""" problem4.py === In this course, we want to use programming as tool for quantitative reasoning: performing calculations, analyzing data, producing graphs, etc. Python has several packages that help with those tasks. The program in this problem is much more sofisticated than the ones that we looked at so far. But it should not be that hard to figure out what it does and make small changes to it. You will not understand every single instruction here - we do not expect you to. You should read through the instructions, tough, to notice the keywords that might give you a hint of what is going on there. When you run this program, you will not see any output in the console part of the screen. That is a correct behavior. This program produces an image file that is saved to the Lab01 folder. Open another tab in your browser and navigate to the Lab01 folder of PythonAnywhere. You should see a new file there called problem4_NY.png. You can open that file by clicking on the "download" icon next to it (the arrow that points down). This image was produced by the program when you run it. (When you make changes to the program and re-generate the image, you may need to refresh it to see the changes.) Run this program (if you have not done so already) and answer the questions below. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt months = range(1,13) temperatures_high = [39,42,50,60,71,79,85,83,76,65,54,44] temperatures_low = [26,29,35,44,55,64,70,69,61,50,41,32] #show the average high temperatures in red plt.plot(months, temperatures_high, 'r') plt.plot(months, temperatures_high, 'ro') #show the average low temperaturs in blue plt.plot(months, temperatures_low, 'b') plt.plot(months, temperatures_low, 'bo') #set the labels for the horizontal and vertical axis plt.xlabel('month') plt.ylabel('temperature') #change the month labels from numbers to month names plt.xticks(months, ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec') ) #set the tile for the graph plt.title('Average Monthly Temperatures in New York City') #make the grid visible plt.grid(True) #save the graph in an image file plt.savefig("problem4_NY.png") plt.show() """ ==== QUESTION 1: Which line would you need to change to modify the title of the graph in the image? (specify the line number) ANSWER 1: ==== QUESTION 2: Which line would you need to change to modify the January average low teperature to 30 (currently it is 26)? ANSWER 2: ==== QUESTION 3: Which line would you need to change to change the color for the average high temperature from red to yellow? ANSWER 3: ==== QUESTION 4: What do you think is the purpose of lines that start wiht a # symbol in the program? ANSWER 4: ==== QUESTION 5: The data used in this problem for New York City comes from the floowing website https://goo.gl/OkvTmh Use the website to figure out the monthly averate temperatures for the city that you were born in. If you were born in a place for which the website does not have the relevant data OR if you were born in NYC, find another city and use its data instead. Change the name of the file in which the graph is saved to problem4_OTHER.png. Modify the colors of the plots. Change the title of the graph to show the name of the appropriate city. If your modified program produces a new image file, you do not need to provide any answer (leave the changes in this file so that we can generate the same image). If you run into problems when modifying the program, tell us what went wrong in the answer section below. ANSWER 5: """