[ {"word": "acrophobia", "translated": "l\u0119k wysoko\u015bci", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02cc\u00e6k.r\u0259\u02c8fo\u028a.bi.\u0259/", "sentence": "Acrophobia sufferers can experience a panic attack in a high place and become too agitated to get themselves down safely.", "media_fname": "acrophobia.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "__________ sufferers can experience a panic attack in a high place and become too agitated to get themselves down safely.", "gap_term": "acrophobia", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "adjudicate", "translated": "orzec, rozstrzyga\u0107", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u0259\u02c8d\u0292u\u02d0.d\u0259.ke\u026at/", "sentence": "He was asked to adjudicate on the dispute.", "media_fname": "adjudicate.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "He was asked to __________ on the dispute.", "gap_term": "adjudicate", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "allay", "translated": "uspokaja\u0107, koi\u0107 (obawy, podejrzenia)", "explanation": "formal", "pronunciation": "/\u0259\u02c8le\u026a/", "sentence": "I tried to allay his fears about the interview.", "media_fname": "allay.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "I tried to _____ his fears about the interview.", "gap_term": "allay", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "amble", "translated": "przechadza\u0107 si\u0119", "explanation": "to walk in a slow and relaxed way", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8\u00e6m.b\u0259l/", "sentence": "He was ambling along the beach.", "media_fname": "amble.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "He was _______ along the beach.", "gap_term": "ambling", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "amidst", "translated": "w\u015br\u00f3d, po\u015br\u00f3d", "explanation": "formal; in the middle of or surrounded by", "pronunciation": "/\u0259\u02c8m\u026adst/", "sentence": "The new perfume was launched amidst a fanfare of publicity.", "media_fname": "amidst.mp3", "type": "preposition", "sentence_gap": "The new perfume was launched ______ a fanfare of publicity.", "gap_term": "amidst", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "anticipation", "translated": "niecierpliwo\u015b\u0107, oczekiwanie", "explanation": "a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future", "pronunciation": "/\u00e6n\u02cct\u026as.\u0259\u02c8pe\u026a.\u0283\u0259n/", "sentence": "As with most pleasures, it's not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable.", "media_fname": "anticipation.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "As with most pleasures, it's not so much the experience itself as the ____________ that is enjoyable.", "gap_term": "anticipation", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "anticlimactic", "translated": "rozczarowuj\u0105cy", "explanation": "causing unhappiness by being less exciting than expected or not as interesting as something that happened earlier", "pronunciation": "/\u02cc\u00e6n.t\u032ci.kla\u026a\u02c8m\u00e6k.t\u026ak/", "sentence": "I thought the movie had a disappointing and anticlimactic ending.", "media_fname": "anticlimactic.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "I thought the movie had a disappointing and _____________ ending.", "gap_term": "anticlimactic", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "attain", "translated": "osi\u0105ga\u0107", "explanation": "formal", "pronunciation": "/\u0259\u02c8te\u026an/", "sentence": "He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.", "media_fname": "attain.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "He has ________ the highest grade in his music exams.", "gap_term": "attained", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "basin", "translated": "miska, miednica", "explanation": "an open, round container shaped like a bowl with sloping sides, used for holding food or liquid", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8be\u026a.s\u0259n/", "sentence": "Run some water into the basin and wash your hands and face properly.", "media_fname": "basin.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "Run some water into the _____ and wash your hands and face properly.", "gap_term": "basin", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "beacon", "translated": "\u015bwiat\u0142o ostrzegawcze", "explanation": "a light or fire on the top of a hill that acts as a warning or signal", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8bi\u02d0.k\u0259n/", "sentence": "As part of the centenary celebrations a chain of beacons was lit across the region.", "media_fname": "beacon.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "As part of the centenary celebrations a chain of _______ was lit across the region.", "gap_term": "beacons", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "bellow", "translated": "rycze\u0107", "explanation": "to shout in a loud voice, or (of a cow or large animal) to make a loud, deep sound", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8bel.o\u028a/", "sentence": "We could hear the sergeant bellowing orders to his troops.", "media_fname": "bellow.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "We could hear the sergeant _________ orders to his troops.", "gap_term": "bellowing", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "blight", "translated": "przekle\u0144stwo, nieszcz\u0119\u015bcie, z\u0142y urok", "explanation": "something that has a very bad effect on something, often for a long time", "pronunciation": "/bla\u026at/", "sentence": "His arrival cast a blight on the wedding day.", "media_fname": "blight.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "His arrival cast a ______ on the wedding day.", "gap_term": "blight", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "brevity", "translated": "zwi\u0119z\u0142o\u015b\u0107", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8brev.\u0259.t\u032ci/", "sentence": "His essays are models of clarity and brevity.", "media_fname": "brevity.