""" problem1.py (10 points) === This is a Python program. The part that you are currently reading is the comment. The *comments* are important to humans reading the program, but are ignored by the computer. Their purpose is to explain what the program is supposed to be doing (and in this case, to give you some explanaitions and instructions). There are several types of comments in Python. This particular type of comment allows us to write many lines of text. It starts with a triple double quote (see the very first line) and it ends with a triple double quotes (see the end of this block of text). Below the end of the comment there are lines of instructions that the computer executes. Use the [ >>> Run ] button at the upper right corner of this page to run this progam. *Running the program* simply means that the computer executes the programs instructions one by one in order that they are written. Once you run this program, answer the questions at the bottom of this file. Simply add text with your answers. """ print ("hello core109 - congratulations on running your first program" ) print ( 3 * 17 - 102/3 + 7 ) """ ==== QUESTION 1: What happens when you run/execute the program? ANSWER 1: === QUESTION 2: How do the two print instructions differ? ANSWER 2: === QUESTION 3: Could you add quotes to the second instruction? Try it and tell us what happened. ANSWER 3: === QUESTION 4: Could you remove quotes from the first instruction? What happens when you try? ANSWER 4: """