# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Id: 98_DWD_OpenData_Weblink.pm 2016005 2024-01-10 21:11:00Z jensb $ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME DWD_OpenData_Weblink - A FHEM Perl module to visualize the forecasts data and alerts of the DWD OpenData module. =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2015 Jens B. All rights reserved This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this script; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. A copy of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 can also be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0. This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! =cut package DWD_OpenData_Weblink; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use Time::Piece; use DateTime; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use List::Util qw(min max); use feature qw(switch); no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental'; # font color configuration use constant TEMP_FREEZE => 3; # < blue use constant TEMP_WARM => 25; # > orange use constant PRECIP_RAIN => 50; # > blue use constant THEME_LIGHT => 0; # default use constant THEME_DARK => 1; use constant COLOR_FREEZE => [ "blue", "skyblue" ]; # light background -> blue, dark background -> skyblue use constant COLOR_WARM => [ "orange", "orange" ]; use constant COLOR_RAIN => [ "blue", "skyblue" ]; # light background -> blue, dark background -> skyblue require Exporter; our $VERSION = 2.016.005; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(AsHtmlH); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(); # weather code to FHEM weather icon name mapping my @dayWeatherIconMap = ( "na", # "Bewölkungsentwicklung nicht beobachtet", "na", # "Bewölkung abnehmend", "na", # "Bewölkung unverändert", "na", # "Bewölkung zunehmend", # 4 Dunst, Rauch, Staub oder Sand "fog", # "Sicht durch Rauch oder Asche vermindert", "haze", # "trockener Dunst (relative Feuchte < 80 %)", "fog", # "verbreiteter Schwebstaub, nicht vom Wind herangeführt", "fog", # "Staub oder Sand bzw. Gischt, vom Wind herangeführt", "fog", # "gut entwickelte Staub- oder Sandwirbel", "fog", # "Staub- oder Sandsturm im Gesichtskreis, aber nicht an der Station", # 10 Trockenereignisse "haze", # "feuchter Dunst (relative Feuchte > 80 %)", "fog", # "Schwaden von Bodennebel", "fog", # "durchgehender Bodennebel", "na", # "Wetterleuchten sichtbar, kein Donner gehört", "na", # "Niederschlag im Gesichtskreis, nicht den Boden erreichend", "na", # "Niederschlag in der Ferne (> 5 km), aber nicht an der Station", "na", # "Niederschlag in der Nähe (< 5 km), aber nicht an der Station", "thunderstorm", # "Gewitter (Donner hörbar), aber kein Niederschlag an der Station", "na", # "Markante Böen im Gesichtskreis, aber kein Niederschlag an der Station", "na", # "Tromben (trichterförmige Wolkenschläuche) im Gesichtskreis", # 20 Ereignisse der letzten Stunde, aber nicht zur Beobachtungszeit "na", # "nach Sprühregen oder Schneegriesel", "na", # "nach Regen", "na", # "nach Schneefall", "na", # "nach Schneeregen oder Eiskörnern", "na", # "nach gefrierendem Regen", "na", # "nach Regenschauer", "na", # "nach Schneeschauer", "na", # "nach Graupel- oder Hagelschauer", "na", # "nach Nebel", "na", # "nach Gewitter", # 30 Staubsturm, Sandsturm, Schneefegen oder -treiben "na", # "leichter oder mäßiger Sandsturm, an Intensität abnehmend", "na", # "leichter oder mäßiger Sandsturm, unveränderte Intensität", "na", # "leichter oder mäßiger Sandsturm, an Intensität zunehmend", "na", # "schwerer Sandsturm, an Intensität abnehmend", "na", # "schwerer Sandsturm, unveränderte Intensität", "na", # "schwerer Sandsturm, an Intensität zunehmend", "na", # "leichtes oder mäßiges Schneefegen, unter Augenhöhe", "na", # "starkes Schneefegen, unter Augenhöhe", "na", # "leichtes oder mäßiges Schneetreiben, über Augenhöhe", "na", # "starkes Schneetreiben, über Augenhöhe", # 40 Nebel oder Eisnebel "na", # "Nebel in einiger Entfernung", "fog", # "Nebel in Schwaden oder Bänken", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel erkennbar, dünner werdend", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel nicht erkennbar, dünner werdend", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel erkennbar, unverändert", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel nicht erkennbar, unverändert", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel erkennbar, dichter werdend", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel nicht erkennbar, dichter werdend", "fog", # "Nebel mit Reifansatz, Himmel erkennbar", "fog", # "Nebel mit Reifansatz, Himmel nicht erkennbar", # 50 Sprühregen "chance_of_rain", # "unterbrochener leichter Sprühregen", "mist", # "durchgehend leichter Sprühregen", "chance_of_rain", # "unterbrochener mäßiger Sprühregen", "mist", # "durchgehend mäßiger Sprühregen", "chance_of_rain", # "unterbrochener starker Sprühregen", "mist", # "durchgehend starker Sprühregen", "mist", # "leichter gefrierender Sprühregen", "mist", # "mäßiger oder starker gefrierender Sprühregen", "mist", # "leichter Sprühregen mit Regen", "mist", # "mäßiger oder starker Sprühregen mit Regen", # 60 Regen "chance_of_rain", # "unterbrochener leichter Regen oder einzelne Regentropfen", "rain", # "durchgehend