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "His essays are models of clarity and _______.", "gap_term": "brevity", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "browbeat", "translated": "zastraszy\u0107 (przymusi\u0107 si\u0142\u0105 lub gro\u017ab\u0105)", "explanation": "to try to force someone to do something by threatening them or persuading them forcefully and unfairly", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8bra\u028a.bi\u02d0t/", "sentence": "Don't be browbeaten into working more hours than you want.", "media_fname": "browbeat.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "Don't be __________ into working more hours than you want.", "gap_term": "browbeaten", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "buggery", "translated": "sodomia, pederastia", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8b\u028c\u0261.\u025a.i/", "sentence": "The report says that the laws on buggery and gross indecency should be reviewed.", "media_fname": "buggery.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The report says that the laws on _______ and gross indecency should be reviewed.", "gap_term": "buggery", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "casualty", "translated": "ofiara, poszkodowany", "explanation": "a person injured or killed in a serious accident or war", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8k\u00e6\u0292.ju.\u0259l.ti/", "sentence": "George was a casualty in that nasty motorway pile-up last year.", "media_fname": "casualty.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "George was a ________ in that nasty motorway pile-up last year.", "gap_term": "casualty", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "clamber", "translated": "wdrapywa\u0107 si\u0119", "explanation": "to climb up, across, or into somewhere with difficulty, using the hands and the feet", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8kl\u00e6m.b\u025a/", "sentence": "They clambered up the rocks.", "media_fname": "clamber.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "They _________ up the rocks.", "gap_term": "clambered", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "commemorate", "translated": "upami\u0119tnia\u0107", "explanation": "to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event, especially by a public ceremony or by making a statue or special building", "pronunciation": "/k\u0259\u02c8mem.\u0259.re\u026at/", "sentence": "Gathered all together in this church, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the war.", "media_fname": "commemorate.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "Gathered all together in this church, we ___________ those who lost their lives in the war.", "gap_term": "commemorate", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "complacent", "translated": "zarozumia\u0142y, zadowolony z siebie", "explanation": "feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder", "pronunciation": "/k\u0259m\u02c8ple\u026a.s\u0259nt/", "sentence": "We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.", "media_fname": "complacent.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "We can't afford to become __________ about any of our products.", "gap_term": "complacent", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "conductivity", "translated": "przewodnictwo, przewodno\u015b\u0107", "explanation": "the property of allowing heat or electricity to go through something, or the degree to which a substance allows this this", "pronunciation": "/\u02cck\u0251\u02d0n.d\u028ck\u02c8t\u026av.\u0259.t\u032ci/", "sentence": "Aluminium has good heat conductivity.", "media_fname": "conductivity.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "Aluminium has good heat ____________.", "gap_term": "conductivity", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "considerate", "translated": "taktowny, licz\u0105cy si\u0119 z innymi", "explanation": "kind and helpful", "pronunciation": "/k\u0259n\u02c8s\u026ad.\u025a.\u0259t/", "sentence": "It wasn't very considerate of you to drink all the milk.", "media_fname": "considerate.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "It wasn't very ___________ of you to drink all the milk.", "gap_term": "considerate", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "convey", "translated": "przekazywa\u0107, komunikowa\u0107", "explanation": "to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people", "pronunciation": "/k\u0259n\u02c8ve\u026a/", "sentence": "His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.", "media_fname": "convey.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "His poetry _______ a great sense of religious devotion.", "gap_term": "conveys", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "coop", "translated": "klatka dla ptak\u00f3w (lub kurnik)", "explanation": "a cage for birds such as chickens", "pronunciation": "/ku\u02d0p/", "sentence": "The courtyard was occupied by stables, a chicken coop and water for washing and drinking.", "media_fname": "coop.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The courtyard was occupied by stables, a chicken ____ and water for washing and drinking.", "gap_term": "coop", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "crass", "translated": "niedelikatny, prostacki", "explanation": "stupid and without considering how other people might feel", "pronunciation": "/kr\u00e6s/", "sentence": "He made crass comments about her worn-out clothes.", "media_fname": "crass.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "He made _____ comments about her worn-out clothes.", "gap_term": "crass", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "debilitating", "translated": "wyniszczaj\u0105cy, os\u0142abiaj\u0105cy", "explanation": "making someone or something physically weak", "pronunciation": "/d\u026a\u02c8b\u026al.\u0259.te\u026a.t\u032c\u026a\u014b/", "sentence": "Diabetes can be severely debilitating or even life-threatening if not treated regularly.", "media_fname": "debilitating.