1,1}, ["5"] = {.7,.8,1,1}, ["4"] = {1,1,0,1}, ["3"] = {1,.65,0,1}, ["2"] = {.8,.4,.1,1}, ["1"] = {1,0,0,1}, ["0"] = {.5,.5,.5,1}, } local function PingTimeOut(pingTime) local pingBucket = math.max(1, math.min(5, math.ceil(math.min(pingTime, 1) * 5))) or 6 if pingTime < 1 then return pingCpuColors[pingBucket] .. (math.floor(pingTime*1000) ..'ms') elseif pingTime > 999 then return pingCpuColors[pingBucket] .. ('' .. (math.floor(pingTime*100/60)/100)):sub(1,4) .. 'min' end --return (math.floor(pingTime*100))/100 return pingCpuColors[pingBucket] .. ('' .. (math.floor(pingTime*100)/100)):sub(1,4) .. 's' --needed due to rounding errors. end options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Player List' --[[ Change path if necessary. I just dumped it here because it made sense. Note: remerge is used in case of bugs! Feel free to remove it in a few stables.]] options = { automation_clanmerge = { name = 'Auto clan merge', desc = 'Automatically merge with clan members.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, fixHotkeys = { name = "Fix hotkeys on start", type = "bool", value = true, desc = "Fixes old hotkey issues once and then disables.", advanced = true, noHotkey = true, }, sharemenu = { name = 'Show Player List', desc = 'Hold this button to bring up the Player List.', type = 'button', hotkey = "tab", OnChange = function(self) if window then if wantRebuild and UpdateListFunction then UpdateListFunction() wantRebuild = false end window:SetVisibility(true) end end, path = 'Hotkeys/Misc', }, } local function deepcompare(t1,t2,ignore_mt) local ty1 = type(t1) local ty2 = type(t2) if ty1 ~= ty2 then return false end -- non-table types can be directly compared if ty1 ~= 'table' and ty2 ~= 'table' then return t1 == t2 end -- as well as tables which have the metamethod __eq local mt = getmetatable(t1) if not ignore_mt and mt and mt.__eq then return t1 == t2 end for k1,v1 in pairs(t1) do local v2 = t2[k1] if v2 == nil or not deepcompare(v1,v2) then return false end end for k2,v2 in pairs(t2) do local v1 = t1[k2] if v1 == nil or not deepcompare(v1,v2) then return false end end return true end function string:split(delimiter) local result = { } local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) while delim_from do table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from , delim_from-1 ) ) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) end table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from ) ) return result end local function StringToTable(str) local strtbl = {} local num = 0 for w in string.gmatch(str, "%S+") do num = num+1 strtbl[num] = {} w = string.gsub(w,","," ") for x in string.gmatch(w,"%S+") do strtbl[num][#strtbl[num]+1] = x end end return strtbl end function round(num, numDecimalPlaces) return (string.format("%." .. (numDecimalPlaces or 0) .. "f", num)) end --returns offensive, defensive metal value local function getValueStats(teamID) local def, off = 0, 0 for _, unitID in pairs(Spring.GetTeamUnits(teamID)) do local unitDefID = Spring.GetUnitDefID(unitID) if unitDefID then local metal = Spring.Utilities.GetUnitCost(unitID, unitDefID) local isbuilt = not select(3, Spring.GetUnitIsStunned(unitID)) if metal and isbuilt then local cat = unitDefID and unitCategoryDefs[unitDefID] if cat == "army" then off = off + metal elseif cat == "def" then def = def + metal end end end end return off, def end -- returns income, pull, netIncome, storedAmount, storageSize each one is first metal then energy local function getEcoInfo(teamID) local eCurr, eStor, ePull, eInco, eExpe, eShar, eSent, eReci = Spring.GetTeamResources(teamID, "energy") local mCurr, mStor, mPull, mInco, mExpe, mShar, mSent, mReci = Spring.GetTeamResources(teamID, "metal") if not mCurr then return end local allies = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_allies") or 1 local team_metalBase = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_team_metalBase") or 0 local team_metalOverdrive = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_team_metalOverdrive") or 0 local team_metalMisc = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_team_metalMisc") or 0 local team_energyIncome = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_team_energyIncome") or 0 local team_energyOverdrive = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_team_energyOverdrive") or 0 local team_energyWaste = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_team_energyWaste") or 0 local metalBase = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_metalBase") or 0 local metalOverdrive = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_metalOverdrive") or 0 local metalMisc = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_metalMisc") or 0 local energyIncome = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_energyIncome") or 0 local energyOverdrive = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_energyOverdrive") or 0 local energyChange = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "OD_energyChange") or 0 local eReclaim = eInco - math.max(0, energyChange) eInco = eReclaim + energyIncome local extraMetalPull = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "extraMetalPull") or 0 local extraEnergyPull = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(teamID, "extraEnergyPull") or 0 mPull = mPull + extraMetalPull local extraChange = math.min(0, energyChange) - math.min(0, energyOverdrive) eExpe = eExpe + extraChange ePull = ePull + extraEnergyPull + extraChange - team_energyWaste/allies -- Waste energy is reported as the equal fault of all players. -- reduce by hidden storage mStor = math.max(mStor - HIDDEN_STORAGE, MIN_STORAGE) eStor = math.max(eStor - HIDDEN_STORAGE, MIN_STORAGE) -- cap by storage if eCurr > eStor then eCurr = eStor end if mCurr > mStor then mCurr = mStor end --// Storage, income and pull numbers local realEnergyPull = ePull local netMetal = mInco - mPull + mReci local netEnergy = eInco - realEnergyPull local mPercent, ePercent if mStor <= 1 then mCurr = 0 end if eStor <= 1 then eCurr = 0 end return mInco+mReci, eInco, mPull, realEnergyPull, netMetal, netEnergy, mCurr, eCurr, mStor, eStor end local function RenderName(subject) --Spring.Echo("rendername " .. .. ":" .. tostring( .. tostring(subject.spec) ..tostring( local name = local active = or --Spring.Echo("active " .. tostring(active)) local spec = not and subject.spec local myAllyTeamID = Spring.GetMyAllyTeamID() local mySpec = Spring.GetSpectatingState() --Spring.Echo(tostring(active) .. " " .. tostring(spec)) local playerpanel = givemepanel[] if not spec and active and ((subject.allyteam == myAllyTeamID) or mySpec) then local incomeM, incomeE, pullM, pullE, netM, netE, storedM, storedE, storageM, storageE = getEcoInfo( if incomeM then --Spring.Echo("metal: " .. amt .. "/" .. stor) local colorIncomeM = '\255\1\255\1' local colorNetM = '\255\1\255\1' local colorIncomeE = '\255\1\255\1' local colorNetE = '\255\1\255\1' if (incomeM < 0) then colorIncomeM = '\255\255\1\1' end if (incomeE < 0) then colorIncomeE = '\255\255\1\1' end if (netM < 0) then colorNetM = '\255\255\1\1' end if (netE < 0) then colorNetE = '\255\255\1\1' end if (incomeM < 1000) then incomeM = round(incomeM, 1) else incomeM = round(incomeM / 1000, 1) .. "K" end if (incomeE < 1000) then incomeE = round(incomeE, 1) else incomeE = round(incomeE / 1000, 1) .. "K" end netM = round(netM, 1) netE = round(netE, 1) givemebuttons[]["metalin"]:SetText(colorIncomeM .. incomeM) --colorNetM .. netM ..'\255\255\255\255' .. " / " .. givemebuttons[]["energyin"]:SetText( colorIncomeE .. incomeE) --colorNetE .. netE .. '\255\255\255\255'.. " / " .. givemebuttons[]["metalbar"]:SetValue(math.min(1,storedM / storageM)) givemebuttons[]["energybar"]:SetValue(math.min(1,storedE / storageE)) local off, def = getValueStats( if (off < 1000) then off = round(off, 0) elseif (off < 10000) then off = round(off/1000, 1).. "K" else off = round(off/1000, 0).. "K" end if (def < 1000) then def = round(def, 0) elseif (def < 10000) then def = round(def/1000, 1).. "K" else def = round(def/1000, 0) .. "K" end givemebuttons[]["off"]:SetText(off) givemebuttons[]["def"]:SetText(def) end end if (subject.player) then local pingTime = select(6, Spring.GetPlayerInfo(subject.player, false)) givemebuttons[]["ping"]:SetText(PingTimeOut(pingTime)) elseif givemebuttons[]["ping"] then givemebuttons[]["ping"]:SetText("\255\180\180\180 n/a") end local oldText = givemebuttons[]["text"].text if spec then givemebuttons[]["text"]:SetText('\255\255\255\255' .. name) elseif active and not spec then givemebuttons[]["text"]:SetText(color2incolor(Spring.GetTeamColor( .. name) elseif not active and not spec then givemebuttons[]["text"]:SetText('\255\255\255\255' .. name ) end if (oldText ~= givemebuttons[]["text"].text) then givemebuttons[]["text"]:Invalidate() end end local oldSubjects = {} local function UpdatePlayer(subject) --Spring.Echo("playerupdate " .. if givemebuttons[] == nil or built == false then local name = --Spring.Echo("player" .. .. "( " .. name .. ") is not a player!") return end oldSubjects[] = subject local myPlayerID = Spring.GetMyPlayerID() local mySpec, specFullView = Spring.GetSpectatingState() local myteamID = Spring.GetMyTeamID() local myallyteamID = Spring.GetMyAllyTeamID() local amiteamleader = (select(2,Spring.GetTeamInfo(myteamID, false)) == myPlayerID) --Spring.Echo("I am spec " .. tostring(mySpec)) --Spring.Echo( local teamID = local allyteamID = subject.allyteam local teamLeader = subject.player and select(2, Spring.GetTeamInfo(teamID, false)) == subject.player --Spring.Echo("leader: " .. tostring(teamLeader)) --Spring.Echo("ai: " .. tostring( --Spring.Echo("allyteam: " .. allyteamID) --Spring.Echo("myallyteam: " .. myallyteamID) if subject.player and subject.player == myPlayerID then if givemebuttons[]["leave"] then if (teamLeader or sharemode == false or mySpec) then givemebuttons[]["leave"]:SetVisibility(false) elseif not teamLeader and #Spring.GetPlayerList(myteamID) > 1 and sharemode then givemebuttons[]["leave"]:SetVisibility(true) end end givemebuttons[]["pingCtrl"]:SetVisibility(true) elseif then --Spring.Echo("dec3") givemebuttons[]["metalbar"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["energybar"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["metalin"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["energyin"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["offHolder"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["defHolder"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["metal"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["energy"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["unit"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["pingCtrl"]:SetVisibility(false) if subject.allyteam ~= myallyteamID or specFullView then -- hostile ai's stuff. --Spring.Echo("dec4") givemebuttons[]["metal"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energy"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["unit"]:SetVisibility(false) if (not specFullView ) then --Spring.Echo("dec5") givemebuttons[]["metalbar"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["offHolder"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["defHolder"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energybar"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["metalin"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energyin"]:SetVisibility(false) end