{ "id" : null, "name" : "graylog-generic-syslog", "description" : "Generic syslog content pack, which will create \r\n\r\nINPUTS:\r\nSyslog_UDP_5140\r\n(Syslog UDP on port 5140)\r\n\r\nSTREAM:\r\nnf_conntrack \r\n\r\nDASHBOARD:\r\nIPtables\r\nSSHD\r\n", "category" : "Operating Systems, Syslog", "inputs" : [ { "title" : "Syslog_UDP_5140", "configuration" : { "override_source" : "", "allow_override_date" : true, "recv_buffer_size" : 262144, "bind_address" : "", "port" : 5140 }, "type" : "org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput", "global" : false, "extractors" : [ { "title" : "IPTables_Packet_Dropped_iptables_dst", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "^.*DST=([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 1, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "iptables_dst", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})" }, { "title" : "IPTables_Packet_Dropped_iptables_src", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "^.*SRC=([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 2, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "iptables_src", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})" }, { "title" : "SSH_login_username", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "Accepted password for (.+) from (.+) port" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "ssh_login_username", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "[a-zA-Z.]+." }, { "title" : "IPTables_Packet_Dropped_iptables_dport", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "^.*DPT=([0-9]+)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 3, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "iptables_dport", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "[^0-9]" }, { "title" : "SSH_login_username_publickey", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "Accepted publickey for (.+) from (.+)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "ssh_login_username", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "[a-zA-Z.]+." }, { "title" : "SSH_fail_source", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "Failed password for .+ from (.+) port" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "ssh_fail_source", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})" }, { "title" : "SSH_fail_username", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "Failed password for (.+) from " }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "ssh_fail_username", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "([^\\s]+)" }, { "title" : "Generic_IP_Extractor", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "Generic_IP1", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})" }, { "title" : "Generic_IP_Extractor", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}.*?(([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}))" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "Generic_IP2", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})" }, { "title" : "SSH_fail_invalid_username", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "Invalid user (.+) from .+" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "ssh_fail_invalid_username", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "([^\\s]+)" }, { "title" : "Bash_Real_Username", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "\\[(\\w+\\.?\\w+)/" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "Bash_Real_Username", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "[a-zA-Z.]+." }, { "title" : "Bash_Sub_Username", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "\\[\\w+\\.?\\w+/[\\d|\\.]+\\s\\w+\\s(\\w+\\.?\\w+)/" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "Bash_Sub_Username", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "REGEX", "condition_value" : "[a-zA-Z.]+." }, { "title" : "Current_Working_Dir", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "\\[.*\\]\\s+(.*):" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "Current_Working_Dir", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "STRING", "condition_value" : "" }, { "title" : "Command_Executed", "type" : "REGEX", "configuration" : { "regex_value" : "\\[.*\\]\\s+[a-zA-Z./-_]+:\\s+(.*)" }, "converters" : [ ], "order" : 0, "cursor_strategy" : "COPY", "target_field" : "Command_Executed", "source_field" : "message", "condition_type" : "STRING", "condition_value" : "" } ], "static_fields" : { } } ], "streams" : [ { "id" : "568cc4420cf29855ecc19b29", "title" : "nf_conntrack", "description" : "nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet.", "disabled" : false, "outputs" : [ ], "stream_rules" : [ { "type" : "EXACT", "field" : "message", "value" : "nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet.", "inverted" : false } ] } ], "outputs" : [ ], "dashboards" : [ { "title" : "IPTables", "description" : "IPTables Packet Dropped", "dashboard_widgets" : [ { "description" : "Target Host", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "source", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "message:\"IPTables Packet Dropped\"", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 2, "row" : 2, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Iptables_src", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "iptables_src", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "message:\"IPTables Packet Dropped\"", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 2, "row" : 4, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Iptables_dport", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "iptables_dport", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "message:\"IPTables Packet Dropped\"", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 1, "row" : 4, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Iptables_dst", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "iptables_dst", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "message:\"IPTables Packet Dropped\"", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 1, "row" : 2, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "IPTables Packet Dropped", "type" : "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "configuration" : { "interval" : "hour", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "query" : "message:\"IPTables Packet Dropped\"" }, "col" : 1, "row" : 1, "cache_time" : 10 } ] }, { "title" : "SSHD", "description" : "SSH login/failures", "dashboard_widgets" : [ { "description" : "SSH login", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "source", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "message:\" Accepted publickey for \" OR message:\" Accepted password for \"", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 2, "row" : 9, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "ssh_login_username", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "ssh_login_username", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "message:\" Accepted publickey for \" OR message:\" Accepted password for \"", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 1, "row" : 6, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Fail2ban Unban", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "Generic_IP1", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "application_name:fail2ban.actions AND message:\"NOTICE [sshd] Unban\"", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 2, "row" : 5, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Fail2ban Ban", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "Generic_IP1", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "application_name:fail2ban.actions AND message:\"NOTICE [sshd] Ban\"", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 2, "row" : 3, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "SSH Failure count", "type" : "SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "lower_is_better" : true, "trend" : true, "query" : "message:\" Failed publickey for \" OR message:\" Failed password for \" OR (message:\"Invalid user\" AND message:from)" }, "col" : 1, "row" : 1, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "SSH Login failures", "type" : "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "configuration" : { "interval" : "hour", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "query" : "message:\" Failed publickey for \" OR message:\" Failed password for \" OR (message:\"Invalid user\" AND message:from)" }, "col" : 2, "row" : 1, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "SSH login failed server", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "source", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "message:\" Failed publickey for \" OR message:\" Failed password for \" OR (message:\"Invalid user\" AND message:from)", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 1, "row" : 4, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Failed SSHD Metrics", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "source", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "application_name:sshd AND (message:\"Failed\" OR message:\"Invalid user\")", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 1, "row" : 8, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "SSH Login Failed Source IP", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "Generic_IP1", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "message:\" Failed publickey for \" OR message:\" Failed password for \" OR (message:\"Invalid user\" AND message:from)", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 1, "row" : 2, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "Root Login", "type" : "QUICKVALUES", "configuration" : { "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "field" : "Generic_IP1", "show_pie_chart" : false, "query" : "message:\" Accepted publickey for root \" OR message:\" Accepted password for root \"", "show_data_table" : true }, "col" : 2, "row" : 7, "cache_time" : 10 }, { "description" : "SSH Connection Dropped", "type" : "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "configuration" : { "interval" : "hour", "timerange" : { "type" : "relative", "range" : 86400 }, "query" : "message:\"IPTables Packet Dropped\" AND iptables_dport:22" }, "col" : 2, "row" : 2, "cache_time" : 10 } ] } ] }