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "Diabetes can be severely ____________ or even life-threatening if not treated regularly.", "gap_term": "debilitating", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "deciduous", "translated": "li\u015bciasty, zrzucaj\u0105cy li\u015bcie", "explanation": "(of a tree, bush, etc.) that loses its leaves every year", "pronunciation": "/d\u026a\u02c8s\u026ad\u0292.u.\u0259s/", "sentence": "They are all deciduous, and there is little if any undergrowth.", "media_fname": "deciduous.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "They are all _________, and there is little if any undergrowth.", "gap_term": "deciduous", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "defiant", "translated": "niepos\u0142uszny, buntowniczy", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/d\u026a\u02c8fa\u026a.\u0259nt/", "sentence": "The terrorists sent a defiant message to the government.", "media_fname": "defiant.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "The terrorists sent a _______ message to the government.", "gap_term": "defiant", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "deposition", "translated": "zeznanie", "explanation": "a formal written statement made or used in a law court", "pronunciation": "/\u02ccdep.\u0259\u02c8z\u026a\u0283.\u0259n/", "sentence": "Our lawyer took a deposition from us.", "media_fname": "deposition.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "Our lawyer took a __________ from us.", "gap_term": "deposition", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "devour", "translated": "po\u017cera\u0107", "explanation": "to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left", "pronunciation": "/d\u026a\u02c8va\u028a.\u025a/", "sentence": "The young cubs hungrily devoured the deer.", "media_fname": "devour.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "The young cubs hungrily ________ the deer.", "gap_term": "devoured", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "discourteous", "translated": "nieuprzejmy", "explanation": "formal", "pronunciation": "/d\u026a\u02c8sk\u025d\u02d0.t\u032ci.\u0259s/", "sentence": "The employees were unhelpful and discourteous.", "media_fname": "discourteous.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "The employees were unhelpful and ____________.", "gap_term": "discourteous", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "dispel", "translated": "rozwia\u0107", "explanation": "to remove fears, doubts, and false ideas, usually by proving them wrong or unnecessary", "pronunciation": "/d\u026a\u02c8spel/", "sentence": "I'd like to start the speech by dispelling a few rumors that have been spreading recently.", "media_fname": "dispel.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "I'd like to start the speech by __________ a few rumors that have been spreading recently.", "gap_term": "dispelling", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "disperse", "translated": "rozprasza\u0107", "explanation": "to spread across or move away over a large area, or to make something do this", "pronunciation": "/d\u026a\u02c8sp\u025d\u02d0s/", "sentence": "When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse.", "media_fname": "disperse.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "When the rain came down the crowds started to ________.", "gap_term": "disperse", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "duel", "translated": "pojedynek", "explanation": "a type of fight in the past between two people with weapons, used as a way of deciding an argument", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8du\u02d0.\u0259l/", "sentence": "He challenged him to a duel.", "media_fname": "duel.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "He challenged him to a ____.", "gap_term": "duel", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "eponymous", "translated": "tytu\u0142owy", "explanation": "literary; character in a play, book, etc. has the same name as the title", "pronunciation": "/\u026a\u02c8p\u0251\u02d0.n\u0259.m\u0259s/", "sentence": "Don Quixote, eponymous hero of the great novel by Cervantes", "media_fname": "eponymous.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "Don Quixote, _________ hero of the great novel by Cervantes", "gap_term": "eponymous", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "exultant", "translated": "trimufalny, radosny", "explanation": "very happy, especially at someone else's defeat or failure", "pronunciation": "/\u026a\u0261\u02c8z\u028cl.t\u0259nt/", "sentence": "The fans were exultant at their team's victory.", "media_fname": "exultant.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "The fans were ________ at their team's victory.", "gap_term": "exultant", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "falter", "translated": "za\u0142amywa\u0107 si\u0119, s\u0142abn\u0105\u0107", "explanation": "to lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop; to pause, make mistakes, or seem weak when you are talking or moving", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8f\u0251\u02d0l.t\u025a/", "sentence": "In the late 1980s his career began to falter.", "media_fname": "falter.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "In the late 1980s his career began to ______.", "gap_term": "falter", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "freckle", "translated": "pieg", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8frek.\u0259l/", "sentence": "He has red hair and freckles.", "media_fname": "freckle.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "He has red hair and ________.", "gap_term": "freckles", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "gleam", "translated": "b\u0142yszcze\u0107", "explanation": "to produce or reflect a small, bright light", "pronunciation": "/\u0261li\u02d0m/", "sentence": "He polished the table until it gleamed.", "media_fname": "gleam.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "He polished the table until it _______.", "gap_term": "gleamed", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "groove", "translated": "rowek", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u0261ru\u02d0v/", "sentence": "The window slides along a deep metal groove to open and close.", "media_fname": "groove.