end elseif subject.allyteam ~= myallyteamID or specFullView then -- hostile people's stuff. --Spring.Echo("dec6") givemebuttons[]["kick"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["commshare"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["accept"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["metal"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energy"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["unit"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["pingCtrl"]:SetVisibility(true) if (not specFullView or subject.spec) then --Spring.Echo("dec7") givemebuttons[]["metalbar"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["offHolder"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["defHolder"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energybar"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["metalin"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energyin"]:SetVisibility(false) end elseif mySpec then -- Spectator, but not fullview givemebuttons[]["pingCtrl"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["kick"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["commshare"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["metal"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energy"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["unit"]:SetVisibility(false) else -- other people's stuff. givemebuttons[]["pingCtrl"]:SetVisibility(true) if teamID == myteamID then if amiteamleader then --Spring.Echo("dec8") givemebuttons[]["kick"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["commshare"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["metal"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energy"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["unit"]:SetVisibility(false) else --Spring.Echo("dec9") givemebuttons[]["kick"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["commshare"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["metal"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energy"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["unit"]:SetVisibility(false) end if sharemode == false then --Spring.Echo("dec10") givemebuttons[]["commshare"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["kick"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["metal"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["energy"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["unit"]:SetVisibility(true) end else givemebuttons[]["kick"]:SetVisibility(false) if teamLeader == false then --Spring.Echo("dec11") givemebuttons[]["commshare"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["metal"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energy"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["unit"]:SetVisibility(false) else --Spring.Echo("dec12") givemebuttons[]["commshare"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["metal"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["energy"]:SetVisibility(true) givemebuttons[]["unit"]:SetVisibility(true) end end end if (subject.spec) then givemebuttons[]["metalbar"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["offHolder"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["defHolder"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energybar"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["metalin"]:SetVisibility(false) givemebuttons[]["energyin"]:SetVisibility(false) end RenderName(subject) end local function InvitePlayer(playerid) local name, _, _, teamID = Spring.GetPlayerInfo(playerid, false) local leaderID = select(2,Spring.GetTeamInfo(teamID, false)) Spring.SendLuaRulesMsg("sharemode invite " .. playerid) if #Spring.GetPlayerList(teamID) > 1 and playerid == leaderID then Spring.SendCommands("say a:I invited " .. name .. "'s squad to a merger.") else Spring.SendCommands("say a:I invited " .. name .. " to join my squad.") end end local function MergeWithClanMembers() local playerID = Spring.GetMyPlayerID() local customKeys = select(10, Spring.GetPlayerInfo(playerID)) or {} local myclanShort = customKeys.clan or "" local myclanLong = customKeys.clanfull or "" if myclanShort ~= "" then local teamlist = Spring.GetTeamList(Spring.GetMyAllyTeamID()) local clanmembers = {} for i=1, #teamlist do local players = Spring.GetPlayerList(teamlist[i],true) for j=1, #players do local customKeys = select(10, Spring.GetPlayerInfo(players[j])) or {} local clanShort = customKeys.clan or "" local clanLong = customKeys.clanfull or "" --Spring.Echo(select(1,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(players[j], false)) .. " : " .. clanLong) if clanLong == myclanLong and players[j] ~= Spring.GetMyPlayerID() and select(4,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(players[j], false)) ~= Spring.GetMyTeamID() then clanmembers[#clanmembers+1] = players[j] end end if #clanmembers > 0 then local lowestid = playerID local recipent = false for i=1, #clanmembers do if lowestid > clanmembers[i] then recipent = true lowestid = clanmembers[i] end end if recipent == false then for i=1, #clanmembers do Spring.SendLuaRulesMsg("sharemode invite " .. clanmembers[i]) end else automergeid = lowestid end end end end end local function LeaveMySquad() local leader = select(2,Spring.GetTeamInfo(Spring.GetMyTeamID(), false)) local name = select(1,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(leader, false)) Spring.SendCommands("say a: I left " .. name .. "'s squad.") Spring.SendLuaRulesMsg("sharemode unmerge") end local function InviteChange(playerid) local