leichter Regen", "chance_of_rain", # "unterbrochener mäßiger Regen", "rain", # "durchgehend mäßiger Regen", "chance_of_rain", # "unterbrochener starker Regen", "rain", # "durchgehend starker Regen", "sleet", # "leichter gefrierender Regen", "sleet", # "mäßiger oder starker gefrierender Regen", "sleet", # "leichter Schneeregen", "sleet", # "mäßiger oder starker Schneeregen", # 70 Schnee "chance_of_snow", # "unterbrochener leichter Schneefall oder einzelne Schneeflocken", "snow", # "durchgehend leichter Schneefall", "chance_of_snow", # "unterbrochener mäßiger Schneefall", "snow", # "durchgehend mäßiger Schneefall", "chance_of_snow", # "unterbrochener starker Schneefall", "snow", # "durchgehend starker Schneefall", "icy", # "Eisnadeln (Polarschnee)", "snow", # "Schneegriesel", "snow", # "Schneekristalle", "icy", # "Eiskörner (gefrorene Regentropfen)", # 80 Schauer "drizzle", # "leichter Regenschauer", "drizzle", # "mäßiger oder starker Regenschauer", "drizzle", # "äußerst heftiger Regenschauer", "chance_of_sleet", # "leichter Schneeregenschauer", "chance_of_sleet", # "mäßiger oder starker Schneeregenschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "leichter Schneeschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "mäßiger oder starker Schneeschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "leichter Graupelschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "mäßiger oder starker Graupelschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "leichter Hagelschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "mäßiger oder starker Hagelschauer", # 90 Gewitter "chance_of_storm", # "Gewitter in der letzten Stunde, zurzeit leichter Regen", "chance_of_storm", # "Gewitter in der letzten Stunde, zurzeit mäßiger oder starker Regen", "chance_of_storm", # "Gewitter in der letzten Stunde, zurzeit leichter Schneefall/Schneeregen/Graupel/Hagel", "chance_of_storm", # "Gewitter in der letzten Stunde, zurzeit mäßiger oder starker Schneefall/Schneeregen/Graupel/Hagel", "thunderstorm", # "leichtes oder mäßiges Gewitter mit Regen oder Schnee", "thunderstorm", # "leichtes oder mäßiges Gewitter mit Graupel oder Hagel", "thunderstorm", # "starkes Gewitter mit Regen oder Schnee", "thunderstorm", # "starkes Gewitter mit Sandsturm", "thunderstorm" # "starkes Gewitter mit Graupel oder Hagel",); ); my @NightWeatherIconMap = ( "na", # "Bewölkungsentwicklung nicht beobachtet", "na", # "Bewölkung abnehmend", "na", # "Bewölkung unverändert", "na", # "Bewölkung zunehmend", # 4 Dunst, Rauch, Staub oder Sand "fog", # "Sicht durch Rauch oder Asche vermindert", "haze_night", # "trockener Dunst (relative Feuchte < 80 %)", "fog", # "verbreiteter Schwebstaub, nicht vom Wind herangeführt", "fog", # "Staub oder Sand bzw. Gischt, vom Wind herangeführt", "fog", # "gut entwickelte Staub- oder Sandwirbel", "fog", # "Staub- oder Sandsturm im Gesichtskreis, aber nicht an der Station", # 10 Trockenereignisse "haze_night", # "feuchter Dunst (relative Feuchte > 80 %)", "fog", # "Schwaden von Bodennebel", "fog", # "durchgehender Bodennebel", "na", # "Wetterleuchten sichtbar, kein Donner gehört", "na", # "Niederschlag im Gesichtskreis, nicht den Boden erreichend", "na", # "Niederschlag in der Ferne (> 5 km), aber nicht an der Station", "na", # "Niederschlag in der Nähe (< 5 km), aber nicht an der Station", "thunderstorm", # "Gewitter (Donner hörbar), aber kein Niederschlag an der Station", "na", # "Markante Böen im Gesichtskreis, aber kein Niederschlag an der Station", "na", # "Tromben (trichterförmige Wolkenschläuche) im Gesichtskreis", # 20 Ereignisse der letzten Stunde, aber nicht zur Beobachtungszeit "na", # "nach Sprühregen oder Schneegriesel", "na", # "nach Regen", "na", # "nach Schneefall", "na", # "nach Schneeregen oder Eiskörnern", "na", # "nach gefrierendem Regen", "na", # "nach Regenschauer", "na", # "nach Schneeschauer", "na", # "nach Graupel- oder Hagelschauer", "na", # "nach Nebel", "na", # "nach Gewitter", # 30 Staubsturm, Sandsturm, Schneefegen oder -treiben "na", # "leichter oder mäßiger Sandsturm, an Intensität abnehmend", "na", # "leichter oder mäßiger Sandsturm, unveränderte Intensität", "na", # "leichter oder mäßiger Sandsturm, an Intensität zunehmend", "na", # "schwerer Sandsturm, an Intensität abnehmend", "na", # "schwerer Sandsturm, unveränderte Intensität", "na", # "schwerer Sandsturm, an Intensität zunehmend", "na", # "leichtes oder mäßiges Schneefegen, unter Augenhöhe", "na", # "starkes Schneefegen, unter Augenhöhe", "na", # "leichtes oder mäßiges Schneetreiben, über Augenhöhe", "na", # "starkes Schneetreiben, über Augenhöhe", # 40 Nebel oder Eisnebel "na", # "Nebel in einiger Entfernung", "fog", # "Nebel in Schwaden oder Bänken", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel erkennbar, dünner werdend", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel nicht erkennbar, dünner werdend", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel erkennbar, unverändert", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel nicht erkennbar, unverändert", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel erkennbar, dichter werdend", "fog", # "Nebel, Himmel nicht erkennbar, dichter werdend", "fog", # "Nebel mit Reifansatz, Himmel erkennbar", "fog", # "Nebel mit Reifansatz, Himmel