dupeGuru jlesage/dupeguru https://hub.docker.com/r/jlesage/dupeguru/ bridge false https://forums.unraid.net/topic/56392-support-dupeguru/ https://github.com/jlesage/docker-dupeguru#readme https://github.com/jlesage/docker-dupeguru https://hub.docker.com/r/jlesage/dupeguru dupeGuru is a tool to find duplicate files on your computer. It can scan either filenames or contents. The filename scan features a fuzzy matching algorithm that can find duplicate filenames even when they are not exactly the same. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on the client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on Alpine Linux, size of this container is very small. For a complete documentation of this container, see https://github.com/jlesage/docker-dupeguru#readme Tools: http://[IP]:[PORT:5800] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jlesage/docker-templates/master/jlesage/dupeguru.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jlesage/docker-templates/master/jlesage/images/dupeguru-icon.png dupeGuru is a tool to find duplicate files on your computer. It can scan either filenames or contents. The filename scan features a fuzzy matching algorithm that can find duplicate filenames even when they are not exactly the same. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on the client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on Alpine Linux, size of this container is very small. For a complete documentation of this container, see https://github.com/jlesage/docker-dupeguru/blob/master/README.md. False https://dupeguru.voltaicideas.net 2024-01-23 ###v24.01.1 (2024-01-23) - Updated baseimage to version 4.5.3, which brings the following changes: - Disabled fullscreen support when page is loaded into an iFrame. - Rebuilt against latest distro images to get security fixes. ###v23.11.3 (2023-11-19) - Updated baseimage to version 4.5.2, which brings the following changes: - Fixed issue that would cause the helper that takes ownership of a directory to fail when using a very high user or group ID. ###v23.11.2 (2023-11-13) - Fixed exception during startup that might occur in some environments. ###v23.11.1 (2023-11-10) - Updated baseimage to version 4.5.1, which brings the following changes: - Mirror for packages installation can be set via the `PACKAGES_MIRROR` environment variable. - Improved the way the `take-ownership` script is working. - Readiness and minimum running time checks should not be done for a service defined with an interval. - Raise an error when a synched service fails to start. - Minimum running time check of a service was using an incorrect way to verify if process is still alive. - Fixed installation of CJK font. ###v23.06.1 (2023-06-07) - Updated baseimage to version 4.4.2, which brings the following changes: - Rebuilt against latest distro images to get security fixes. - Updated X server to version 1.20.14. ###v23.04.1 (2023-04-29) - Updated baseimage to version 4.4.1, which brings the following changes: - Updated TigerVNC to version 1.13.1. ###v23.03.1 (2023-03-05) - Updated baseimage to version 4.4.0, which brings the following changes: - Updated components providing access to application's UI over web. - Improved web UI usage with touch devices. - Fixed issue with initialization of Linux users and groups when the `GROUP_ID` is also part of `SUP_GROUP_IDS`. - Limit the maximum number of opened files on system having a very large, unlimited value. This prevents unnecessary waste of CPU resources and time for applications trying to close all possible file descriptors. ###v23.02.2 (2023-02-08) - Updated baseimage to version 4.3.4, which brings the following changes: - Fixed error message from openbox about missing Fontconfig cache directory. - Do not use the OCI Docker image format yet to keep better compatibility (e.g with older docker clients). ###v23.02.1 (2023-02-04) - Updated baseimage to version 4.3.3, which brings robustness related enhancements. ###v23.01.1 (2023-01-04) - Update of the baseimage to version 4.3.1 brings the following changes: - Control menu can be moved to the right side of the screen. - Automatic focus of the clipboard text box when opening the control menu. - Automatic close of the control menu when clicking into the application. - Rotation of the internal web server log files. ###v22.10.2 (2022-10-24) - Update of the baseimage to version 4.1.1 brings the following changes: - Fixed Websockify and favicons paths for compatibility with scenario where a reverse proxy with routing based un URL path is used. - Collapse the setting section of the control panel by default on touch devices to accommodate the size taken by the on-screen keyboard. - Include the Docker image platform in informational box printed during container startup. - A umask value of `0000` was not properly applied. - Fixed issue where the window manager configuration may fail to load. ###v22.10.1 (2022-10-12) - Versioning scheme of the Docker image changed to `YY.MM.SEQUENCE`. - Update of the baseimage to version 4.0.2 brings the following new features: - Multi-arch image support. - Support for dark mode. - Support for remote window resize. - Updated the web UI with a new, simplified and less intrusive