name = select(1,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(playerid, false)) Spring.SendLuaRulesMsg("sharemode accept " .. playerid) --Spring.SendCommands("say a:I have joined " .. name .. "'s squad.") -- Removed to reduce information overload. end local function Hideme() window:Hide() showing = false end local function KickPlayer(playerid) Spring.SendCommands("say a: I kicked " .. select(1,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(playerid, false)) .. " from my squad.") Spring.SendLuaRulesMsg("sharemode kick " .. playerid) end local function BattleKickPlayer(subject) Spring.SendCommands("say !poll kick " .. end local function HandleKickMessage(msg) if string.find(msg, KICK_USER) ~= 1 then return end local data = msg:split("_") if not (data and data[2]) then return end Spring.SendCommands("say !poll kick " .. data[2]) return true end local function ReportPlayer(subject) local extraText = "" local isSpec = select(3, Spring.GetPlayerInfo(, false)) extraText = extraText .. ((isSpec and "Spectator, ") or "Player, ") local utils = Spring.Utilities local gametype = utils.Gametype if gametype.isCompStomp() then local humans = #(Spring.GetTeamList(0) or {}) extraText = extraText .. humans .. " vs " .. (gametype.isChickens() and "Chickens" or "Bots") elseif gametype.isTeamFFA() then local playerCount = #Spring.GetTeamList() - 1 -- ignore gaia extraText = extraText .. playerCount .. "-man, " .. utils.GetTeamCount() .. "-way Team FFA" elseif gametype.isFFA() then extraText = extraText .. utils.GetTeamCount() .. "-way FFA" else local teamCountFirst = #(Spring.GetTeamList(0) or {}) -- fixme: technically the teams dont need to be 0 and 1 local teamCountSecond = #(Spring.GetTeamList(1) or {}) extraText = extraText .. teamCountFirst .. "v" .. teamCountSecond end extraText = extraText .. " on " .. Game.mapName local seconds = math.floor(Spring.GetGameFrame()/30) local minutes = math.floor(seconds/60) extraText = extraText .. " at " .. string.format("%d:%02d", minutes, seconds - 60*minutes) Spring.SendLuaMenuMsg("reportUser_" .. .. "_" .. extraText) end local function GiveUnit(target) local num = Spring.GetSelectedUnitsCount() if num == 0 then --Spring.Echo("game_message: You should probably select some units first before you try to give some away.") --TODO: Remove this, grey out button. return end local playerslist = Spring.GetPlayerList(target) local units = "units" if num == 1 then units = "unit" end local _, leader, _, isAI = Spring.GetTeamInfo(target, false) local name = select(1,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(leader, false)) if isAI then name = select(2,Spring.GetAIInfo(target)) end if #playerslist > 1 then name = name .. "'s squad" end Spring.SendCommands("say a: I gave " .. num .. " " .. units .. " to " .. name .. ".") Spring.ShareResources(target,"units") end local function GiveResource(target,kind) --mod = 20,500,all local alt,ctrl,_,shift = Spring.GetModKeyState() if alt then mod = "all" elseif ctrl then mod = defaultamount/5 elseif shift then mod = defaultamount*5 else mod = defaultamount end local _, leader, _, isAI = Spring.GetTeamInfo(target, false) local name = select(1,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(leader, false)) if isAI then name = select(2,Spring.GetAIInfo(target)) end local playerslist = Spring.GetPlayerList(target,true) if #playerslist > 1 then name = name .. "'s squad" end local num = 0 if mod == "all" then num = Spring.GetTeamResources(select(1,Spring.GetMyTeamID(),kind)) elseif mod ~= nil then num = mod else return end Spring.SendCommands("say a: I gave " .. math.floor(num) .. " " .. kind .. " to " .. name .. ".") Spring.ShareResources(target,kind,num) end local function InitName(subject, playerPanel) --Spring.Echo("Initializing " .. .. " with parent " .. tostring(playerPanel)) local buttonsize = fontSize + 4 local barWidth = 35 playerfontsize[] = fontSize givemebuttons[] = {} givemepanel[] = playerPanel local sizefont = playerfontsize[] local smallFontSize = math.floor(sizefont/2) + 4 local smallerFontSize = math.floor(sizefont/2) + 2 givemebuttons[]["text"] = chili.TextBox:New{ parent=playerPanel, width=196, height = sizefont+1, objectOverrideFont = WG.GetFont(sizefont + 1), x=69 + 2*buttonsize, , y=13 } givemebuttons[]["text"]:Invalidate() while (givemebuttons[]["text"].font:GetTextWidth( > givemebuttons[]["text"].width - buttonsize) do givemebuttons[]["text"].font = WG.GetFont(givemebuttons[]["text"].font.size - 1) givemebuttons[]["text"]:Invalidate() end local bottomRowStartX = 67 local bottomRowStartY = 37 local bottomInfoStartX = bottomRowStartX + 4*buttonsize + 6 local infoSize = 48 if or subject.player ~= Spring.GetMyPlayerID() then givemebuttons[]["unit"] = chili.Button:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = buttonsize, width = buttonsize, x=bottomRowStartX, y=bottomRowStartY, OnClick= {function () GiveUnit( end}, padding={5,5,5,5}, children = {chili.Image:New{file=images.give, width='100%', height='100%'}}, tooltip="Give selected units.", noFont = true, } givemebuttons[]["metal"] = chili.Button:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = buttonsize, width = buttonsize, x=givemebuttons[]["unit"].x + buttonsize, y=givemebuttons[]["unit"].y, OnClick = { function () GiveResource(,"metal") end }, padding={2,2,2,2}, tooltip = "Give 100 metal.\nHolding ctrl will give 20.\nHolding shift will give 500.\nHolding alt will give all.", children={ chili.Image:New{ file=images.giftmetal, width='100%', height='100%' } }, noFont = true, } givemebuttons[]["energy"] = chili.Button:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = buttonsize, width = buttonsize, x=givemebuttons[]["metal"].x + buttonsize, y=givemebuttons[]["metal"].y, OnClick = { function () GiveResource(,"energy") end }, padding={1,1,1,1}, tooltip = "Give 100 energy.