""" problem2.py === Programs rarely just perform a task without any user interaction. They usually ask user questions or allow the user to make choices by using menues, clicking buttons and entering information. In Python programs, we use `input` function to obtain information from the user. Run this program and answer the questions below. """ name = input("Hello! What is your name? "); print ("Hi " + name + "! It is lovely to meet you!\n"); num_of_programs_written = input ("How many programs have you written in your life? ") print ("Wow " + num_of_programs_written + "!!!") print ("In this class you will write close to 100 programs.") """ ==== QUESTION 1: What is the difference between the `input` function and the `print` function? In what way are they similar and how do they differ? ANSWER 1: ==== QUESTION 2: In the `print` instruction on line 17, the text in parenthesis is: "Hi " + name + "! It is lovely to meet you!\n" What do you think the + operator does? ANSWER 2: ==== QUESTION 3: What would happen if we removed the space from the end of the string in the `input` instructions on lines 16 and 19? (Try it and see.) Do you think it makes sense to use the space there? ANSWER 3: """