function widget:GetInfo() return { name = "Hold Ctrl during placement to morph", version = '1.0', desc = "Hold the Ctrl key while placing a Cornea, Aegis, Radar Tower or Geothermal Reactor to issue a morph order to the nanoframe when it's created (which will make it start morphing once finished).", author = "dunno", date = "2022-05-18", license = "MIT", layer = 0, enabled = true } end ---@alias UnitInternalName string ---@alias UnitDefId integer ---@alias UnitId integer ---@param names UnitInternalName[] ---@return table local function CreateUnitDefIdSet(names) local result = {} for i = 1, #names do local name = names[i] result[UnitDefNames[name].id] = true end return result end local abs = math.abs local spGetUnitPosition = Spring.GetUnitPosition local spGiveOrderToUnit = Spring.GiveOrderToUnit local myTeamID local morphableUnitDefIds = CreateUnitDefIdSet({'staticjammer', 'staticshield', 'staticradar', 'energygeo'}) ---@type table local buildingsToMorphByBuilder = {} function widget:Initialize() myTeamID = Spring.GetMyTeamID() end widget.PlayerChanged = widget.Initialize function widget:UnitCommand(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam, cmdId, cmdParams, cmdOpts, cmdTag) if cmdId > 0 or unitTeam ~= myTeamID or not morphableUnitDefIds[-cmdId] or not cmdOpts then return end local buildingsToMorph = buildingsToMorphByBuilder[unitID] local point = { x = cmdParams[1], z = cmdParams[3] } if cmdOpts.ctrl then if not buildingsToMorph then buildingsToMorph = {} buildingsToMorphByBuilder[unitID] = buildingsToMorph end table.insert(buildingsToMorph, point) -- Spring.Echo('Building at ' ' marked as to be morphed when placed by builder '..unitID) elseif buildingsToMorph then for i, point2 in pairs(buildingsToMorph) do if (point2.x) then if (point2.x == point.x) and (point2.z == point.z) then buildingsToMorph[i] = nil end end end end end function widget:UnitCreated(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam, builderID) if not morphableUnitDefIds[unitDefID] or unitTeam ~= myTeamID or not builderID then return end local buildingsToMorph = buildingsToMorphByBuilder[builderID] if not buildingsToMorph then -- Spring.Echo('No buildings to morph!') return end local ux, uy, uz = spGetUnitPosition(unitID) -- Spring.Echo('UnitCreated(unitDef = '..UnitDefs[unitDefID].name..', builderID = '..(builderID or 'nil')..', x = '..ux..', z = '')') for i, point2 in pairs(buildingsToMorph) do if (point2.x) then -- Note: unit_building_starter.lua, which does something similar, uses a location tolerance of 16 -- here. But this appears to be unnecessary for the morphable buildings considered here(?) -- (in fact, it workers with exact equality, but being defensive) if abs(point2.x - ux) < 1e-3 and abs(point2.z - uz) < 1e-3 then local cmdId = Spring.Utilities.CMD.MORPH -- Spring.Echo('MORPHING!!!!!!! '..cmdId) spGiveOrderToUnit(unitID, cmdId, {}, 0) return end end end -- Spring.Echo('This building is not to be morphed!') end function widget:UnitDestroyed(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam) buildingsToMorphByBuilder[unitID] = nil end function widget:UnitIdle(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam) buildingsToMorphByBuilder[unitID] = nil end