\nHolding ctrl will give 20.\nHolding shift will give 500.\nHolding alt will give all.", children={ chili.Image:New{ file=images.giftenergy, width='100%', height='100%' } }, noFont = true, } end givemebuttons[]["ping"] = chili.TextBox:New{ file="LuaUI/Images/playerlist/ping.png", width='100%', height='100%', x=12, y=3, textColor={1,1,1,1}, objectOverrideFont = WG.GetFont(smallFontSize), margin = {0,0,0,0}, padding = {0,0,0,0}, text= "100ms" } givemebuttons[]["off"] = chili.TextBox:New{ width='100%', height='100%', x=19, y=5, textColor={1,0.4,0.4,1}, objectOverrideFont = WG.GetFont(smallFontSize), margin = {0,0,0,0}, padding = {0,0,0,0}, text= "" } givemebuttons[]["def"] = chili.TextBox:New{ width='100%', height='100%', x=19, y=5, textColor={0.52,0.52,1,1}, objectOverrideFont = WG.GetFont(smallFontSize), margin = {0,0,0,0}, padding = {0,0,0,0}, text= "" } givemebuttons[]["pingCtrl"] = chili.Control:New{ parent=playerPanel, children={ chili.Image:New{ file="LuaUI/Images/playerlist/ping.png", width=10, height=15, x=0, y=0, margin = {0,0,0,0}, padding = {0,0,0,0}, color={1,1,1,0.8} }, givemebuttons[]["ping"] }, margin = {0,0,0,0}, padding = {0,0,0,0}, width=60, x = givemebuttons[]["text"].x + givemebuttons[]["text"].width + buttonsize + 3, y = givemebuttons[]["text"].y - 2, height=buttonsize, tooltip = "This player's network delay (ping)" } givemebuttons[]["metalbar"] = chili.Progressbar:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = 9, autosize= false, min=0, max=1, width = barWidth, x = givemebuttons[]["text"].x + givemebuttons[]["text"].width, y = bottomRowStartY - 1, color={136/255,214/255,251/255,1}, tooltip = "Your ally's metal.", noFont = true, } givemebuttons[]["energybar"] = chili.Progressbar:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = 9, autosize= false, min=0, max=1, width = barWidth, x=givemebuttons[]["metalbar"].x, y=givemebuttons[]["metalbar"].y + 12, color={.93,.93,0,1}, tooltip = "Your ally's energy.", noFont = true, } givemebuttons[]["metalin"] = chili.TextBox:New{ parent=playerPanel, height='50%', width=100, objectOverrideFont = WG.GetFont(smallerFontSize), x=givemebuttons[]["metalbar"].x + givemebuttons[]["metalbar"].width + 2, y=givemebuttons[]["metalbar"].y + 1, tooltip = "Your ally's metal income." } givemebuttons[]["energyin"] = chili.TextBox:New{ parent=playerPanel, height='50%', width=100, objectOverrideFont = WG.GetFont(smallerFontSize), x=givemebuttons[]["energybar"].x + givemebuttons[]["energybar"].width + 2, y=givemebuttons[]["energybar"].y + 1, tooltip = "Your ally's energy income." } givemebuttons[]["offHolder"] = chili.Control:New{ parent=playerPanel, children={ chili.Image:New{ file='LuaUI/Images/commands/Bold/attack.png', width=16, height=16, x=1, y=2, margin = {0,0,0,0}, padding = {0,0,0,0}, color={1,1,1,1} }, givemebuttons[]["off"] }, margin = {0,0,0,0}, padding = {0,0,0,0}, width=50, x = bottomInfoStartX, y = bottomRowStartY + 1, height=20, tooltip = "This player's offensive units" } givemebuttons[]["defHolder"] = chili.Control:New{ parent=playerPanel, children={ chili.Image:New{ file='LuaUI/Images/commands/Bold/guard.png', width=16, height=16, x=1, y=2, margin = {0,0,0,0}, padding = {0,0,0,0}, color={1,1,1,1} }, givemebuttons[]["def"] }, margin = {0,0,0,0}, padding = {0,0,0,0}, width=50, x = bottomInfoStartX + infoSize, y = bottomRowStartY + 1, height=20, tooltip = "This player's defence" } if subject.player ~= Spring.GetMyPlayerID() then if subject.player then local commshareButtonX = givemebuttons[]["energy"].x + buttonsize local commshareButtonY = givemebuttons[]["energy"].y givemebuttons[]["accept"] = chili.Button:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = buttonsize, width = buttonsize, x= commshareButtonX, y= commshareButtonY, OnClick = {function () InviteChange(subject.player,true) end}, padding={1,1,1,1}, tooltip = "Click this to accept this player's invite!", children={ chili.Image:New{ file=images.merge, width='100%', height='100%' } }, noFont = true, } givemebuttons[]["commshare"] = chili.Button:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = buttonsize, width = buttonsize, x= commshareButtonX, y= commshareButtonY, OnClick = {function () InvitePlayer(subject.player,false) end}, padding={1,1,1,1}, tooltip = "Invite this player to join your squad.\nPlayers on a squad share control of units and have access to all resources each individual player would have/get normally.\nOnly invite people you trust. Use with caution!", children={ chili.Image:New{ file=images.inviteplayer, width='100%', height='100%' } }, noFont = true, } givemebuttons[]["kick"] = chili.Button:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = buttonsize, width = buttonsize, x= commshareButtonX, y= commshareButtonY, OnClick = {function () KickPlayer(subject.player) end}, padding={1,1,1,1}, tooltip = "Kick this player from your squad.", children={ chili.Image:New{ file=images.leave, width='100%', height='100%' } }, noFont = true, } givemebuttons[]["battlekick"] = chili.Button:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = buttonsize, width = buttonsize, x= givemebuttons[]["text"].x + givemebuttons[]["text"].width, y= givemebuttons[]["text"].y - 6, OnClick = {function () ReportPlayer(subject) end}, padding={2,2,2,2}, tooltip = "Report this player to moderators.", children={ chili.Image:New{, width='100%', height='100%' } }, noFont = true, } --givemebuttons[]["battlekick"] = chili.Button:New{ -- parent = playerPanel, -- height = buttonsize, -- width = buttonsize, -- x= givemebuttons[]["text"].x + givemebuttons[]["text"].width, -- y= givemebuttons[]["text"].y - 6, -- OnClick = {function () BattleKickPlayer(subject) end}, -- padding={1,1,1,1}, -- tooltip = "Kick this player from the battle.", -- children={ -- chili.Image:New{ -- file=images.kick, -- width='100%', -- height='100%' -- } -- }, -- noFont = true, --} end else givemebuttons[]["leave"] = chili.Button:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = buttonsize, width = buttonsize, x=bottomRowStartX, y=bottomRowStartY, OnClick = {function () LeaveMySquad() end}, padding={1,1,1,1}, tooltip = "Leave your squad.", children={ chili.Image:New{ file=images.leave, width='100%', height='100%', x='0%', y=0 } }, noFont = true, } givemebuttons[]["battlekick"] = chili.Button:New{ parent = playerPanel, height = buttonsize, width = buttonsize, x= givemebuttons[]["text"].x + givemebuttons[]["text"].width, y= givemebuttons[]["text"].y - 6, OnClick = {function () ReportPlayer(subject) end}, padding={2,2,2,2}, tooltip = "Report this player to moderators.", children={ chili.Image:New{, width='100%', height='100%' } }, noFont = true, } end local country, icon, rating, badges, clan, avatar, faction, admin if (subject.player) then local pdata = select(10, Spring.GetPlayerInfo(subject.player)) country = select(8, Spring.GetPlayerInfo(subject.player, false)) icon = pdata.icon rating = pdata.elo badges = pdata.badges clan = pdata.clan avatar = pdata.avatar faction = pdata.faction end if (playerInfo[]) then --Spring.Echo("Using extra info for " .. country = playerInfo[].country clan = playerInfo[].clan icon = playerInfo[].icon badges = playerInfo[].badges avatar = playerInfo[].avatar faction = playerInfo[].faction admin = playerInfo[].admin end -- approximate known bots skill (FIXME: bots should probably have their own distinct icon, and chickens another) if then icon = "0_0" -- >mfw unknown bot if (string.match(string.lower(, "chicken")) then icon = "7_1" end if (string.match(string.lower(, "circuit")) then icon = "7_3" end if (string.match(string.lower(, "kgb")) then icon = "6_5" end if (string.match(string.lower(, "csi")) then icon = "5_4" end if (string.match(string.lower(, "cai")) then icon = "3_2" end end --Spring.Echo("badges: " .. tostring(badges)) local countryImg = country and country ~= '' and country ~= '??' and "LuaUI/Images/flags/" .. (country) .. ".png" or nil local clanImg = nil local avatarImg = nil local adminImg = nil avatar = avatar or "clogger" local rankImg = "LuaUI/Images/LobbyRanks/" .. (icon or "0_0") .. ".png" if clan and clan ~= "" then clanImg = "LuaUI/Configs/Clans/" .. clan ..".png" elseif faction and faction ~= "" then clanImg = "LuaUI/Configs/Factions/" .. faction ..".png" end if avatar then avatar = avatar .. ".png" local unitpic = "unitpics/" .. avatar if VFS.FileExists(unitpic, VFS.GAME) then avatarImg = unitpic else avatarImg = "LuaUI/Configs/Avatars/" .. avatar end end if admin then adminImg = "LuaUI/Images/playerlist/police.png" end if (rankImg) then chili.Image:New{parent=playerPanel, file=rankImg, width=16, height=16, x = 64 + buttonsize + 5, y = givemebuttons[]["text"].y - 1 } end if (adminImg) then --if givemebuttons[]["battlekick"] then -- givemebuttons[]["battlekick"]:Dispose() --end --givemebuttons[]["admin"] = chili.Button:New{ -- parent = playerPanel, -- height = buttonsize, -- width = buttonsize, -- x= bottomRowStartX + givemebuttons[]["text"].width + 2 * buttonsize, -- y= givemebuttons[]["text"].y - 4, -- padding={1,1,1,1}, -- tooltip = "Zero-K Administrator", -- children={ -- chili.Image:New{ -- file=adminImg, -- width=16, -- height=16, -- x = 2, -- y = 2 -- } -- }, -- caption=" " --} end --if (countryImg) then -- chili.Image:New{parent=playerPanel, -- file=countryImg, -- width=16, -- height=11, -- x = 64 + buttonsize*1 + 5, -- y = givemebuttons[]["text"].y + 2 -- } --end if (clanImg) then chili.Image:New{parent=playerPanel, file=clanImg, width=buttonsize -6 , height= buttonsize-6, x = 64 + buttonsize*0 + 6, y = givemebuttons[]["text"].y - 1 } end --adjust text centering givemebuttons[]["text"].y = givemebuttons[]["text"].y + (1 + sizefont - givemebuttons[]["text"].font.size) / 3 givemebuttons[]["text"]:Invalidate() if (avatarImg) then local avatarControl = chili.Image:New{parent=playerPanel, file=avatarImg, width=64, height= 64, x = 0, y = 0 } if (badges) then for i, badge in ipairs(badges:split(",")) do if (badge ~= "" and i < 3) then local badgeImg = "LuaUI/Images/badges/" .. badge .. ".png" chili.Image:New{ parent=avatarControl, file=badgeImg, width=badgeWidth, x = 1, bottom = 1 + (i - 1)*badgeHeight, height=badgeHeight, tooltip = "A special award", color = {1, 1, 1, 0.86}, } end end end end if rating then chili.TextBox:New{ parent=playerPanel, width=100, x= givemebuttons[]["text"].x + givemebuttons[]["text"].width - 30, y= givemebuttons[]["text"].y + 1 , tooltip = "WHR Current Rating", --text = rating text = rating, textColor = (icon and rankColors[icon:sub(3,3)]) or {1,1,1,1} } end --Spring.Echo("Playerpanel size: " .. playerPanel.width .. "x" .. playerPanel.height .. "\nTextbox size: " .. playerPanel.width*0.4 .. "x" .. playerPanel.height) local isSpec = select(3,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(, false)) --if not isSpec then RenderName(subject) --end end local function Buildme() --Spring.Echo("Initializing for " .. #subjects) --Spring.Echo("Screen0 size: " .. screen0.width .. "x" .. screen0.height) if (window) then window:Dispose() end windowWidth = 886 windowHeight = 666 --Spring.Echo("Window size: " .. window.width .. "x" .. window.height) local playerpanels = {} local allypanels = {} local allpanels = {} local playerHeight = 64 local playerWidth = 389 local lastAllyTeam = 0 for _, subject in ipairs(subjects) do if (not playerpanels[subject.allyteam]) then playerpanels[subject.allyteam] = {} end lastAllyTeam = subject.allyteam playerpanels[subject.allyteam][#playerpanels[subject.allyteam] + 1] = chili.Control:New{ backgroundColor={1,0,0,0}, height = playerHeight, width=playerWidth, x = 0, padding = {0,0,0,0}, margin = {0,0,0,0}, y = #playerpanels[subject.allyteam] * playerHeight } InitName(subject, playerpanels[subject.allyteam][#playerpanels[subject.allyteam]]) end local allyteams = Spring.GetAllyTeamList() allyteams[#allyteams + 1] = 100 local heightOffset = 0 local XOffset = 0 local titleSize = 25 local nextHeightOffset = 0 for _, subject in ipairs(subjects) do allyTeamID = subject.allyteam if (playerpanels[allyTeamID]) then --Spring.Echo(playerpanels[allyTeamID]) local name = Spring.GetGameRulesParam("allyteam_long_name_" .. allyTeamID) if (not name) then name = "Team " .. allyTeamID end if (allyTeamID >= 100) then name = "Spectators" end local height = #playerpanels[allyTeamID] * playerHeight + 20 local color = {0,1,0,1} if (allyTeamID ~= Spring.GetMyAllyTeamID()) then color = {1,0,0,1} end if (allyTeamID >= 100) then color = {1,1,1,1} end local panelWidth = playerWidth + 20 if (allyTeamID >= lastAllyTeam and XOffset < 1) then XOffset = windowWidth / 2 - panelWidth / 2 - 10 end local panelX = XOffset XOffset = XOffset + panelWidth + 20 local localHeightOffset = heightOffset local label = chili.Label:New{ width=panelWidth, height = titleSize, x = panelX, y = localHeightOffset + 10, caption=name, objectOverrideFont = WG.GetFont(titleSize - 4), textColor=color, align='center' } allypanels[#allypanels + 1] = label localHeightOffset = localHeightOffset + titleSize allypanels[#allypanels + 1] = chili.Control:New{ backgroundColor=color, borderColor=color, children=playerpanels[allyTeamID], width=panelWidth, height = height, padding = {10,10,10,10}, x = panelX, y = localHeightOffset } local width = math.max(2, label.font:GetTextWidth(name) + 30) allypanels[#allypanels + 1] = chili.Control:New{ width=panelWidth, height=height, x = panelX, y = localHeightOffset - 13, children = { chili.Line:New{ x = 0, y = 0, width = math.max(0, (panelWidth - width )/2) }, chili.Line:New{ x = (panelWidth + width )/2 - 12, y = 0, width = math.max(0, (panelWidth - width )/2 + 12) } } } localHeightOffset = localHeightOffset + height + 10 playerpanels[allyTeamID] = nil nextHeightOffset = math.max(localHeightOffset, nextHeightOffset) if (XOffset + panelWidth > windowWidth) then XOffset = 0 heightOffset = nextHeightOffset end end end windowHeight = math.min(screen0.height - 100, heightOffset + 60) window = chili.Window:New{ classname = "main_window", parent = screen0, dockable = false, width = windowWidth, height = windowHeight, draggable = false, resizable = false, tweakDraggable = false, tweakResizable = false, minimizable = false, x = (screen0.width - windowWidth)/2, y = (screen0.height - windowHeight)/2, visible = true } chili.TextBox:New{ parent=window, width = '80%', height = '20%', x='43%', y=10, text="P L A Y E R S", objectOverrideFont = WG.GetFont(17), textColor={1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0} } chili.ScrollPanel:New{ parent=window, y=30, verticalScrollbar=true, horizontalScrollbar=false, width='100%', bottom = 10, scrollBarSize=20, children=allypanels, backgroundColor= {0,0,0,0}, borderColor= {0,0,0,0} } window:SetVisibility(false) buildframe = Spring.GetGameFrame() --Spring.Echo("window " .. tostring(window.parent)) --Spring.Echo("Succesfully initialized") end UpdateListFunction = Buildme local function SetWantRebuild() if (mySubjectID < 0 or not subjects[mySubjectID]) then return end if (not window) or (window and window.visible) then Buildme() else wantRebuild = true end end local function UpdateInviteTable() local myPlayerID = Spring.GetMyPlayerID() for i=1,Spring.GetPlayerRulesParam(myPlayerID, "commshare_invitecount") do local playerID = Spring.GetPlayerRulesParam(myPlayerID, "commshare_invite_"..i.."_id") local timeleft = Spring.GetPlayerRulesParam(myPlayerID, "commshare_invite_"..i.."_timeleft") or 0 if (givemebuttons[givemesubjects[playerID].id]) then --Spring.Echo("Invite from: " .. tostring(playerID) .. "\nTime left: " .. timeleft) if playerID == automergeid then InviteChange(playerID) return end --Spring.Echo("Invite: " .. playerID .. " : " .. timeleft) if invites[playerID] == nil and timeleft > 1 and deadinvites[playerID] ~= timeleft then invites[playerID] = timeleft givemebuttons[givemesubjects[playerID].id]["accept"]:SetVisibility(true) elseif invites[playerID] == timeleft then invites[playerID] = nil -- dead invite deadinvites[playerID] = timeleft givemebuttons[givemesubjects[playerID].id]["accept"]:SetVisibility(false) elseif timeleft == 1 then givemebuttons[givemesubjects[playerID].id]["accept"]:SetVisibility(false) invites[playerID] = nil elseif invites[playerID] and timeleft > 1 then invites[playerID] = timeleft givemebuttons[givemesubjects[playerID].id]["accept"]:SetVisibility(true) --Spring.Echo("showing") end -- else --Spring.Echo("No accept for player " .. select(1, Spring.GetPlayerInfo(playerID, false))) end end end local function UpdatePlayers() if (mySubjectID >= 0 and subjects[mySubjectID]) then for _, subject in ipairs(subjects) do UpdatePlayer(subject) end end end function widget:GameProgress(serverFrameNum) if needsremerging and serverFrameNum - Spring.GetGameFrame() < 90 then needsremerging = false Spring.SendLuaRulesMsg("sharemode remerge") --Spring.Echo("Sent remerge request") end end local function EloComparator(subject1, subject2) if (not subject2.player and not subject1.player) then return > end if (not subject2.player) then return true end if (not subject1.player) then return false end local elo1 = tonumber(select(10,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(subject1.player)).elo) local elo2 = tonumber(select(10,Spring.GetPlayerInfo(subject2.player)).elo) if (not elo2 and not elo1) then return > end if (not elo2) then return true end if (not elo1) then return false end return elo1 > elo2 end local function UpdateAllyTeam(allyTeam) --Spring.Echo("Updating subject team " .. allyTeam) local temp = {} local nonSpecs = false for _, teamID in ipairs(Spring.GetTeamList(allyTeam)) do local _, leader, dead, ai = Spring.GetTeamInfo(teamID, false) if (ai) then temp[#temp + 1] = {id = #temp + 1, team = teamID, ai = true, name = select(2, Spring.GetAIInfo(teamID)), allyteam = allyTeam, dead = dead} nonSpecs = true else for _, playerID in ipairs(Spring.GetPlayerList(teamID)) do local name,active,spec = Spring.GetPlayerInfo(playerID, false) if playerID ~= Spring.GetMyPlayerID() and (teamID ~= 0 or teamZeroPlayers[playerID]) or not spec then temp[#temp + 1] = {id = #temp + 1, team = teamID, player = playerID, name = name, allyteam = allyTeam, active = active, spec = spec, dead = dead} end nonSpecs = nonSpecs or active and not spec end end end table.sort(temp, EloComparator) if (nonSpecs or Spring.GetGameFrame() < 1) then for _, subject in ipairs(temp) do subjects[#subjects+1] = subject subjects[#subjects].id = #subjects if (subject.player) then if (subject.player == Spring.GetMyPlayerID()) then mySubjectID = #subjects end givemesubjects[subject.player] = subjects[#subjects] end end end end local function UpdateSubjects() --Spring.Echo("Updating subjects") mySubjectID = -1 local oldnum = #subjects subjects = {} UpdateAllyTeam(Spring.GetMyAllyTeamID()) for _, allyteamID in ipairs(Spring.GetAllyTeamList()) do if (allyteamID ~= Spring.GetMyAllyTeamID()) then UpdateAllyTeam(allyteamID) end end for _, playerID in ipairs(Spring.GetPlayerList()) do local name,active,spec, teamID, allyTeam = Spring.GetPlayerInfo(playerID, false) if spec and active then if (playerID == Spring.GetMyPlayerID()) then mySubjectID = #subjects + 1 end subjects[#subjects + 1] = {id = #subjects + 1, team = teamID, player = playerID, name = name, allyteam = 100, active = active, spec = spec, dead = dead} end end --Spring.Echo("My subject ID is " .. mySubjectID) --Spring.Echo("Subject count " .. #subjects) if (#subjects ~= oldnum and built and mySubjectID >= 0) then --Spring.Echo("Rebuilding") SetWantRebuild() end end function widget:ReceiveUserInfo(info) playerInfo[] = info if (built) then UpdateSubjects() if ( mySubjectID >= 0) then --Spring.Echo("Rebuilding") SetWantRebuild() end end end function widget:PlayerChanged(playerID) if (built) then UpdateSubjects() if ( mySubjectID >= 0) then --Spring.Echo("Rebuilding") SetWantRebuild() end end end local lastUpdate = -100 local dtSum = 0 local lastWindow = false local myAllyTeamID = -1 function widget:Update(dt) if window and not window.visible then return end if window and window.visible then local showkey = string.lower(WG.crude.GetHotkey("epic_chili_share_menu_v1.24_sharemenu")) if (Spring.GetKeyState(Spring.GetKeyCode(showkey)) ~= window.visible) then window:ToggleVisibility() end end local f = Spring.GetGameFrame() local alt,ctrl,_,shift = Spring.GetModKeyState() dtSum = dtSum + dt if (f - lastUpdate >= 30 or dtSum >= 2 or window and lastWindow ~= window.visible) then lastWindow = window and window.visible dtSum = 0 lastUpdate = f local invitecount = Spring.GetPlayerRulesParam(Spring.GetMyPlayerID(), "commshare_invitecount") for _, subject in ipairs(subjects) do if (givemebuttons[] and givemebuttons[]["accept"]) then givemebuttons[]["accept"]:SetVisibility(false) end end if invitecount and built then --Spring.Echo("There are " .. invitecount .. " invites") UpdateInviteTable() end UpdateSubjects() if (Spring.GetMyAllyTeamID() ~= myAllyTeamID) then SetWantRebuild() end if (built and mySubjectID >= 0 and window.visible) then UpdatePlayers() end myAllyTeamID = Spring.GetMyAllyTeamID() end if buildframe < -1 and mySubjectID >= 0 then mycurrentteamid = Spring.GetMyTeamID() local modOptions = {} modOptions = Spring.GetModOptions() --Spring.Echo("Share mode is " .. tostring(modOptions["sharemode"])) if modOptions["sharemode"] == "invite" or modOptions["sharemode"] == nil then sharemode = true end modOptions = nil UpdateSubjects() SetWantRebuild() UpdatePlayers() end if buildframe > -1 and not built then built = true -- block PlayerChanged from doing anything until we've set up initial states. local modOptions = {} local iscommsharing = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam(Spring.GetMyTeamID(),"isCommsharing") modOptions = Spring.GetModOptions() --Spring.Echo("Automerge: " .. tostring(options.automation_clanmerge.value) .. "\niscommsharing: " .. tostring(iscommsharing == 1)) if sharemode and not iscommsharing and options.automation_clanmerge.value == true then --Spring.Echo("Clan merge is enabled!") MergeWithClanMembers() end UpdatePlayers() end end function widget:RecvLuaMsg(msg) HandleKickMessage(msg) end function widget:Initialize() local spectating = Spring.GetSpectatingState() for _, playerID in ipairs(Spring.GetPlayerList()) do local name,active,spec, teamID, allyTeam = Spring.GetPlayerInfo(playerID, false) if teamID == 0 and not spec then teamZeroPlayers[playerID] = true end end chili = WG.Chili color2incolor = chili.color2incolor screen0 = chili.Screen0 if options.fixHotkeys.value then WG.crude.SetHotkey("sharedialog","") options.fixHotkeys.value = false end end