look. ###v1.13.0 (2022-07-15) - Updated dupeGuru to version 4.3.1. ###v1.12.1 (2022-03-27) - Updated dupeGuru to version 4.2.1. ###v1.12.0 (2022-03-10) - Updated dupeGuru to version 4.2.0. - Updated baseimage to version 3.5.8, based on Alpine 3.15, which brings to following changes: - Updated installed packages to get latest security fixes. ###v1.11.3 (2021-09-14) - Fixed issue where the container would fail to start under certain environments. ###v1.11.2 (2021-04-13) - Now using baseimage version 3.5.7, which brings the following change: - Updated installed packages to get latest security fixes. ###v1.11.1 (2021-03-22) - Updated dupeGuru to version 4.1.1. ###v1.11.0 (2021-01-11) - Updated dupeGuru to version 4.1.0. - Now using baseimage version 3.5.6, based on Alpine 3.12, which bring the following changes (since last used version): - Updated installed packages to get latest security fixes. - Make sure the tzdata is installed. - Upgraded glibc to version 2.31 on Alpine Linux images with glibc integrated. - Adjusted the log monitor target for recent versions of YAD. ###v1.10.2 (2019-05-15) - Upgraded dupeGuru to version 4.0.4. ###v1.10.1 (2019-04-24) - Now using baseimage v3.5.2, which brings the following changes: - Updated installed packages to get latest security fixes. - Fixed issue where the container could have a zombie process. - Fixed issue where the password would not be submitted when pressing the enter key in the password modal. - Use relative path for favicon ressources to be more friendly with reverse proxy senarios. ###v1.10.0 (2018-09-19) - Now using baseimage v3.5.1, which brings the following changes (since last used version): - Image based on Alpine Linux 3.8. - Upgraded s6-overlay to version - Wait for a limited time when terminating a service. - Set and create the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR directory. - Updated installed packages to get latest security fixes. ###v1.9.3 (2018-03-02) - Now using baseimage v3.3.4, which brings the following changes (since last used version): - Make sure the log monitor is started after the X server. - Fixed an issue where the log monitor `yad` target would use XDG folders of the application. - Fixed issue where log monitor states were not cleared during container startup. ###v1.9.2 (2018-02-03) - Now using baseimage v3.3.2, which brings the following changes: - Restored timezone support in Alpine Linux images with glibc. - Fixed issue in `add-pkg` helper where a package could be incorrectly detected as installed. ###v1.9.1 (2018-01-30) - Now using baseimage v3.3.1, which brings the following changes: - Adjusted the way some ressources are accessed to better support reverse proxy to the container. ###v1.9.0 (2018-01-22) - Now using baseimage v3.3.0, which brings the following changes (since last used version): - For Alpine Linux images with glibc, automatically update dynamic linker's cache after new libraries are installed. - Fixed the LANG environment variable not being set properly. - Added the ability to automatically install a CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) font. ###v1.8.4 (2018-01-11) - Now using baseimage v3.2.2, which brings the following changes (since last used version): - Upgraded S6 overlay to version - Upgraded glibc to version 2.26 (Alpine Linux glibc images). - Adjusted the way ownership of /config is taken to better support cases where the folder is mapped to a network share. - Small adjustment to the way ownership of files are taken. ###v1.8.3 (2017-12-12) - Now using baseimage v3.1.4, which brings the following changes: - Set 2 worker processes for nginx. ###v1.8.2 (2017-11-20) - Now using baseimage v3.1.3, which brings the following changes: - Upgraded S6 overlay to version ###v1.8.1 (2017-11-07) - Now using baseimage v3.1.2, which brings the following changes (from last used version): - Fixed an issue where a self-disabled service could be restarted. - Upgraded S6 overlay to version - Use a more efficient way to monitor status files. ###v1.8.0 (2017-10-29) - Now using baseimage v3.1.0, which brings the following changes: - Upgraded S6 overlay to version - Enhanced integration of service dependencies functionality. - Added a simple log monitor. - Fixed race condition where container's exit code would not be the expected one. - Fixed issue where application's GUI fails to displayed when accessing it through the web interface via standard ports 80/443. ###v1.7.2 (2017-10-09) - Now using baseimage v3.0.2, which brings the following changes: - Fixed issue where nginx config change was not applied correctly on systems without IPV6 support and secure connection disabled. ###v1.7.1 (2017-10-08) - Now using baseimage v3.0.1, which brings the following changes: - Fixed nginx config for systems without IPV6 support. ###v1.7.0 (2017-10-07) - Now using baseimage v3.0.0, which brings the following changes: - Better support for service dependencies. - Added support for secure access to the application's GUI. ###v1.6.7 (2017-09-21) - Compile dupeGuru from source instead of installing from the debian package. - Now using baseimage v2.0.9, which brings the following changes: - Restore default `/etc/shadow` during container startup. ###v1.6.6 (2017-09-08) - Now using baseimage v2.0.8, which brings the following changes (from last used version): - Fixed timezone support on alpine-glibc images. - Fixed duplicated entries in /etc/passwd and /etc/group that were created after a restart of the container. ###v1.6.5 (2017-08-14) - Now using baseimage v2.0.6, which brings the following changes: - Upgraded S6 overlay to version ###v1.6.4 (2017-07-31) - Now using baseimage v2.0.5, which brings the following changes (from last used version): - Clear the environment of the container during startup. - Clear the /tmp folder during startup. - Cleanly terminate the X server when container is restarted/stopped. - Improved robustness of X server starting process. - Removed unneeded files from the image. ###v1.6.3 (2017-07-27) - Now using baseimage v2.0.3, which brings the following changes: - Improved robustness of the X server starting process. ###v1.6.2 (2017-07-23) - Now using baseimage v2.0.2, which brings the following changes: - Proper VNC port is exposed. ###v1.6.1 (2017-07-18) - Now using baseimage v2.0.1, which brings the following changes: - Internal enhancements. - Clean temporary files left by npm. ###v1.6.0 (2017-07-17) - Now using baseimage v2.0.0, which brings the following changes: - Various internal enhancements. - Fixed the way a service waits for another one. - Added a default QtProject.conf configuration file. ###v1.5.0 (2017-07-04) - Fixed dialog windows not appearing on top of other ones. - Now using baseimage v1.5.0, which brings the following changes: - Added the UMASK environment variable to control how file permissions are set for newly created files. - Added the X11VNC_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable used to pass additional arguments to the x11vnc server. - By default, activate auto-scaling of application's window. - Applied latest Alpine Linux security updates. ###v1.4.0 (2017-06-22) - Switched to Alpine Linux 3.6 baseimage. - Now using baseimage v1.4.3, which brings the following changes: - Updated Alpine Linux to version 3.6.2. - Make sure the main window is always below other ones. ###v1.3.1 (2017-06-21) - Now using baseimage v1.4.2, which brings the following changes (from last used version): - Associate the application's icon to a unique version to avoid browser cache issues. - Fixed prefix of some service related messages. - Added support for supplying supplementary groups of the application. ###v1.3.0 (2017-06-06) - Now using baseimage v1.4.0, which brings the following changes: - Improved process startup and shutdown. - When container is stopped or restarted, processes are now terminated gracefully and in proper order. This allow the GUI application to execute its termination routine. - No more error messages when container is stopped or restarted. - Added OS signals handling to dupeGuru. This allows the application to properly close when the container is stopped or restarted. - Now that dupeGuru closes gracefully, all settings are properly saved. ###v1.2.2 (2017-06-01) - Now using baseimage v1.3.2, which brings the following changes: - Fixed password modal window not showing up when required. ###v1.2.1 (2017-05-17) - Now using baseimage v1.3.1, which brings the following changes: - Better font is used. ###v1.2.0 (2017-05-15) - Now using baseimage v1.3.0, which brings the following changes: - Added support for application's niceness configuration. ###v1.1.3 (2017-05-12) - Now using baseimage v1.2.3, which brings the following changes: - Adjusted the default display width to 1280 pixels, as documented. ###v1.1.2 (2017-05-11) - Now using baseimage v1.2.2, which brings the following changes: - Fixed issue with the web UI, where the remote application's window was not taking the available height after activating/deactivating the hideable navigation bar. ###v1.1.1 (2017-05-10) - Now using baseimage v1.2.1, which brings the following changes: - Fixed issue where clipboard content was lost on modal window closure. ###v1.1.0 (2017-05-10) - Now using baseimage v1.2.0, which brings a new UI for web access to the container: - Based on Bootstrap and JQuery. - Mobile friendly. - Hideable navigation bar. - Downscaling support. - Clipboard support. - Fullscreen toggle. - Draggable remote screen when it doesn't fix the client's window. - Virtual keyboard support on mobile. - Right-click via long touch on mobile. ###v1.0.2 (2017-05-05) - Now using baseimage v1.0.1, which brings the following fixes: - Fixed issue where VNC password was still applied after removal of the VNC password file from /config. - Fixed mouse handling when accessing the container's GUI via Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge. - Fixed a crash of the build-in VNC server. ###v1.0.1 (2017-05-05) - Some configuration files used by dupeGuru were not saved outside the container. ###v1.0.0 (2017-04-07) - Initial release. bridge 7801 5800 tcp 7901 5900 tcp /mnt/user/appdata/dupeguru /config rw /mnt/user /storage rw /dev/null /trash rw 99 USER_ID 100 GROUP_ID 0000 UMASK 0 APP_NICENESS 1920 DISPLAY_WIDTH 1080 DISPLAY_HEIGHT 0 DARK_MODE 0 SECURE_CONNECTION SSL SECURE_CONNECTION_VNC_METHOD 60 SECURE_CONNECTION_CERTS_CHECK_INTERVAL 5800 WEB_LISTENING_PORT 5900 VNC_LISTENING_PORT