nicht erkennbar", # 50 Sprühregen "chance_of_rain_night", # "unterbrochener leichter Sprühregen", "mist", # "durchgehend leichter Sprühregen", "chance_of_rain_night", # "unterbrochener mäßiger Sprühregen", "mist", # "durchgehend mäßiger Sprühregen", "chance_of_rain_night", # "unterbrochener starker Sprühregen", "mist", # "durchgehend starker Sprühregen", "mist", # "leichter gefrierender Sprühregen", "mist", # "mäßiger oder starker gefrierender Sprühregen", "mist", # "leichter Sprühregen mit Regen", "mist", # "mäßiger oder starker Sprühregen mit Regen", # 60 Regen "chance_of_rain_night", # "unterbrochener leichter Regen oder einzelne Regentropfen", "rain", # "durchgehend leichter Regen", "chance_of_rain_night", # "unterbrochener mäßiger Regen", "rain", # "durchgehend mäßiger Regen", "chance_of_rain_night", # "unterbrochener starker Regen", "rain", # "durchgehend starker Regen", "sleet", # "leichter gefrierender Regen", "sleet", # "mäßiger oder starker gefrierender Regen", "sleet", # "leichter Schneeregen", "sleet", # "mäßiger oder starker Schneeregen", # 70 Schnee "chance_of_snow", # "unterbrochener leichter Schneefall oder einzelne Schneeflocken", "snow", # "durchgehend leichter Schneefall", "chance_of_snow", # "unterbrochener mäßiger Schneefall", "snow", # "durchgehend mäßiger Schneefall", "chance_of_snow", # "unterbrochener starker Schneefall", "snow", # "durchgehend starker Schneefall", "icy", # "Eisnadeln (Polarschnee)", "snow", # "Schneegriesel", "snow", # "Schneekristalle", "icy", # "Eiskörner (gefrorene Regentropfen)", # 80 Schauer "drizzle_night", # "leichter Regenschauer", "drizzle_night", # "mäßiger oder starker Regenschauer", "drizzle_night", # "äußerst heftiger Regenschauer", "chance_of_sleet", # "leichter Schneeregenschauer", "chance_of_sleet", # "mäßiger oder starker Schneeregenschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "leichter Schneeschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "mäßiger oder starker Schneeschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "leichter Graupelschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "mäßiger oder starker Graupelschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "leichter Hagelschauer", "chance_of_snow", # "mäßiger oder starker Hagelschauer", # 90 Gewitter "chance_of_storm_night", # "Gewitter in der letzten Stunde, zurzeit leichter Regen", "chance_of_storm_night", # "Gewitter in der letzten Stunde, zurzeit mäßiger oder starker Regen", "chance_of_storm_night", # "Gewitter in der letzten Stunde, zurzeit leichter Schneefall/Schneeregen/Graupel/Hagel", "chance_of_storm_night", # "Gewitter in der letzten Stunde, zurzeit mäßiger oder starker Schneefall/Schneeregen/Graupel/Hagel", "thunderstorm", # "leichtes oder mäßiges Gewitter mit Regen oder Schnee", "thunderstorm", # "leichtes oder mäßiges Gewitter mit Graupel oder Hagel", "thunderstorm", # "starkes Gewitter mit Regen oder Schnee", "thunderstorm", # "starkes Gewitter mit Sandsturm", "thunderstorm" # "starkes Gewitter mit Graupel oder Hagel",); ); # icon parameters use constant ICONHIGHT => 120; use constant ICONWIDTH => 175; use constant ICONSCALE => 0.5; =head1 FHEM CALLBACK FUNCTIONS =head2 Define($$) FHEM I =over =item * param hash: hash of DWD_OpenData_Weblink device =item * param def: module define parameters, will be ignored =item * return undef on success or error message =back =cut sub Define { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # module version $hash->{VERSION} = $VERSION; ::readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'initialized', 1); return undef; } =head2 Get($@) FHEM I =over =item * param hash: hash of DWD_OpenData_Weblink device =item * param a: array of FHEM command line arguments, min. length 2, a[1] holds get command =item * return requested data or error message =back =cut sub Get { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $result = undef; my $command = lc($a[1]); given($command) { when("horizontalforecast") { my $ioDev = ::AttrVal($name, 'IODev', undef); my $days = ::AttrVal($name, 'forecastDays', 4); my $useGroundTemperature = ::AttrVal($name, 'useGroundTemperature', 0); my $theme = ::AttrVal($name, 'theme', THEME_LIGHT) eq 'dark'? THEME_DARK : THEME_LIGHT; $result = GetForecastHtmlH($ioDev, $days, $useGroundTemperature, $theme); } default { $result = "unknown get command $command, choose one of horizontalForecast"; } } return $result; } =head2 GetForecastCssH() get CSS style for horizontal forecast =over =item * return CSS style for horizontal forecast =back =cut sub GetForecastCssH { my $style = ' '; return $style; } =head1 MODULE FUNCTIONS =head2 IsActive($$$) =over =item * param start: epoch time range start =item * param end: epoch time range end =item * param time epoch time =item * return 1 if time is inside range, otherwise 0 =back =cut sub IsActive { my ($start, $end, $time) = @_; if ($start && $end) { return $time >= $start && $time < $end; } else { return 0; } } =head2 IsInRange($$$$) =over =item * param start: 1st range start (incl.) =item * param end: 1st range end (excl.) =item * param start: 2nd range start (incl.) =item * param end: 2nd range end (excl.) =item * return 1 if 2nd range overlaps with 1st range, otherwise 0 =back =cut sub IsInRange { my ($start, $end, $iStart, $iEnd) = @_; if ($start && $end) { return ($iStart < $start && $iEnd >= $end) || ($iStart >= $start && $iStart < $end) || ($iEnd >= $start && $iEnd < $end); } else { return 0; } } =head2 GetWeatherIconTag($$;$) get FHEM weather icon for weather code =over =item * param weatherCode =item * param cloudCover: [1/8] =item * param day: 0 = night, 1 = day, optional, default: day =item * return HTML string =back =cut sub GetWeatherIconTag { my ($weatherCode, $cloudCover, $day) = @_; if (!defined($day)) { $day = 1; } #::Log 3, "GetWeatherIconTag: weatherCode=".