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The window slides along a deep metal ______ to open and close.", "gap_term": "groove", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "haggle", "translated": "targowa\u0107 si\u0119", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8h\u00e6\u0261.\u0259l/", "sentence": "I left him in the market haggling over the price of a shirt.", "media_fname": "haggle.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "I left him in the market ________ over the price of a shirt.", "gap_term": "haggling", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "haul", "translated": "wlec, wci\u0105ga\u0107", "explanation": "to pull something somewhere slowly and with difficulty", "pronunciation": "/h\u0251\u02d0l/", "sentence": "They hauled the boat out of the water.", "media_fname": "haul.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "They ______ the boat out of the water.", "gap_term": "hauled", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "helix", "translated": "spirala, helisa", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8hi\u02d0.l\u026aks/", "sentence": "DNA molecules have two distinct strands which are held together by weak hydrogen bonds to form a double helix.", "media_fname": "helix.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "DNA molecules have two distinct strands which are held together by weak hydrogen bonds to form a double _____.", "gap_term": "helix", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "hog", "translated": "wieprz, tucznik", "explanation": "a pig, especially one that is allowed to grow large so that it can be eaten", "pronunciation": "/h\u0251\u02d0\u0261/", "sentence": "Stop being such a hog and let the rest of us have some.", "media_fname": "hog.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "Stop being such a ___ and let the rest of us have some.", "gap_term": "hog", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "hunk", "translated": "kawa\u0142 (te\u017c: przystojniak)", "explanation": "a large, thick piece, especially of food", "pronunciation": "/h\u028c\u014bk/", "sentence": "A messenger sought him out the moment he sat with a hunk of bread and ale, ordering him back to the hold with no explanation.", "media_fname": "hunk.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "A messenger sought him out the moment he sat with a ____ of bread and ale, ordering him back to the hold with no explanation.", "gap_term": "hunk", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "idyll", "translated": "sielanka, idylla", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8\u026ad.\u0259l/", "sentence": "Every year thousands of people flee the big cities in search of the rural idyll.", "media_fname": "idyll.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "Every year thousands of people flee the big cities in search of the rural _____.", "gap_term": "idyll", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "immolation", "translated": "spalenie", "explanation": "the act of killing yourself or someone else, or of destroying something, usually by burning", "pronunciation": "/\u02cc\u026am.\u0259\u02c8le\u026a.\u0283\u0259n/", "sentence": "A woman attempted suicide by self immolation.", "media_fname": "immolation.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "A woman attempted suicide by self __________.", "gap_term": "immolation", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "intact", "translated": "nietkni\u0119ty, nienaruszony", "explanation": "complete and in the original state", "pronunciation": "/\u026an\u02c8t\u00e6kt/", "sentence": "The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar survived intact.", "media_fname": "intact.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar survived ______.", "gap_term": "intact", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "leech", "translated": "pijawka", "explanation": "a type of worm that lives in wet places and fastens itself onto the bodies of humans and animals to feed on their blood", "pronunciation": "/li\u02d0t\u0283/", "sentence": "A leech is also a person who gets money or support from someone, giving little or nothing in return.", "media_fname": "leech.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "A _____ is also a person who gets money or support from someone, giving little or nothing in return.", "gap_term": "leech", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "lumpy", "translated": "grudkowaty, nier\u00f3wny", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8l\u028cm.pi/", "sentence": "Sandra lay on the lumpy mattress, unable to sleep.", "media_fname": "lumpy.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "Sandra lay on the _____ mattress, unable to sleep.", "gap_term": "lumpy", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "lurk", "translated": "czai\u0107 si\u0119", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/l\u025d\u02d0k/", "sentence": "Why are you lurking around in the hallway? It seems that old prejudices are still lurking beneath the surface.", "media_fname": "lurk.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "Why are you _______ around in the hallway? It seems that old prejudices are still _______ beneath the surface.", "gap_term": "lurking", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "moot", "translated": "podda\u0107 pod dyskusj\u0119", "explanation": "formal; to suggest something for discussion", "pronunciation": "/mu\u02d0t/", "sentence": "His name was mooted as a possible successor.", "media_fname": "moot.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "His name was ______ as a possible successor.", "gap_term": "mooted", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "needle", "translated": "ig\u0142a", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8ni\u02d0.d\u0259l/", "sentence": "The compass needle was pointing north.", "media_fname": "needle.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The compass ______ was pointing north.", "gap_term": "needle", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "neglect", "translated": "zaniedbywa\u0107", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/n\u026a\u02c8\u0261lekt/", "sentence": "Some of these kids have been badly neglected in the past.", "media_fname": "neglect.