''' problem3.py (25 points) === Author: To make a little bit of money on the side, you decide to buy candy bars in bulk and sell them individually for a profit! In order to keep track of your revenue, you decide to write a tiny program. The program asks for the following values: * the number of boxes of candy bars purchased * the number of individual candy bars sold * the price per candy bar sold Once those values are entered, the program calculates your profit. Each box of 20 candy bars is $20. * calculate your profit by subtracting your expenses from your revenue. * negative values for profit are acceptable (well, not really, in that you've lost money, but ok for how your program works). * you do not have to check if the number of bars sold are greater than the number of bars bought in bulk. Print out the profit by saying: "After selling [number of candy bars], your total profit is [profit].". * (optional) print out the profit with 2 decimal places Example interaction is below. Every line that starts with ">" represents user input: How many boxes of candy bars did you buy? > 2 How many bars of candy did you sell? > 32 How much did you sell each bar for? > 2 After selling 32 candy bars, your total profit is $24.00. '''