$weatherCode." cloudCover=".$cloudCover." day=".$day; my $iconName = "na"; if (defined($weatherCode)) { if ($weatherCode < 4 && defined($cloudCover)) { # no weather activity, use cloud cover $cloudCover = sprintf('%0.0f', $cloudCover); # round() if ($cloudCover < 3) { $iconName = $day? 'sunny' : 'clear'; # 012 } elsif ($cloudCover < 5) { $iconName = $day? 'partlycloudy' : 'partlycloudy_night'; # 34 } elsif ($cloudCover < 7) { $iconName = $day? 'mostlycloudy' : 'mostlycloudy_night'; # 56 } else { $iconName = 'overcast'; # 789 } } else { $iconName = $day? $dayWeatherIconMap[$weatherCode] : $NightWeatherIconMap[$weatherCode]; } } if (defined($iconName)) { my $url= ::FW_IconURL("weather/$iconName"); return "\"$iconName\""; } else { return ""; } } =head2 ToForecastIndex($$) icon index, display time offsets and forecast resolution to relative day, hour index, day prefix and hour prefix for forecast readings access =over =item * param iconIndex: index of display icon starting with -1 =item * param offsets: array of display time offsets for 1st and 2nd icon =item * param timeResolution: time resolution of forecast readings (3 or 6) =item * return array of relative day, hour index, day prefix and hour prefix =back =cut sub ToForecastIndex { my ($iconIndex, $offsets, $timeResolution) = @_; my $day = int(($iconIndex + 1)/2); my $index = 6/$timeResolution*((($iconIndex + 1) % 2) == 0? 1 : 2); if ($day == 0) { $index += ${$offsets}[$iconIndex + 1]; if ($index >= 24/$timeResolution) { $day++; $index -= 24/$timeResolution; } } my $dayPrefix = "fc".$day; my $hourPrefix = $dayPrefix."_".$index; my @result; push(@result, $day); push(@result, $index); push(@result, $dayPrefix); push(@result, $hourPrefix); return @result; } =head2 PrepareForecastData($$$$) prepare data =over =item * param device name =item * param number of days: default 4 (including today) =item * param flag: use minimum of ground and minimum temperature, default 0 =item * param theme: background color schema "light" or "dark", default "light" =item * return number of items, time resolution, array of offsets, table data and alert messages =back =cut sub PrepareForecastData { my ($d, $days, $useGroundTemperature, $theme) = @_; # find two samples of 1st day where at least the 2nd is still in the future my @offsets; my $now = time(); my $timeResolution = ::AttrVal($d, 'forecastResolution', 6); for (my $index=0; $index<24/$timeResolution; $index++) { my $date = ::ReadingsVal($d, "fc0_date", "?"); my $hourPrefix = "fc0_".$index; my $time = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_time", ""); my $epoch = ::time_str2num($date.' '.$time.':00'); if ($timeResolution == 6) { # 6 hours steps: 0...3, default index 1 (06:00 UTC) and 2 (12:00 UTC) if ($now < ($epoch + 7200)) { # sample not older than 2 hours if ($index <= 1) { # until 08:00 - 1st icon follows, 2nd icon stays at 12:00 push(@offsets, max($index - 1, -1)); push(@offsets, 0); } else { # until 20:00 - 1st icon follows, 2nd icon is 6 hours later push(@offsets, min($index - 1, 2)); push(@offsets, min($index - 1, 2)); } last; } elsif ($index > 2) { # after 20:00 -> 18:00 + 00:00 push(@offsets, 2); push(@offsets, 2); } } elsif ($timeResolution == 3) { # 3 hours steps: 0...7, default index 2 (06:00 UTC) and 4 (12:00 UTC) if ($now < ($epoch + 7200)) { # sample not older than 2 hours if ($index <= 2) { # until 08:00 - 1st icon follows, 2nd icon stays at 12:00 push(@offsets, max($index - 2, -2)); push(@offsets, 0); } else { # until 23:00 - 1st icon follows, 2nd icon is 6 hours later push(@offsets, min($index - 2, 5)); push(@offsets, min($index - 2, 5)); } last; } elsif ($index > 5) { # after 23:00 -> 21:00 + 03:00 push(@offsets, 5); push(@offsets, 5); last; } } else { # assume 1 hour steps: 0..23 default index 6 (06:00 UTC) and 12 (12:00 UTC) if ($now < ($epoch + 3600)) { # sample not older than 1 hour if ($index <= 6) { # until 07:00 - 1st icon follows, 2nd icon stays at 12:00 push(@offsets, max($index - 6, -6)); push(@offsets, 0); } elsif ($index <= 20) { # until 21:00 - 1st icon follows, 2nd icon is 6 hours later push(@offsets, min($index - 6, 15)); push(@offsets, min($index - 6, 15)); } else { # until 23:00 - 1st icon follows, 2nd icon is halfway before 03:00 push(@offsets, min($index - 6, 15)); push(@offsets, min($index - 7, 15)); } last; } elsif ($index > 21) { # after 23:00 -> 23:00 + 03:00 push(@offsets, 15); push(@offsets, 15); last; } } } my $hash = $::defs{$d}; # prepare data for items my @data; my $items = $days? 2*$days - 1 : 7; for (my $i=-1; $i<$items; $i++) { my $entry = {}; push(@data, $entry); # weekday and time (as text) my ($day, $index, $dayPrefix, $hourPrefix) = ToForecastIndex($i, \@offsets, $timeResolution); my $date = ::ReadingsVal($d, $dayPrefix."