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "Some of these kids have been badly _________ in the past.", "gap_term": "neglected", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "outrageous", "translated": "skandaliczny", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02cca\u028at\u02c8re\u026a.d\u0292\u0259s/", "sentence": "The judge criticized the \"outrageous greed\" of some of the bankers.", "media_fname": "outrageous.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "The judge criticized the \"__________ greed\" of some of the bankers.", "gap_term": "outrageous", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "oversight", "translated": "przeoczenie (lub: nadz\u00f3r)", "explanation": "a mistake made because of a failure to notice something", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8o\u028a.v\u025a.sa\u026at/", "sentence": "Because of a bank oversight, the money had not been credited to my account.", "media_fname": "oversight.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "Because of a bank _________, the money had not been credited to my account.", "gap_term": "oversight", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "pastry", "translated": "ciasto", "explanation": "a food made from a mixture of flour, fat, and water, rolled flat and either wrapped around or put over or under other foods, and then baked", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8pe\u026a.stri/", "sentence": "We were offered a selection of cakes and pastries with our tea.", "media_fname": "pastry.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "We were offered a selection of cakes and ________ with our tea.", "gap_term": "pastries", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "peg", "translated": "wieszak, ko\u0142ek", "explanation": "a small stick or hook that sticks out from a surface and from which objects, especially clothes, can hang", "pronunciation": "/pe\u0261/", "sentence": "He took off his hat and hung it on the peg.", "media_fname": "peg.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "He took off his hat and hung it on the ___.", "gap_term": "peg", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "peripheral", "translated": "marginalny", "explanation": "not as important as the main aim, part, etc. of something", "pronunciation": "/p\u0259\u02c8r\u026af.\u025a.\u0259l/", "sentence": "The book contains a great deal of peripheral detail.", "media_fname": "peripheral.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "The book contains a great deal of __________ detail.", "gap_term": "peripheral", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "piteous", "translated": "\u017ca\u0142osny", "explanation": "causing you to feel sadness and sympathy", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8p\u026at\u032c.i.\u0259s/", "sentence": "The kitten gave a piteous cry.", "media_fname": "piteous.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "The kitten gave a _______ cry.", "gap_term": "piteous", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "pitiful", "translated": "\u017ca\u0142osny, budz\u0105cy lito\u015b\u0107", "explanation": "very bad or not satisfactory or not enough", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8p\u026at\u032c.i.f\u0259l/", "sentence": "The refugees arriving at the camp had pitiful stories to tell.", "media_fname": "pitiful.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "The refugees arriving at the camp had _______ stories to tell.", "gap_term": "pitiful", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "profusely", "translated": "obficie", "explanation": "in large amounts", "pronunciation": "/pr\u0259\u02c8fju\u02d0s.li/", "sentence": "He apologized profusely for being late.", "media_fname": "profusely.mp3", "type": "adverb", "sentence_gap": "He apologized _________ for being late.", "gap_term": "profusely", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "putrid", "translated": "zgni\u0142y, cuchn\u0105cy", "explanation": "decayed and having an unpleasant smell", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8pju\u02d0.tr\u026ad/", "sentence": "What's that putrid smell?", "media_fname": "putrid.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "What's that ______ smell?", "gap_term": "putrid", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "racketeering", "translated": "gangsterstwo, wymuszanie okupu", "explanation": "making money from a dishonest or illegal activity", "pronunciation": "/\u02ccr\u00e6k.\u0259\u02c8t\u026ar.\u026a\u014b/", "sentence": "They have been accused of racketeering.", "media_fname": "racketeering.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "They have been accused of ____________.", "gap_term": "racketeering", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "receptive", "translated": "otwarty", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/r\u026a\u02c8sep.t\u026av/", "sentence": "She was always receptive to new ideas.", "media_fname": "receptive.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "She was always _________ to new ideas.", "gap_term": "receptive", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "reed", "translated": "trzcina", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/ri\u02d0d/", "sentence": "The edge of the lake was fringed with reeds.", "media_fname": "reed.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The edge of the lake was fringed with _____.", "gap_term": "reeds", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "refuge", "translated": "schronienie", "explanation": "(a place that gives) protection or shelter from danger, trouble, unhappiness, etc.", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8ref.ju\u02d0d\u0292/", "sentence": "He regarded the room as a refuge from the outside world.", "media_fname": "refuge.