## 1.0.0 Maintenance release (2019-02-02) * Fix Code Climate badge URL and credential naming * Add stub folders to test skeleton * Swich from RawGit to jsDelivr for dependency graph URL * Update Code Climate configuration for Travis * Add binary formats to `.gitattributes` * Updated dependencies ## 0.2.3 Maintenance release (2017-02-22) * Updated dependencies * Fixed broken README generation on subsequent runs ([#7](https://github.com/jkphl/generator-clearphp/issues/7)) ## 0.2.2 Bugfix release (2017-02-21) * Added Clear Architecture badge to README ([#6](https://github.com/jkphl/generator-clearphp/issues/6)) * Fixed broken LICENSE link ([#5](https://github.com/jkphl/generator-clearphp/issues/5)) ## 0.2.1 Bugfix release (2017-02-11) * Fixed broken Git repository remote configuration ## 0.2.0 Maintenance release (2017-02-10) * Renamed to "clearphp" in favor of https://github.com/jkphl/clear-architecture * Updated dependencies ## 0.1.0 Initial release (2017-01-28)