_date", "?"); my $weekday = ::ReadingsVal($d, $dayPrefix."_weekday", "?"); my $time = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_time", ""); $entry->{dayAndTime} = $weekday.' '.$time; # start time if ($i == -1) { $entry->{startTime} = $now; } else { $entry->{startTime} = DWD_OpenData::ParseDateTimeLocal($hash, ::ReadingsVal($d, $dayPrefix."_date", "1970-01-01") . ' ' . ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_time", "00:00") .':00'); } # weather description my $code = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_ww", "-1"); $entry->{description} = ""; if ($code > 0 && $code > 3) { $entry->{description} = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_wwd", "?"); } # weather icon my $cloudCover = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_Neff", undef); my $sunUp = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_SunUp", undef); $entry->{iconImageTag} = GetWeatherIconTag(::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_ww", undef), 8*$cloudCover/100, $sunUp); # weather alert key $entry->{alertKey} = $i < 0? 'NOW' : "$day-$index"; # temperature if ($i <= 0) { # 1st day $entry->{tempValue} = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_TTT", "?"); $entry->{tempLabel} = ''; # for 2nd icon $entry->{tempMinValue} = ::ReadingsVal($d, $dayPrefix."_Tn", "?"); my $tempMinColor = ''; if (looks_like_number($entry->{tempMinValue})) { if ($entry->{tempMinValue} < TEMP_FREEZE) { $tempMinColor = COLOR_FREEZE->[$theme]; } elsif ($entry->{tempMinValue} > TEMP_WARM) { $tempMinColor = COLOR_WARM->[$theme]; } } $entry->{tempMinColor} = $tempMinColor; $entry->{tempMaxValue} = ::ReadingsVal($d, $dayPrefix."_Tx", "?"); my $tempMaxColor = ''; if (looks_like_number($entry->{tempMaxValue})) { if ($entry->{tempMaxValue} < TEMP_FREEZE) { $tempMaxColor = COLOR_FREEZE->[$theme]; } elsif ($entry->{tempMaxValue} > TEMP_WARM) { $tempMaxColor = COLOR_WARM->[$theme]; } } $entry->{tempMaxColor} = $tempMaxColor; } elsif ($i > 0) { # 2nd to 7th day my ($tempLabel, $tempValue); my $firstIcon = $i % 2 == 1; if ($firstIcon) { $tempLabel = 'min'; $tempValue = ::ReadingsVal($d, $dayPrefix."_Tn", "?"); if (defined($useGroundTemperature) && $useGroundTemperature) { # use min. ground temperature as alternative to min. air temperature my $tempGround = ::ReadingsVal($d, $dayPrefix."_Tg", undef); $tempValue = $tempGround if (defined($tempGround) && ($tempValue eq '?' || $tempGround < $tempValue)); } } else { $tempLabel = 'max'; $tempValue = ::ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_Tx", "?"); } $entry->{tempValue} = $tempValue; $entry->{tempLabel} = $tempLabel; } my $tempColor = ''; if (looks_like_number($entry->{tempValue})) { if ($entry->{tempValue} < TEMP_FREEZE) { $tempColor = COLOR_FREEZE->[$theme]; } elsif ($entry->{tempValue} > TEMP_WARM) { $tempColor = COLOR_WARM->[$theme]; } } $entry->{tempColor} = $tempColor; # max wind speed and direction, precipitation if ($i % 2 == 1) { my ($maxWindSpeed, $windDirection, $precipitation, $chanceOfRain); for (my $hourIndex = 0; $hourIndex < 24/$timeResolution; $hourIndex++) { my $hourPrefix = 'fc'.$day.'_'.$hourIndex; my $windSpeed = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix.'_FX1', undef); if (defined($windSpeed) && (!defined($maxWindSpeed) || $windSpeed > $maxWindSpeed) && ($hourIndex >= $index || $i > 0)) { # max wind speed of (remaining) day $maxWindSpeed = $windSpeed; $windDirection = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix.'_DD', undef); } my $precipitation12h = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix.'_RRhc', undef); if ($i > 0 && $hourIndex >= 18/$timeResolution && defined($precipitation12h) && !defined($precipitation)) { # precipitation between 06:00 and 18:00 for all days except 1st $precipitation = $precipitation12h; $chanceOfRain = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix.'_Rh00', '?'); } } $entry->{windSpeed} = $maxWindSpeed; $entry->{windDirection} = $windDirection; # override precipitation of 1st day: 12 hours before time of 2nd icon if ($i == -1) { my $day = 0; my $index = 12/$timeResolution + $offsets[1]; if ($index >= 24/$timeResolution) { # 2nd icon shows 2nd day: use 06:00 of 2nd day $day += 1; $index = 6/$timeResolution; } elsif (($index*$timeResolution)%6 > 0) { # 2nd icon shows 1st day, use next multiple of 6 h $index += (6 - ($index*$timeResolution)%6)/$timeResolution; if ($index >= 24/$timeResolution) { # next multiple of 6 h is on 2nd day: use 00:00 of 2nd day $day += 1; $index = 0; } } # shift by 1 hour for timeResolution = 1 h if ($timeResolution == 1) { $index += 1; } my $hourPrefix = "fc".$day."_".$index; if (($index*$timeResolution + 6)%12 == 0) { # 06:00, 18:00 or 2nd icon shows 2nd day: use 12 hour values $chanceOfRain = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_Rh00", "?"); # Rh00 available every 12 hours at 06:00 and 18:00 $precipitation = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_RRhc", "?"); # RRhc available every 12 hours at 06:00 and 18:00 } else { # combine nearest two 6h values my $chanceOfRain1 = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_R600", "?"); # R600 available every 6 hours my $precipitation1 = ::ReadingsVal($d, $hourPrefix."