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "He regarded the room as a ______ from the outside world.", "gap_term": "refuge", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "regurgitate", "translated": "zwraca\u0107 pokarm (te\u017c: powtarza\u0107 co\u015b bez zrozumienia)", "explanation": "to bring back swallowed food into the mouth", "pronunciation": "/r\u026a\u02c8\u0261\u025d\u02d0.d\u0292\u0259.te\u026at/", "sentence": "Owls regurgitate partly digested food to feed their young.", "media_fname": "regurgitate.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "Owls ___________ partly digested food to feed their young.", "gap_term": "regurgitate", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "rein", "translated": "wodza, cugiel", "explanation": "a long, thin piece of material, especially leather, that helps you to control and direct a horse", "pronunciation": "/re\u026an/", "sentence": "You pull on both reins to stop or slow a horse, but only the left rein to turn left.", "media_fname": "rein.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "You pull on both ____s to stop or slow a horse, but only the left ____ to turn left.", "gap_term": "rein", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "reticence", "translated": "ma\u0142om\u00f3wno\u015b\u0107", "explanation": "formal", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8ret\u032c.\u0259.s\u0259ns/", "sentence": "His reticence about his past made them very suspicious.", "media_fname": "reticence.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "His _________ about his past made them very suspicious.", "gap_term": "reticence", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "rife", "translated": "rozpowszechniony", "explanation": "formal", "pronunciation": "/ra\u026af/", "sentence": "Dysentery and malaria are rife in the refugee camps.", "media_fname": "rife.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "Dysentery and malaria are ____ in the refugee camps.", "gap_term": "rife", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "rubble", "translated": "gruz", "explanation": "the piles of broken stone and bricks, etc. that are left when a building falls down or is destroyed", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8r\u028cb.\u0259l/", "sentence": "The bomb reduced the house to rubble.", "media_fname": "rubble.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The bomb reduced the house to ______.", "gap_term": "rubble", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "scaffolding", "translated": "rusztowanie", "explanation": "a structure of metal poles and wooden boards put against a building for workers to stand on when they want to reach the higher parts of the building", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8sk\u00e6f.\u0259l.d\u026a\u014b/", "sentence": "Scaffolding has been erected around the tower and repair work will start next week.", "media_fname": "scaffolding.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "___________ has been erected around the tower and repair work will start next week.", "gap_term": "scaffolding", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "self-reliant", "translated": "samodzielny", "explanation": "not needing help or support from other people", "pronunciation": "/\u02ccself.r\u026a\u02c8la\u026a.\u0259nt/", "sentence": "Single parents have to be self-reliant and inventive.", "media_fname": "self-reliant.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "Single parents have to be ____________ and inventive.", "gap_term": "self-reliant", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "shudder", "translated": "dreszcz", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8\u0283\u028cd.\u025a/", "sentence": "She recalled with a shudder how her boss had once tried to kiss her.", "media_fname": "shudder.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "She recalled with a _______ how her boss had once tried to kiss her.", "gap_term": "shudder", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "sinusitis", "translated": "zapalenie zatok", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02ccsa\u026a.n\u0259\u02c8sa\u026a.t\u032c\u0259s/", "sentence": "The doctor diagnosed sinusitis and signed Mike off for two months sick-leave.", "media_fname": "sinusitis.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The doctor diagnosed _________ and signed Mike off for two months sick-leave.", "gap_term": "sinusitis", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "slaughter", "translated": "ub\u00f3j", "explanation": "the killing of animals for their meat, or the killing of large numbers of animals in a cruel manner", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8sl\u0251\u02d0.t\u032c\u025a/", "sentence": "The geese are being fattened for slaughter.", "media_fname": "slaughter.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The geese are being fattened for _________.", "gap_term": "slaughter", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "sloth", "translated": "lenistwo", "explanation": "literackie okre\u015blenie", "pronunciation": "/slo\u028a\u03b8/", "sentence": "The report criticizes the government's sloth in tackling environmental problems.", "media_fname": "sloth.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The report criticizes the government's _____ in tackling environmental problems.", "gap_term": "sloth", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "snout", "translated": "pysk", "explanation": "the nose and mouth that stick out from the face of some animals", "pronunciation": "/sna\u028at/", "sentence": "A dog's nose and muzzle is an example of a snout.", "media_fname": "snout.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "A dog's nose and muzzle is an example of a _____.", "gap_term": "snout", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "snuggle", "translated": "wtula\u0107 si\u0119", "explanation": "to move yourself into a warm and comfortable position, especially one in which your body is against another person or covered by something", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8sn\u028c\u0261.\u0259l/", "sentence": "The children snuggled up to their mother to get warm.", "media_fname": "snuggle.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "The children ________ up to their mother to get warm.", "gap_term": "snuggled", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "solicitor", "translated": "radca prawny", "explanation": "a type of lawyer in Britain and Australia who is trained to prepare cases and give advice on legal subjects and can represent people in lower courts", "pronunciation": "/s\u0259\u02c8l\u026as.\u0259.t\u032c\u025a/", "sentence": "My solicitor is drawing up a contract.", "media_fname": "solicitor.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "My _________ is drawing up a contract.", "gap_term": "solicitor", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "solution", "translated": "roztw\u00f3r", "explanation": "a liquid into which a solid has been mixed and has dissolved", "pronunciation": "/s\u0259\u02c8lu\u02d0.\u0283\u0259n/", "sentence": "By dissolving it in concentrated sulphuric acid and warming the solution, the anhydrous salt is obtained.", "media_fname": "solution.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "By dissolving it in concentrated sulphuric acid and warming the ________, the anhydrous salt is obtained.", "gap_term": "solution", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "steadfast", "translated": "niezachwiany", "explanation": "formal; staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8sted.f\u00e6st/", "sentence": "He is steadfast in his support for political change.", "media_fname": "steadfast.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "He is _________ in his support for political change.", "gap_term": "steadfast", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "sterile", "translated": "bezp\u0142odny", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8ster.\u0259l/", "sentence": "One of the side effects of the drug could be to make men sterile.", "media_fname": "sterile.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "One of the side effects of the drug could be to make men _______.", "gap_term": "sterile", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "stickler", "translated": "pedant", "explanation": "a person who thinks that a particular type of behavior is very important, and always follows it or tries to make other people follow it", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8st\u026ak.l\u025a/", "sentence": "He was a stickler when it came to office manners.", "media_fname": "stickler.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "He was a ________ when it came to office manners.", "gap_term": "stickler", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "stone", "translated": "kamienowa\u0107, rzuca\u0107 kamieniami", "explanation": "to throw rocks or other hard objects at someone or something", "pronunciation": "/sto\u028an/", "sentence": "Stores were looted and vehicles stoned.", "media_fname": "stone.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "Stores were looted and vehicles ______.", "gap_term": "stoned", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "stringent", "translated": "surowy", "explanation": "extremely limiting or difficult - rules, regulations", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8str\u026an.d\u0292\u0259nt/", "sentence": "Stringent safety regulations were introduced after the accident.", "media_fname": "stringent.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "_________ safety regulations were introduced after the accident.", "gap_term": "stringent", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "sturdy", "translated": "solidny (silny, wytrzyma\u0142y)", "explanation": "physically strong and solid or thick, and therefore unlikely to break or be hurt", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8st\u025d\u02d0.di/", "sentence": "The vehicle is sturdy enough to withstand rough terrain.", "media_fname": "sturdy.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "The vehicle is ______ enough to withstand rough terrain.", "gap_term": "sturdy", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "supersede", "translated": "wypiera\u0107, zast\u0119powa\u0107", "explanation": "to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned", "pronunciation": "/\u02ccsu\u02d0.p\u025a\u02c8si\u02d0d/", "sentence": "Most of the old road has been superseded by the great interstate highways.", "media_fname": "supersede.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "Most of the old road has been __________ by the great interstate highways.", "gap_term": "superseded", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "supplant", "translated": "wypiera\u0107", "explanation": "formal; to replace", "pronunciation": "/s\u0259\u02c8pl\u00e6nt/", "sentence": "Printed books will soon be supplanted by e-books.", "media_fname": "supplant.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "Printed books will soon be __________ by e-books.", "gap_term": "supplanted", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "swirl", "translated": "wirowa\u0107", "explanation": "to move quickly with a twisting, circular movement, or to make something do this", "pronunciation": "/sw\u025d\u02d0l/", "sentence": "A long skirt swirled around her ankles.", "media_fname": "swirl.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "A long skirt _______ around her ankles.", "gap_term": "swirled", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "tarnish", "translated": "plami\u0107, bruka\u0107 (dobre imi\u0119)", "explanation": "to spoil the good opinion people have of someone or something", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8t\u0251\u02d0r.n\u026a\u0283/", "sentence": "He hopes to improve the newspaper's somewhat tarnished public image.", "media_fname": "tarnish.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "He hopes to improve the newspaper's somewhat _________ public image.", "gap_term": "tarnished", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "thatch", "translated": "strzecha", "explanation": "straw or reeds used to make roofs", "pronunciation": "/\u03b8\u00e6t\u0283/", "sentence": "The thatch was badly damaged in the storm.", "media_fname": "thatch.