_RR6c", "?"); # RR6c available every 6 hours my $previousHourPrefix = $index >= 6/$timeResolution? "fc".$day."_".($index - 6/$timeResolution) : "fc".($day - 1)."_".($index + (24 - 6)/$timeResolution); my $chanceOfRain2 = ::ReadingsVal($d, $previousHourPrefix."_R600", "?"); # R600 available every 6 hours my $precipitation2 = ::ReadingsVal($d, $previousHourPrefix."_RR6c", "?"); # RR6c available every 6 hours $chanceOfRain = $chanceOfRain1 eq '?' || $chanceOfRain2 eq '?'? '?' : max($chanceOfRain1, $chanceOfRain2); $precipitation = $precipitation1 eq '?' || $precipitation2 eq '?'? '?' : $precipitation1 + $precipitation2; } } $entry->{chanceOfRain} = defined($chanceOfRain)? $chanceOfRain : '?'; $entry->{precipitation} = defined($precipitation)? $precipitation : '?'; # precipitation color my $precipitationColor = ''; if ($entry->{precipitation} ne '?' && $entry->{precipitation} > 0 && $entry->{chanceOfRain} ne '?' && $entry->{chanceOfRain} >= PRECIP_RAIN) { $precipitationColor = COLOR_RAIN->[$theme]; } $entry->{precipitationColor} = $precipitationColor; # wind labels and color my ($windSpeedDescription, $windDirectionLabel, $windColor); if (defined($entry->{windSpeed}) && defined($entry->{windDirection})) { if ($entry->{windSpeed} < 1) { $windSpeedDescription = 'Windstille'; $windDirectionLabel = ''; $windColor = ''; } else { if ($entry->{windSpeed} < 6) { $windSpeedDescription = 'leiser Zug'; $windColor = ''; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 12) { $windSpeedDescription = 'leichte Brise'; $windColor = ''; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 20) { $windSpeedDescription = 'schwache Brise'; $windColor = ''; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 29) { $windSpeedDescription = 'mäßige Brise'; $windColor = ''; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 39) { $windSpeedDescription = 'frische Brise'; $windColor = ''; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 50) { $windSpeedDescription = 'starker Wind'; $windColor = 'gold'; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 62) { $windSpeedDescription = 'steifer Wind'; $windColor = 'gold'; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 75) { $windSpeedDescription = 'stürmischer Wind'; $windColor = 'gold'; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 88) { $windSpeedDescription = 'Sturm'; $windColor = 'orange'; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 103) { $windSpeedDescription = 'schwerer Sturm'; $windColor = 'orange'; } elsif ($entry->{windSpeed} < 118) { $windSpeedDescription = 'orkanartiger Sturm'; $windColor = 'tomato'; } else { $entry->{windSpeed} = 'Orkan'; $windColor = 'tomato'; } if ($entry->{windDirection} >= 337.5 && $entry->{windDirection} < 22.5) { $windDirectionLabel = 'N'; } elsif ($entry->{windDirection} < 67.5) { $windDirectionLabel = 'NO'; } elsif ($entry->{windDirection} < 112.5) { $windDirectionLabel = 'O'; } elsif ($entry->{windDirection} < 157.5) { $windDirectionLabel = 'SO'; } elsif ($entry->{windDirection} < 202.5) { $windDirectionLabel = 'S'; } elsif ($entry->{windDirection} < 247.5) { $windDirectionLabel = 'SW'; } elsif ($entry->{windDirection} < 292.5) { $windDirectionLabel = 'W'; } else { $windDirectionLabel = 'NW'; } } } $entry->{windSpeedDescription} = $windSpeedDescription; $entry->{windColor} = $windColor; $entry->{windDirectionLabel} = $windDirectionLabel; } } # prepare alerts my $alerts = ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_count", 0); my %alertMessages; if ($alerts > 0) { for (my $i=-1; $i<$items; $i++) { my ($day, $index) = ToForecastIndex($i, \@offsets, $timeResolution); if ($i >= 0) { # future alerts 0=rest of today, 1=tomorrow morning, 2=tomorrow evening, ... my $fcStart = $data[$i+1]{startTime}; my $fcEnd = ($i + 1) < $items? $data[$i+2]{startTime} : defined($fcStart)? ($fcStart + 43200 - 1) : undef; # 12 hours $alertMessages{"$day-$index"} = undef; if (defined($fcStart) && defined($fcEnd)) { for(my $a=0; $a<$alerts; $a++) { my $start = DWD_OpenData::ParseDateTimeLocal($hash, ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_onset", '1970-01-01 00:00:00')); my $end = DWD_OpenData::ParseDateTimeLocal($hash, ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_expires", '1970-01-01 00:00:00')); if (IsInRange($start, $end, $fcStart, $fcEnd)) { if (!defined($alertMessages{"$day-$index"})) { $alertMessages{"$day-$index"} = ""; } if (IsActive($start, $end, $fcStart)) { # already active, skip onset $alertMessages{"$day-$index"} .= sprintf('
%s bis %s


', ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_areaColor", "255, 255, 255"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_areaDesc", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_expires", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_headline", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_description", "?")); } else { $alertMessages{"$day-$index"} .= sprintf('
%s von %s bis %s


', ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_areaColor", "255, 255, 255"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_areaDesc", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_onset", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_expires", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_headline", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_description", "?")); } } } } } else { # currently valid alerts my $fcStart = $data[0]{startTime}; my $fcEnd = $data[1]{startTime}; $alertMessages{'NOW'} = undef; if (defined($fcStart) && defined($fcEnd)) { for(my $a=0; $a<$alerts; $a++) { my $start = DWD_OpenData::ParseDateTimeLocal($hash, ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_onset", '1970-01-01 00:00:00')); my $end = DWD_OpenData::ParseDateTimeLocal($hash, ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_expires", '1970-01-01 00:00:00')); if (IsInRange($start, $end, $fcStart, $fcEnd)) { if (!defined($alertMessages{'NOW'})) { $alertMessages{'NOW'} = ""; } if (IsActive($start, $end, $now)) { $alertMessages{'NOW'} .= sprintf('
%s bis %s


', ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_areaColor", "255, 255, 255"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_areaDesc", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_expires", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_headline", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_description", "?")); } else { $alertMessages{'NOW'} .= sprintf('
%s von %s bis %s


', ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_areaColor", "255, 255, 255"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_areaDesc", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_onset", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_expires", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_headline", "?"), ::ReadingsVal($d, "a_".$a."_description", "?")); } } } } } } } my @result; push(@result, $items); push(@result, $timeResolution); push(@result, \@offsets); push(@result, \@data); push(@result, \%alertMessages); return @result; } =head2 GetForecastHtmlH($$$$) create forecast display as a horizontal CSS table with two icons per day (without CSS style) =over =item * param DWD_OpenData device name =item * param number of days: default 4 (including today) =item * param flag: use minimum of ground and minimum temperature, default 0 =item * param theme: background color schema "light" or "dark", default "light" =item * return HTML string =back =cut sub GetForecastHtmlH { my ($name, $days, $useGroundTemperature, $theme) = @_; $name = "" if(!$name); return "DWD_OpenData_Weblink: device $name does not exist or is not a DWD_OpenData module
" if(!$::defs{$name} || $::defs{$name}{TYPE} ne "DWD_OpenData"); my ($items, $timeResolution, $offsets, $data, $alertMessages) = PrepareForecastData($name, $days, $useGroundTemperature, $theme); # create horizontal weather forecast table my $ret = '
'; # weekday and time $ret .= '
'; for (my $i=-1; $i<$items; $i++) { my ($day, $index, $dayPrefix, $hourPrefix) = ToForecastIndex($i, $offsets, $timeResolution); if (($i == 0 && $index >= 12/$timeResolution) || ($i > 0 && $i % 2 == 0)) { $ret .= sprintf('
', $$data[$i+1]{dayAndTime}); } else { $ret .= sprintf('
', $$data[$i+1]{dayAndTime}); } } $ret .= '
'; # weather icon $ret .= '
'; for (my $i=-1; $i<$items; $i++) { if (defined($$alertMessages{$$data[$i+1]{alertKey}})) { # add alert data if alert exists # @TODO vary weatherAlertBoxCenter $$data[$i+1]{iconImageTag} .= sprintf('
Wetterwarnungen %s
', $$data[$i+1]{dayAndTime}, $$alertMessages{$$data[$i+1]{alertKey}}); } $ret .= sprintf('
', $$data[$i+1]{iconImageTag}); } $ret .= '
'; # weather description $ret .= '
'; for (my $i=-1; $i<$items; $i++) { $ret .= sprintf('
', $$data[$i+1]{description}); } $ret .= '
'; # temperature $ret .= '
'; for (my $i=-1; $i<$items; $i++) { if ($i == -1) { # 1st part of current day $ret .= sprintf('
%s °C
', $$data[$i+1]{tempColor}, $$data[$i+1]{tempValue}); } elsif ($i == 0) { # 2nd part of current day if ($$offsets[0] < 0) { # before 6:00 UTC: min/max $ret .= sprintf('
%s/%s °C
', $$data[$i+1]{tempMinColor}, $$data[$i+1]{tempMinValue}, $$data[$i+1]{tempMaxColor}, $$data[$i+1]{tempMaxValue}); } elsif ($$offsets[1] < 12/$timeResolution) { # up to 18:00 UTC: max $ret .= sprintf('
max %s °C
', $$data[$i+1]{tempMaxColor}, $$data[$i+1]{tempMaxValue}); } else { # after 18:00 UTC: current temp $ret .= sprintf('
%s °C
', $$data[$i+1]{tempColor}, $$data[$i+1]{tempValue}); } } else { # 2nd to 7th day my $firstIcon = $i % 2 == 1; if ($firstIcon) { $ret .= sprintf('
%s %s °C
', $$data[$i+1]{tempColor}, $$data[$i+1]{tempLabel}, $$data[$i+1]{tempValue}); } else { $ret .= sprintf('
%s %s °C
', $$data[$i+1]{tempColor}, $$data[$i+1]{tempLabel}, $$data[$i+1]{tempValue}); } } } $ret .= '
'; # max wind speed and direction, precipitation $ret .= '
'; for (my $i=-1; $i<$items; $i+=2) { if (defined($$data[$i+1]{windSpeedDescription})) { if (length($$data[$i+1]{windColor}) > 0) { $ret .= sprintf('
%s %s
', $$data[$i+1]{windColor}, $$data[$i+1]{windSpeedDescription}, $$data[$i+1]{windDirectionLabel}); } else { $ret .= sprintf('
%s %s
', $$data[$i+1]{windSpeedDescription}, $$data[$i+1]{windDirectionLabel}); } $ret .= sprintf('
%s mm %s %%
', $$data[$i+1]{precipitationColor}, $$data[$i+1]{precipitation}, $$data[$i+1]{chanceOfRain}); } } $ret .= '
'; return $ret . '
'; } =head2 AsHtmlH($) create forecast display as a horizontal CSS table with two icons per day including CSS style and optional auto refresh =over =item * param DWD_OpenData_Weblink device name =item * return HTML string =back =cut sub AsHtmlH { my ($name) = @_; $name = "" if(!$name); return "DWD_OpenData_Weblink: device $name does not exist or is not a DWD_OpenData_Weblink module
" if(!$::defs{$name} || $::defs{$name}{TYPE} ne "DWD_OpenData_Weblink"); my $ret = ''; my $refreshRate = ::AttrVal($name, 'refreshRate', 0); # [s] if ($refreshRate > 0) { # execute "get horizontalForecast" immediately and again every 5 minutes $ret .= ' '; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= GetForecastCssH(); $ret .= ''; } else { # embed directly my $ioDev = ::AttrVal($name, 'IODev', undef); my $days = ::AttrVal($name, 'forecastDays', 4); my $useGroundTemperature = ::AttrVal($name, 'useGroundTemperature', 0); my $theme = ::AttrVal($name, 'theme', '') eq 'dark'? THEME_DARK : THEME_LIGHT; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= GetForecastCssH(); $ret .= GetForecastHtmlH($ioDev, $days, $useGroundTemperature, $theme); $ret .= '
'; } return $ret; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package main; =head1 FHEM INIT FUNCTION =head2 DWD_OpenData_Weblink_Initialize($) FHEM I function Enables commandref and autoloading of module without changing F<99_myUtils.pm> if this file is renamed to F<98_DWD_OpenData_Weblink.pm>. =over =item * param hash: hash of DWD_OpenData_Weblink device =back =cut sub DWD_OpenData_Weblink_Initialize { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = 'DWD_OpenData_Weblink::Define'; $hash->{GetFn} = 'DWD_OpenData_Weblink::Get'; $hash->{AttrList} = 'IODev forecastDays:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 useGroundTemperature:0,1 refreshRate theme:light,dark'; } 1; =pod =head1 CHANGES 2024-01-10 (version 2.016.005) bugfix: renamed module to 98_DWD_OpenData_Weblink.pm to prevent autoloading by FHEM 2023-11-25 (version 2.016.004) bugfix: default to light theme if theme attribute is undefined 2022-02-09 (version 2.016.003) bugfix: added missing seconds for call to time_str2num to prevent Perl warning 2020-10-09 feature: support configurable FHEM web root coding: prototypes removed documentation: annotaded module help of attributes for FHEMWEB 2019-07-14 bugfix: added missing final closing
tag to GetForecastHtmlH 2019-02-23 feature: location specific day/night detection based on new reading SunUp 2019-02-02 feature: do not display text for cloud related weather codes 0 ... 3 feature: support forcecastResolution=1 2018-12-30 bugfix: max. wind speed of remaining hours of today in PrepareForecastData 2018-12-17 bugfix: check if start/end readings are defined in PrepareForecastData 2018-10-05 bugfix: rain of 1st day not available for all hours 2018-09-22 feature: reading names modified for KML based forecast data compatibility 2018-07-29 feature: auto-update without reloading page 2018-07-22 coding: split off data preparation from HTML generation into function PrepareForecastData 2018-07-21 feature: precipitation display at 1st icon refined to display precipitation up to time at 2nd icon 2018-07-04 feature: wind display at 1st icon refined to display max. speed of remaining day 2018-06-30 feature: temperature display at 2nd icon refined to display min/max/current temperature depending on current time 2018-06-23 feature: support forecast with 3 hours resolution 2018-06-16 coding: functions converted to package DWD_OpenData_Weblink feature: added function to make the Perl module act like a FHEM module if module file is renamed to 99_DWD_OpenData_Weblink.pm 2018-04-02 feature: weather alert indication reimplemented for DWD_OpenData 2018-03-24 feature: use constants for colors bugfix: seconds comparison in method IsDay for day/night detection 2018-03-20 feature: show precipitation of night if 2nd icon shows 2nd day 2018-03-19 bugfix: always use black font for wind strength highlighting feature: use constants for temperature and precipitation thresholds 2018-03-17 feature: set coloured background depending on wind strength feature: set coloured foreground depending on temperature feature: set coloured foreground depending on precipitation 2018-03-15 feature: modified 2nd icon: replaced min./max day temperature with forecast temperature for 2nd day 2018-03-03 feature: enhanced 1st day: show temperature of hour of 1st icon instead of min. day temperature show min. day temperature together with max. day temperature at 2nd icon 2018-02-11 feature: precipitation added 2018-01-27 feature: rewritten for use with DWD_OpenData 2016-08-26 feature: support multiple alerts at same time and display alert description 2015-11-04 feature: use CSS styling feature: show alert messages in modal dialog 2015-11-01 bugfix: reading c_weather not always available feature: added show alert icon for weather warnings 2015-10-11 initial release =cut # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # @TODO size of condition img not always identical # @TODO feature: use DWD alert signs # @TODO title # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 FHEM COMMANDREF METADATA =over =item helper =item summary web presentation of DWD Open Data weather forecast with alerts =item summary_DE Web-Darstellung der DWD Open Data Wettervorhersage mit Wetterwarnungen =back =head1 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION =begin html

DWD_Opendata Weblink

=end html =begin html_DE


=end html_DE =cut