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The ______ was badly damaged in the storm.", "gap_term": "thatch", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "thistle", "translated": "oset", "explanation": "a wild plant with sharp points on the leaves and, typically, purple flowers", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8\u03b8\u026as.\u0259l/", "sentence": "The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.", "media_fname": "thistle.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "The _______ is the national emblem of Scotland.", "gap_term": "thistle", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "thus", "translated": "a zatem", "explanation": "formal", "pronunciation": "/\u00f0\u028cs/", "sentence": "They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs.", "media_fname": "thus.mp3", "type": "adverb", "sentence_gap": "They planned to reduce staff and ____ to cut costs.", "gap_term": "thus", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "thy", "translated": "tw\u00f3j", "explanation": "= your; old use", "pronunciation": "/\u00f0a\u026a/", "sentence": "Honor thy father and thy mother.", "media_fname": "thy.mp3", "type": "determiner", "sentence_gap": "Honor ___ father and ___ mother.", "gap_term": "thy", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "tow", "translated": "holowa\u0107", "explanation": "to pull a car, boat, etc. along, fastened behind another vehicle or boat", "pronunciation": "/to\u028a/", "sentence": "You shouldn't drive fast when your car is towing a caravan.", "media_fname": "tow.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "You shouldn't drive fast when your car is ______ a caravan.", "gap_term": "towing", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "tremble", "translated": "trz\u0105\u015b\u0107 si\u0119", "explanation": "to shake slightly, usually because you are cold, frightened, or very emotional", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8trem.b\u0259l/", "sentence": "When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold.", "media_fname": "tremble.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "When he came out of the water, he was _________ with cold.", "gap_term": "trembling", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "trinket", "translated": "cacko", "explanation": "a small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8tr\u026a\u014b.k\u026at/", "sentence": "She always returns from vacation with a few souvenirs, mostly just cheap trinkets.", "media_fname": "trinket.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "She always returns from vacation with a few souvenirs, mostly just cheap ________.", "gap_term": "trinkets", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "twilight", "translated": "zmierzch", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8twa\u026a.la\u026at/", "sentence": "I could make out a dark figure in the twilight.", "media_fname": "twilight.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "I could make out a dark figure in the ________.", "gap_term": "twilight", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "unseemly", "translated": "nieprzyzwoite", "explanation": "(of behavior, etc.) not polite or suitable for a particular situation", "pronunciation": "/\u028cn\u02c8si\u02d0m.li/", "sentence": "Every face bore almost the same smile, expressing unseemly thoughts about the women.", "media_fname": "unseemly.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "Every face bore almost the same smile, expressing ________ thoughts about the women.", "gap_term": "unseemly", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "vacancy", "translated": "wakat, wolny pok\u00f3j, wolny etat", "explanation": "a job that no one is doing and is therefore available for someone new to do; a space or place that is available to be used", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8ve\u026a.k\u0259n.si/", "sentence": "There is a vacancy for a shop assistant on Saturdays.", "media_fname": "vacancy.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "There is a _______ for a shop assistant on Saturdays.", "gap_term": "vacancy", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "veer", "translated": "skr\u0119canie, zakr\u0119ca\u0107, zbacza\u0107", "explanation": "to change direction", "pronunciation": "/v\u026ar/", "sentence": "All of a sudden, the car veered off the road.", "media_fname": "veer.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "All of a sudden, the car ______ off the road.", "gap_term": "veered", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "venture", "translated": "przedsi\u0119wzi\u0119cie", "explanation": "a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8ven.t\u0283\u025a/", "sentence": "She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.", "media_fname": "venture.mp3", "type": "noun", "sentence_gap": "She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ________.", "gap_term": "ventures", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "vigilant", "translated": "czujny", "explanation": "", "pronunciation": "/\u02c8v\u026ad\u0292.\u0259l.\u0259nt/", "sentence": "Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra vigilant.", "media_fname": "vigilant.mp3", "type": "adjective", "sentence_gap": "Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra ________.", "gap_term": "vigilant", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "whinge", "translated": "marudzi\u0107, j\u0119cze\u0107", "explanation": "UK; informal; to complain, especially about something that does not seem important", "pronunciation": "/w\u026and\u0292/", "sentence": "Oh, stop whingeing!", "media_fname": "whinge.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "Oh, stop _________!", "gap_term": "whingeing", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""}, {"word": "wreck", "translated": "zrujnowa\u0107, zniszczy\u0107", "explanation": "to destroy or badly damage something", "pronunciation": "/rek/", "sentence": "The explosion shattered nearby windows and wrecked two cars.", "media_fname": "wreck.mp3", "type": "verb", "sentence_gap": "The explosion shattered nearby windows and _______ two cars.", "gap_term": "wrecked", "picture": "", "synonyms": ""} ]